Pereiti prie turinio


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evitkus Pranešimai

  1. Tie zmones kurie gavo laiskus kad "cheatino" tai jie pries tai nieko nebuvo gave, ta prasme jokio laisko kaip kad mes gavome "Congrats!" Tai turbut, gausim laiskus su shipping info o ne tai kad cheatinom :D


    lockerz is a big scam only for the people outside america...if you redeem legit and you're not from america you'll recive a mail saying that you cheated and your points will be deducted or 50$...


    Idomiai cia..

  2. is temporarily down for upgrades.Please check back in a bit.


    Thanks, The Lockerz Team

    Nu kam dar rasyti, jei jau buvo auksciau parasyta?


    Ech... Jokio laiško. Gal džiaugtis, o gal ir liūdėti...

    Man tas pats.... ;/ tikiuosi prizas jau issiustas ir laiska gausiu siandien, rytoj..

  3. Paskui parašys, kad čytinai ir viskas. :D




    Kaip ir sakei, keista, dar nuo seno restocko nespėjo visko išsiuntinėti, o jau vėl restock


    Rimtai jie isprotejo.... Gal issiunte prekes musu, bet laisku neatsiunte kad issiusta... Nes rase kad issiuntus prekes tik veliau gausim i pasta kad issiusta..


    ROFL!!!:D :D :D :)



  is temporarily down for upgrades.Please check back in a bit.


    Thanks, The Lockerz Team

  4. Redemption is coming!


    The site's been down because we've been busy building a better way for all our members to redeem. And we've got some good news. We've set up a new place for redeeming PTZ PLACE items in order to handle the crazy, high traffic. The place to redeem is Since we won't announce when we are restocking, keep checking so you'll know when the action happens.


    And while the address is new, keep in mind that the existing Terms and Rules remain. Members who successfully redeem will only receive ONE prize per redemption in order for more members to have a chance to redeem.


    Pitch your Internet tent, get your Lockerz mug filled with coffee, say hi to Odyss, and head over to You earned it. Go get it.



    Jau ruosiasi Redeemui, bet apie shippingus nieko..

  5. "If you ptz got deducted without first receiving a confirmation email, there's a chance you'll get a "you cheated" email."


    Saunu.. Turbut man taip ir bus..


    Bet as pastebejau tie kurie gavo kad cheatino tai tokioj pat formoje ta prasme remuose kaip ir su

    Congrats! Your PTZ Place order has been approved. Your Apple New iPod Touch 64GB will be shipped to you from our warehouse later this month.
    Tai gal cia tie gavo kurie nebuvo gave su tuo Congrats..... Nors velnias zino...
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...