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Visas Da_bartazzz turinys

  1. Žiūrėkit einu į eg bandau prisilogint ir išmeta tokį langą kur parašyta Unable to login to account. Access denied The IP you are using to access the e-gold website (78.61.***.***) appears to be either an open proxy or otherwise exploited. You will not be permitted to access e-gold services from this IP while this condition continues. Your first order of business to restore access should be to make sure that you are computing securely. Please read and implement e-gold's Security Recommendations. After you have resolved any security issues, including virus removal, it may take a day or
  2. Dabar yra visokie Proxy ir t.t. ip ban nemanau kad padetu...
  3. Tai gi nedarys ju mirtinu :huh: na kerta kerta pats turiu bet iskentet galima
  4. Happy B-day ruli :D Nenusigerk... Nors gali :D bet po to ryte galva skaudes :D
  5. opis > thnx uz nuoruoda :D nusipirksiu p.s. Unreal video tos ragatkes :D
  6. Gal memory stick pro duo LINKA numestum ?Butu saunu (jei turi) kad ir fotke imestum ir pasakytum ar veikia ???
  7. D4mn- Gers :lol: pasijuokiau P.s. Youtube'i pasiziurekit ten dar ne tokiu yra :D
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...