Pereiti prie turinio


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Reputacijos išklotinė

  1. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo Ainas Nikola Tesla   
    Nepamenu, kur bet esu skaitęs lyg ir rusų puslapy, kad dėl tunguskos įvykio kaltas Nikola Tesla, tiklsiai jau neatpasakosiu, kas kur dėl ko, tik pamenu, kad jis sugebėjo pažaboti kamuolinius žaibus, ar net juos sukurti. Nors patys Rusai dangsto viską kaip kosmoso kūno nukritimą, bet kažkokie ekspertai aiškiai paneigė tai dėl sprogimo vietoje išdegusių medžių. Viskas būtų normalu jei būtų tie medžiai paprastai sukepę, bet ten buvo ir medžių šaknys visos iškepusios, o tai yra tik Kamuolinio žaibo bruožas.
    Jei turesiu, kada laiko pabandysiu surast tą medžiagą, gal atmintis neapgavo ir neprimelavau čia.
  2. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į GiGalo Mitybos plano sudarymas   
    Tai avizas paruosti(kaip ir kita maista(vistiena)) galima ivairiai. Jei verdi koshe, virk su ivairiais vaisiais, uogienem. Atsibodo koshes arba neturi laiko jos virt? Susimalk avizas, susiplak su pienu, del skonio gali imest uogienes sauksta, velgi vaisiu arba proteino kausheli. Daugiau fantazijos virtuvej reikia ;)
    P.S asmeniskai pats, beveik kiekviena ryta ISGERIU ~120g avizu + proteino kaushelis su pienu daugiau nei 2 menesiai ir visiskai nejauciu diskomforto ar slykstumo kazkokio.
  3. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo wytas008 pristatė mobiliąją piniginę su unikaliomis inovacijomis   
    Kai dings grynieji - tada valdzia plos... niekas nenusleps jokiu iplauku :))) ot debilizmas.
  4. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo Mindogas Gyvenimas ir darbas Bradforde metams laiko   
    Kambari Gali isšinuomoti už 40-60 Svarų per savaitę. Jei nama nuomotis (tarkim visa kompanija nusprendėt, kad geriau namas nei visiems atskirai kambariuose) 300-400 Svarų per mėnesį + Mokesčiai... gyvenau name puse metų ir gailiuosi, kad nepaieškojau anksčiau kambario. Jei vėl reikėtų ten gyvent. imčiau tik kambarį. Maistas kaip ir visoje anglijoje vienodos kainos.
    Kas liečia populiaciją - Turbūt 7/10 populiacijos yra muslimai. neturiu nieko prieš jos. bet kai teko gyventi apart mūsų namo nebuvo nei vieno balto žmogaus visoje gatvėje.
    Kas liečia darbus - agentūros š*do vertos. Kituose miestuose jei pasirašai kontraką pusei metų ar metams, ir jei nėra darbo - Agentūra vistiek tau moka pinigus... Bradforde nėra darbo - negausi pinigų. Rimtos agentūros šviežienos net nepriima, nors agentūrų rimtesnių yra nemažai. Pati prasčiausia agentūra skaitosi ASSIST Recruitment Agency. Galiu duot jos kontaktus. Jei moki anglų kalbą darbą gausi. Kiek jis pastovus bus priklausys ir nuo tavęs ir nuo fabriko kuriame dirbsi. Morrison parduotuvių tinklams priklausantis "Farmer's Boy" fabrikas visada priima darbo jėga, bet kiek ten dirbsi priklausys ir nuo jų ir nuo tavęs. Viena kart metuose dalina kontraktus ( NETERMINUOTUS ) Girdėjau ir savo akimis mačiau, kad perspektyvūs žmonės ten padaro karjerą.
    ASSIST agentūra siunčia į minėtajį Farmer's Boy ; Rūbų parduotuvių tinklo NEXT fabrikus (geriausia vieta kokia teko matyt) ir dar vieną fabriką kurio nepamenu. Ant plastikinių kibirų spausdina užrašus.
    Apie fabrikus:
    Farmer's Boy:
    Darbo valandos: 8
    Pertraukos: 1 (jei gerai pamenu 45min, užtenka persirengt, pavalgyt, jei rukai - turi labau skubėt)
    Valdžia: Visi labai pikti, rodo savo rangą visiems, kad jie čia šeimininkai. (buvo įvykių, kai Anglas direktorius trenkė Lenkui į veidą. Anglas gavo papeikimą, Lenkas daugiau niekur negavo darbo...)
    Viršvalandžiai: Jei esi agentūros atsiūstas (neturi kontrakto su pačiu FB) niekas tau jokiu viršvalandžių nemokės.
    Darbo valandos: 8
    Pertraukos: 1 Pagrindinė ir dar 2 po 15 min. (kas leidžia atsipūsti)
    Valdžia: Superinė kartais net nepasakysi, kad jie tavo valdžia.
    Viršvalandžiai: Tas pats kas FB
    Tas kitas fabrikas:
    Darbo valandos: 8 ; 12
    Petraukos: 1 (kartais išpuola produkto keitimas, reikia išvalyti visus printerius ir t.t. tai užtrunka nuo 30min iki 2val. Dienineje pamainoje tave paskirs kitur, tačiau jei įsitrinsi į naktinę.... Dirbsi 3-5 Val. o mokės už 8val ;)) Viena iš Vadybininkių yra Latvė, labai draugiška ir maloni. Dar vienas pavizdys, kad įmanoma padaryt karjėrą.
    Daugiau nežinau, kas domina, parašyk... Jei vėl reikėtų keliaut į UK, BRADFORDO nesirinkčiau. ŠIUKŠLYNAS.
  5. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo biz Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Klystat tik dėl vieno - kad apart Vilniaus visa kita dykvietes... perka žmonės viską. buvau užsienyje ir pavyko gauti nemažai elektronikos. Labai rinkausi ir neėmiau betko... Pasirodo klydau, netgi paskutinę dieną prigriebęs betką kas tilpo dar į automobilį - Pardaviau...
    Dėl viso kito dėkoju labai. Jūsų patarimai ir pasisakymai turės įtakos.
  6. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į kde Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Also(GNT), Acme, IT4Profit ir kiti
  7. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į Karolis03 Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Jeigu kalbant apie tiekėjus europoje tai kažint ar kas nors iš forumiečiu skelbs tokius konktaktus už dyka. Informacija kainuoja :)
  8. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į Fakktas Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Imi iš vietinių tiekėjų viską. Kol neturi normalios apyvartos, bus didelės kainos. Todėl prekiauji +-už savikainą, kad pasikeltum apyvartą ir galėtum mažesnėmis kainomis gauti prekių, o tada jau toliau vystai veiklą.
    Bet kadangi rinka jau perpildyta, tai sunku bus...
  9. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į vycius2003 Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Lietuvoje auganti rinka? Nejuokinkit.....Jeigu ne belorusai, cia isvis viskas merdėtu.
  10. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į Mikaz Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Na nereikia buti pesimistu. Kiekviena preke turi savo pirkeja, tik masinu, tiek IT, tiek baldu ir kitose srityse. Kas nori, moka ir stengiasi tas parduoda. Vidineje rinkoje gali puikiai suktis, milijonu neuzdirbsi, bet suprekiauti tikrai galima. Tiesiog reikia stengtis, buti geresniu nei konkurentai ir teikti aukstesne aptarnavimo kokybe nei kiti.
    Kas liecia tiekejus:
    yra vietininiai lituvoje, tie patys pamineti acme, also, elko, gnt, abcdata ir t.t
    yra uzsieniniai: sitie reikalai kainuoja, taip niekas info neatskleis.
    Taip pat yra gamintojai, ju distributoriai, didmenininkai ir t.t Cia reikes ideti nemazai darbo norit aplenkti kelis paskutinius pardavejus ir patekti kuo arciau gamintojo. Zinoma ir su vaikiskais kiekiais nieko nebus.
  11. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į vycius2003 Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    visa konkurencija pas mus susiveda i kainų mušimą betkokiom priemonėm :) esu girdėjęs draudimo atstovo kalbą, kokia iškreipta draudimo rinka Lietuvoje, kaip Maxima pradėjo mušt kainas su polisais ir t.t kas jau nebeužtikrina elementarios paslaugos kokybės, nes viskam yra riba. Tas pats su viskuo Lietuvoje, dirbančių mažėja, emigracija baisi, Lietuvoje beliko Vilnius (praskolintas beje), na gal dar Klaipėda su savo uostu ir verslais, likusi Lietuva tai merdintys laukai ir miesteliai be žmonių, su geriančiais kaimo žmogeliais, viskas, kas dar likę iš jaunimo betkokiom priemonėm bando į Vilnių persikraustyt, sakyčiau amen šitai šaliai :)
  12. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į Mikaz Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Kol kiekvienas pirks pigiausias paslaugas ir prekes, rinksis prekes ne pagal kokybe ar aptarnavima o pagal kaina, tol taip ir bus rinkoje. Visi dziaugiasi sutaupe 50lt, bet skundziasi kad mazai uzdirba. Uzdaras ratas. Kaimiecius ir riboto mastymo zmones lengviausia paveikti su nuolaida (nors ir netikra), geltonom akciju etiketem ir pan. Seniai meciau sita reikala su konkuravimu tik kainomis. Kai nustoji nusirengineti ir vykdai kitokia kainodara/marketinga uzdirbi gerokai daugiau nei parduodamas dvigubai daugiau bet su 2-3% marza. Susikoncentruoji i kokybe ir patenkita klienta bei jo aptarnavima, automatishkai gauni feedbacka ir rekomendajas, sumazeje islaidos reklamai. Dirbi maziau - uzdirbi daugiau.
    Ir taip galima daugelyje sriciu suktis, tereikia labiau pasukti smegenis, o ne nusirengineti ir dirbi uz dyka. Buk savo srities specu, ir visada turesi darbu. O jei esi eilinis vadybininkas ir tavo norai bei galimybes prasideda 8 val ryto ir baigiasi 17val tai greiciausiai ir liksi toje pilkoje maseje.
    Gerai kazkas yra pasakes, kad yra trys zmoniu rusys:
    1. Those who looks things happening
    2. Those who makes things happen
    3. Whose who wonders "what the ###### happened"
  13. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į MacT Kaip susirasti patikimus ryšius?   
    Čia tau amen, o ne Lietuvai, turbūt be kompiuterio ekrano nieko daugiau nematai. Kaip ir buvo minėta, kiekviena prekė turi savo pirkėją, bet nemanau, kad autorius sulauks komentaruose naudingos informacijos, šiais laikais už dyką ir į galvą sunku gaut :)
  14. Patinka
    Vendetta sureagavo į donce78 300+ tiekėjų kontaktai   
    Gal kam pravers tiekeju kontaktai. pirkti ebay. yra ivairiu tiekeju: paletemis drabuziai elektronika, kosmetika ir t.t.
    List of Wholesale Suppliers.pdf
  15. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo Mindogas Gyvenimas ir darbas Bradforde metams laiko   
    Kambari Gali isšinuomoti už 40-60 Svarų per savaitę. Jei nama nuomotis (tarkim visa kompanija nusprendėt, kad geriau namas nei visiems atskirai kambariuose) 300-400 Svarų per mėnesį + Mokesčiai... gyvenau name puse metų ir gailiuosi, kad nepaieškojau anksčiau kambario. Jei vėl reikėtų ten gyvent. imčiau tik kambarį. Maistas kaip ir visoje anglijoje vienodos kainos.
    Kas liečia populiaciją - Turbūt 7/10 populiacijos yra muslimai. neturiu nieko prieš jos. bet kai teko gyventi apart mūsų namo nebuvo nei vieno balto žmogaus visoje gatvėje.
    Kas liečia darbus - agentūros š*do vertos. Kituose miestuose jei pasirašai kontraką pusei metų ar metams, ir jei nėra darbo - Agentūra vistiek tau moka pinigus... Bradforde nėra darbo - negausi pinigų. Rimtos agentūros šviežienos net nepriima, nors agentūrų rimtesnių yra nemažai. Pati prasčiausia agentūra skaitosi ASSIST Recruitment Agency. Galiu duot jos kontaktus. Jei moki anglų kalbą darbą gausi. Kiek jis pastovus bus priklausys ir nuo tavęs ir nuo fabriko kuriame dirbsi. Morrison parduotuvių tinklams priklausantis "Farmer's Boy" fabrikas visada priima darbo jėga, bet kiek ten dirbsi priklausys ir nuo jų ir nuo tavęs. Viena kart metuose dalina kontraktus ( NETERMINUOTUS ) Girdėjau ir savo akimis mačiau, kad perspektyvūs žmonės ten padaro karjerą.
    ASSIST agentūra siunčia į minėtajį Farmer's Boy ; Rūbų parduotuvių tinklo NEXT fabrikus (geriausia vieta kokia teko matyt) ir dar vieną fabriką kurio nepamenu. Ant plastikinių kibirų spausdina užrašus.
    Apie fabrikus:
    Farmer's Boy:
    Darbo valandos: 8
    Pertraukos: 1 (jei gerai pamenu 45min, užtenka persirengt, pavalgyt, jei rukai - turi labau skubėt)
    Valdžia: Visi labai pikti, rodo savo rangą visiems, kad jie čia šeimininkai. (buvo įvykių, kai Anglas direktorius trenkė Lenkui į veidą. Anglas gavo papeikimą, Lenkas daugiau niekur negavo darbo...)
    Viršvalandžiai: Jei esi agentūros atsiūstas (neturi kontrakto su pačiu FB) niekas tau jokiu viršvalandžių nemokės.
    Darbo valandos: 8
    Pertraukos: 1 Pagrindinė ir dar 2 po 15 min. (kas leidžia atsipūsti)
    Valdžia: Superinė kartais net nepasakysi, kad jie tavo valdžia.
    Viršvalandžiai: Tas pats kas FB
    Tas kitas fabrikas:
    Darbo valandos: 8 ; 12
    Petraukos: 1 (kartais išpuola produkto keitimas, reikia išvalyti visus printerius ir t.t. tai užtrunka nuo 30min iki 2val. Dienineje pamainoje tave paskirs kitur, tačiau jei įsitrinsi į naktinę.... Dirbsi 3-5 Val. o mokės už 8val ;)) Viena iš Vadybininkių yra Latvė, labai draugiška ir maloni. Dar vienas pavizdys, kad įmanoma padaryt karjėrą.
    Daugiau nežinau, kas domina, parašyk... Jei vėl reikėtų keliaut į UK, BRADFORDO nesirinkčiau. ŠIUKŠLYNAS.
  16. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo NickasLT EBAY, GUMTREE ir kt. parduotuviu klientai bukite budrus.   
    Aloha, su niekuo as cia nebendrauju ir niekam as neidomus bet vistiek pasipasakosiu:
    Neidomus nei jusu puslapis man nei jusu skolininku visas sarasas (tarpkitko su ernestu tas serialas tikrai patiko)
    Benarsydamas po jusu ta Neidomu puslapiuka nusprendziau pasidalinti patirtimi:
    Pardavinejau telefona kuris sudomino Somalio Piratus :D na bent jau is tu paciu ten genciu.
    Is pradziu atrode iprastai zmogus domisi apie tel. bukle ir pan. po mano atsakymo gavau stai ka:
    Good to read from you, have read the condition of the item which is
    okay by me, i'm buying as gift for a friend,and i'll be paying you via
    PayPal with additional £20 for postage which will be via Royal Mail
    international register post. So send me a PayPal payment request to
    make payment, so that you can post it tomorrow as soon as you receive
    payment from PayPal.i can be reach on 07023094577 my PayPal email
    account is : [email protected]
    Viskas tvarkingai, nusiunciau requesta ir gavau:
    Dear Bla bla bla,
    We received total sum of £270.00 GBP save and secured from Amy Grant deposited to your account but due to our new policy we are to confirm the postage tracking number within 24hours before the fund will be credited to your account, You are hereby authorize to deliver the item and get back to us for verification.
    If you have any question, Please contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order :
    [email protected]
    pastaraji laiska gavau ale is Paypal. kuris kaip keista siunte ji is adreso: [email protected]
    nors visada gaudavau is service.intl ar kazkas tokio.
    kadangi smirdziu angluose. tai ir vienam is ju forumu smirdejau apsilankes ten pauostinejes visa smarve radau kad tai gan labai populiarus Scam'as kuri naudoja visuose imanomuose parduotuvese kaip Ebay Gumtree ir pan.
    Tad pilieciai bukit budrus jei prekiaujate kuo nors kokiame ebay. jei kam labai smalsu tesiog nukopijuokite kelis sakinius is to laiskucio kuri ale paypalas atsiunte. ir imeskit i google rasit daug info apie tuos scamerius is nygerios.
    tai tiek.
    Dovanokit visiskai neidomus zmones, bet informacija ANGLU KALBA nemanau kad tai didele beda bus bet visgi verta pasiskaityti:
    It’s easy to focus on the $6 billion money train that is the eBay “digital marketplace” (or auction site in everyday language – “Internet Marketers, Are you on the eBay Money Train Yet?” But if you’re not careful, you could fall prey to scam artists.
    With a worldwide audience, that set of Pez dispensers could evoke a fierce bidding war between collectors in Belgium and Thailand, and the tussle could boost your sale price quite substantially. But again, beware the sharks out there.
    Last week, I put up a cell phone for auction on eBay and within 4 hours, a buyer took up the “Buy It Now” option, purchasing the phone at the price I specified. This certainly was a bright prospect for my eBay plans. What’s more I got a PayPal payment notification from the UK buyer, along with an email that read:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    A UK buyer asking for a cell phone to be sent to Nigeria?
    Plus the PayPal “payment notification” looked dubious. The payment amounts were all wrong and it came from “[email protected]” instead of the regular “[email protected]” (a hallmark of scam artists = poor spelling).
    Even better, the email was sent from: “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” – pretty poor email spoofing if you ask me.
    As if these weren’t bad enough, the “bidder” had the audacity to send more fake email:
    Dear andrew wee,
    We hereby notify you of the transaction that was effected by Slong Girl for the
    payment of the item(s) purchased from you on eBayand provide guidelines on how your funds
    would be released.
    A notification of this transaction on PayPal as been sent to you immediately the payment
    was effected, and we are yet to read from you. Please be informed that the money has
    been deducted from Slong Girl account and is pending on PayPal database.
    This money will be released into your account as soon as the tracking number for the shipment
    has been sent to us at [email protected] for verification. You are adviced
    to ship this item and send the tracking number you recieve from the post office to us at the
    above email address.
    We will send you an email as soon as the funds has been released into your account, until then
    we wait for the tracking number for the shipment. Ship the Item to the address included in the
    email used to you notify you of the payment for your item(s) ONLY!
    Thank you using PayPal.
    Chris Campbell
    PP Email ID 936
    This was sent from the same and emails.
    So the scam works in this way:
    * They do a bait and switch on you: A US or UK eBay buyer will request for the item to be sent to Nigeria.
    * They’ll mail you saying the payment is “held” pending shipment of the item and for you to send them the tracking number.
    * If you fall for this, you’ll ship the item.
    * They’ll disappear.
    If you’re unsure, mail eBay’s customer service and get assistance.
    Other telltale scam artist signs:
    * The account was created a few hours or a few days ago
    * Yours is the first item they have bought (they seem to like cell phones, PDAs and small electronic equipment they can presumably offload into the black market easily)
    Checking the eBay site a day later, I found the person’s account had been suspended.
    They are persistant though, here’s a followup email I received:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    If you’re newer to eBay, do realize that the protocol is to receive payments BEFORE you ship items to the buyer.
    PayPal provides some level of consumer protection for buyers, but you need to be savvy if you’re a seller.
  17. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo NickasLT EBAY, GUMTREE ir kt. parduotuviu klientai bukite budrus.   
    Aloha, su niekuo as cia nebendrauju ir niekam as neidomus bet vistiek pasipasakosiu:
    Neidomus nei jusu puslapis man nei jusu skolininku visas sarasas (tarpkitko su ernestu tas serialas tikrai patiko)
    Benarsydamas po jusu ta Neidomu puslapiuka nusprendziau pasidalinti patirtimi:
    Pardavinejau telefona kuris sudomino Somalio Piratus :D na bent jau is tu paciu ten genciu.
    Is pradziu atrode iprastai zmogus domisi apie tel. bukle ir pan. po mano atsakymo gavau stai ka:
    Good to read from you, have read the condition of the item which is
    okay by me, i'm buying as gift for a friend,and i'll be paying you via
    PayPal with additional £20 for postage which will be via Royal Mail
    international register post. So send me a PayPal payment request to
    make payment, so that you can post it tomorrow as soon as you receive
    payment from PayPal.i can be reach on 07023094577 my PayPal email
    account is : [email protected]
    Viskas tvarkingai, nusiunciau requesta ir gavau:
    Dear Bla bla bla,
    We received total sum of £270.00 GBP save and secured from Amy Grant deposited to your account but due to our new policy we are to confirm the postage tracking number within 24hours before the fund will be credited to your account, You are hereby authorize to deliver the item and get back to us for verification.
    If you have any question, Please contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order :
    [email protected]
    pastaraji laiska gavau ale is Paypal. kuris kaip keista siunte ji is adreso: [email protected]
    nors visada gaudavau is service.intl ar kazkas tokio.
    kadangi smirdziu angluose. tai ir vienam is ju forumu smirdejau apsilankes ten pauostinejes visa smarve radau kad tai gan labai populiarus Scam'as kuri naudoja visuose imanomuose parduotuvese kaip Ebay Gumtree ir pan.
    Tad pilieciai bukit budrus jei prekiaujate kuo nors kokiame ebay. jei kam labai smalsu tesiog nukopijuokite kelis sakinius is to laiskucio kuri ale paypalas atsiunte. ir imeskit i google rasit daug info apie tuos scamerius is nygerios.
    tai tiek.
    Dovanokit visiskai neidomus zmones, bet informacija ANGLU KALBA nemanau kad tai didele beda bus bet visgi verta pasiskaityti:
    It’s easy to focus on the $6 billion money train that is the eBay “digital marketplace” (or auction site in everyday language – “Internet Marketers, Are you on the eBay Money Train Yet?” But if you’re not careful, you could fall prey to scam artists.
    With a worldwide audience, that set of Pez dispensers could evoke a fierce bidding war between collectors in Belgium and Thailand, and the tussle could boost your sale price quite substantially. But again, beware the sharks out there.
    Last week, I put up a cell phone for auction on eBay and within 4 hours, a buyer took up the “Buy It Now” option, purchasing the phone at the price I specified. This certainly was a bright prospect for my eBay plans. What’s more I got a PayPal payment notification from the UK buyer, along with an email that read:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    A UK buyer asking for a cell phone to be sent to Nigeria?
    Plus the PayPal “payment notification” looked dubious. The payment amounts were all wrong and it came from “[email protected]” instead of the regular “[email protected]” (a hallmark of scam artists = poor spelling).
    Even better, the email was sent from: “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” – pretty poor email spoofing if you ask me.
    As if these weren’t bad enough, the “bidder” had the audacity to send more fake email:
    Dear andrew wee,
    We hereby notify you of the transaction that was effected by Slong Girl for the
    payment of the item(s) purchased from you on eBayand provide guidelines on how your funds
    would be released.
    A notification of this transaction on PayPal as been sent to you immediately the payment
    was effected, and we are yet to read from you. Please be informed that the money has
    been deducted from Slong Girl account and is pending on PayPal database.
    This money will be released into your account as soon as the tracking number for the shipment
    has been sent to us at [email protected] for verification. You are adviced
    to ship this item and send the tracking number you recieve from the post office to us at the
    above email address.
    We will send you an email as soon as the funds has been released into your account, until then
    we wait for the tracking number for the shipment. Ship the Item to the address included in the
    email used to you notify you of the payment for your item(s) ONLY!
    Thank you using PayPal.
    Chris Campbell
    PP Email ID 936
    This was sent from the same and emails.
    So the scam works in this way:
    * They do a bait and switch on you: A US or UK eBay buyer will request for the item to be sent to Nigeria.
    * They’ll mail you saying the payment is “held” pending shipment of the item and for you to send them the tracking number.
    * If you fall for this, you’ll ship the item.
    * They’ll disappear.
    If you’re unsure, mail eBay’s customer service and get assistance.
    Other telltale scam artist signs:
    * The account was created a few hours or a few days ago
    * Yours is the first item they have bought (they seem to like cell phones, PDAs and small electronic equipment they can presumably offload into the black market easily)
    Checking the eBay site a day later, I found the person’s account had been suspended.
    They are persistant though, here’s a followup email I received:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    If you’re newer to eBay, do realize that the protocol is to receive payments BEFORE you ship items to the buyer.
    PayPal provides some level of consumer protection for buyers, but you need to be savvy if you’re a seller.
  18. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo NickasLT EBAY, GUMTREE ir kt. parduotuviu klientai bukite budrus.   
    Aloha, su niekuo as cia nebendrauju ir niekam as neidomus bet vistiek pasipasakosiu:
    Neidomus nei jusu puslapis man nei jusu skolininku visas sarasas (tarpkitko su ernestu tas serialas tikrai patiko)
    Benarsydamas po jusu ta Neidomu puslapiuka nusprendziau pasidalinti patirtimi:
    Pardavinejau telefona kuris sudomino Somalio Piratus :D na bent jau is tu paciu ten genciu.
    Is pradziu atrode iprastai zmogus domisi apie tel. bukle ir pan. po mano atsakymo gavau stai ka:
    Good to read from you, have read the condition of the item which is
    okay by me, i'm buying as gift for a friend,and i'll be paying you via
    PayPal with additional £20 for postage which will be via Royal Mail
    international register post. So send me a PayPal payment request to
    make payment, so that you can post it tomorrow as soon as you receive
    payment from PayPal.i can be reach on 07023094577 my PayPal email
    account is : [email protected]
    Viskas tvarkingai, nusiunciau requesta ir gavau:
    Dear Bla bla bla,
    We received total sum of £270.00 GBP save and secured from Amy Grant deposited to your account but due to our new policy we are to confirm the postage tracking number within 24hours before the fund will be credited to your account, You are hereby authorize to deliver the item and get back to us for verification.
    If you have any question, Please contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order :
    [email protected]
    pastaraji laiska gavau ale is Paypal. kuris kaip keista siunte ji is adreso: [email protected]
    nors visada gaudavau is service.intl ar kazkas tokio.
    kadangi smirdziu angluose. tai ir vienam is ju forumu smirdejau apsilankes ten pauostinejes visa smarve radau kad tai gan labai populiarus Scam'as kuri naudoja visuose imanomuose parduotuvese kaip Ebay Gumtree ir pan.
    Tad pilieciai bukit budrus jei prekiaujate kuo nors kokiame ebay. jei kam labai smalsu tesiog nukopijuokite kelis sakinius is to laiskucio kuri ale paypalas atsiunte. ir imeskit i google rasit daug info apie tuos scamerius is nygerios.
    tai tiek.
    Dovanokit visiskai neidomus zmones, bet informacija ANGLU KALBA nemanau kad tai didele beda bus bet visgi verta pasiskaityti:
    It’s easy to focus on the $6 billion money train that is the eBay “digital marketplace” (or auction site in everyday language – “Internet Marketers, Are you on the eBay Money Train Yet?” But if you’re not careful, you could fall prey to scam artists.
    With a worldwide audience, that set of Pez dispensers could evoke a fierce bidding war between collectors in Belgium and Thailand, and the tussle could boost your sale price quite substantially. But again, beware the sharks out there.
    Last week, I put up a cell phone for auction on eBay and within 4 hours, a buyer took up the “Buy It Now” option, purchasing the phone at the price I specified. This certainly was a bright prospect for my eBay plans. What’s more I got a PayPal payment notification from the UK buyer, along with an email that read:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    A UK buyer asking for a cell phone to be sent to Nigeria?
    Plus the PayPal “payment notification” looked dubious. The payment amounts were all wrong and it came from “[email protected]” instead of the regular “[email protected]” (a hallmark of scam artists = poor spelling).
    Even better, the email was sent from: “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” – pretty poor email spoofing if you ask me.
    As if these weren’t bad enough, the “bidder” had the audacity to send more fake email:
    Dear andrew wee,
    We hereby notify you of the transaction that was effected by Slong Girl for the
    payment of the item(s) purchased from you on eBayand provide guidelines on how your funds
    would be released.
    A notification of this transaction on PayPal as been sent to you immediately the payment
    was effected, and we are yet to read from you. Please be informed that the money has
    been deducted from Slong Girl account and is pending on PayPal database.
    This money will be released into your account as soon as the tracking number for the shipment
    has been sent to us at [email protected] for verification. You are adviced
    to ship this item and send the tracking number you recieve from the post office to us at the
    above email address.
    We will send you an email as soon as the funds has been released into your account, until then
    we wait for the tracking number for the shipment. Ship the Item to the address included in the
    email used to you notify you of the payment for your item(s) ONLY!
    Thank you using PayPal.
    Chris Campbell
    PP Email ID 936
    This was sent from the same and emails.
    So the scam works in this way:
    * They do a bait and switch on you: A US or UK eBay buyer will request for the item to be sent to Nigeria.
    * They’ll mail you saying the payment is “held” pending shipment of the item and for you to send them the tracking number.
    * If you fall for this, you’ll ship the item.
    * They’ll disappear.
    If you’re unsure, mail eBay’s customer service and get assistance.
    Other telltale scam artist signs:
    * The account was created a few hours or a few days ago
    * Yours is the first item they have bought (they seem to like cell phones, PDAs and small electronic equipment they can presumably offload into the black market easily)
    Checking the eBay site a day later, I found the person’s account had been suspended.
    They are persistant though, here’s a followup email I received:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    If you’re newer to eBay, do realize that the protocol is to receive payments BEFORE you ship items to the buyer.
    PayPal provides some level of consumer protection for buyers, but you need to be savvy if you’re a seller.
  19. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo NickasLT EBAY, GUMTREE ir kt. parduotuviu klientai bukite budrus.   
    Aloha, su niekuo as cia nebendrauju ir niekam as neidomus bet vistiek pasipasakosiu:
    Neidomus nei jusu puslapis man nei jusu skolininku visas sarasas (tarpkitko su ernestu tas serialas tikrai patiko)
    Benarsydamas po jusu ta Neidomu puslapiuka nusprendziau pasidalinti patirtimi:
    Pardavinejau telefona kuris sudomino Somalio Piratus :D na bent jau is tu paciu ten genciu.
    Is pradziu atrode iprastai zmogus domisi apie tel. bukle ir pan. po mano atsakymo gavau stai ka:
    Good to read from you, have read the condition of the item which is
    okay by me, i'm buying as gift for a friend,and i'll be paying you via
    PayPal with additional £20 for postage which will be via Royal Mail
    international register post. So send me a PayPal payment request to
    make payment, so that you can post it tomorrow as soon as you receive
    payment from PayPal.i can be reach on 07023094577 my PayPal email
    account is : [email protected]
    Viskas tvarkingai, nusiunciau requesta ir gavau:
    Dear Bla bla bla,
    We received total sum of £270.00 GBP save and secured from Amy Grant deposited to your account but due to our new policy we are to confirm the postage tracking number within 24hours before the fund will be credited to your account, You are hereby authorize to deliver the item and get back to us for verification.
    If you have any question, Please contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order :
    [email protected]
    pastaraji laiska gavau ale is Paypal. kuris kaip keista siunte ji is adreso: [email protected]
    nors visada gaudavau is service.intl ar kazkas tokio.
    kadangi smirdziu angluose. tai ir vienam is ju forumu smirdejau apsilankes ten pauostinejes visa smarve radau kad tai gan labai populiarus Scam'as kuri naudoja visuose imanomuose parduotuvese kaip Ebay Gumtree ir pan.
    Tad pilieciai bukit budrus jei prekiaujate kuo nors kokiame ebay. jei kam labai smalsu tesiog nukopijuokite kelis sakinius is to laiskucio kuri ale paypalas atsiunte. ir imeskit i google rasit daug info apie tuos scamerius is nygerios.
    tai tiek.
    Dovanokit visiskai neidomus zmones, bet informacija ANGLU KALBA nemanau kad tai didele beda bus bet visgi verta pasiskaityti:
    It’s easy to focus on the $6 billion money train that is the eBay “digital marketplace” (or auction site in everyday language – “Internet Marketers, Are you on the eBay Money Train Yet?” But if you’re not careful, you could fall prey to scam artists.
    With a worldwide audience, that set of Pez dispensers could evoke a fierce bidding war between collectors in Belgium and Thailand, and the tussle could boost your sale price quite substantially. But again, beware the sharks out there.
    Last week, I put up a cell phone for auction on eBay and within 4 hours, a buyer took up the “Buy It Now” option, purchasing the phone at the price I specified. This certainly was a bright prospect for my eBay plans. What’s more I got a PayPal payment notification from the UK buyer, along with an email that read:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    A UK buyer asking for a cell phone to be sent to Nigeria?
    Plus the PayPal “payment notification” looked dubious. The payment amounts were all wrong and it came from “[email protected]” instead of the regular “[email protected]” (a hallmark of scam artists = poor spelling).
    Even better, the email was sent from: “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” – pretty poor email spoofing if you ask me.
    As if these weren’t bad enough, the “bidder” had the audacity to send more fake email:
    Dear andrew wee,
    We hereby notify you of the transaction that was effected by Slong Girl for the
    payment of the item(s) purchased from you on eBayand provide guidelines on how your funds
    would be released.
    A notification of this transaction on PayPal as been sent to you immediately the payment
    was effected, and we are yet to read from you. Please be informed that the money has
    been deducted from Slong Girl account and is pending on PayPal database.
    This money will be released into your account as soon as the tracking number for the shipment
    has been sent to us at [email protected] for verification. You are adviced
    to ship this item and send the tracking number you recieve from the post office to us at the
    above email address.
    We will send you an email as soon as the funds has been released into your account, until then
    we wait for the tracking number for the shipment. Ship the Item to the address included in the
    email used to you notify you of the payment for your item(s) ONLY!
    Thank you using PayPal.
    Chris Campbell
    PP Email ID 936
    This was sent from the same and emails.
    So the scam works in this way:
    * They do a bait and switch on you: A US or UK eBay buyer will request for the item to be sent to Nigeria.
    * They’ll mail you saying the payment is “held” pending shipment of the item and for you to send them the tracking number.
    * If you fall for this, you’ll ship the item.
    * They’ll disappear.
    If you’re unsure, mail eBay’s customer service and get assistance.
    Other telltale scam artist signs:
    * The account was created a few hours or a few days ago
    * Yours is the first item they have bought (they seem to like cell phones, PDAs and small electronic equipment they can presumably offload into the black market easily)
    Checking the eBay site a day later, I found the person’s account had been suspended.
    They are persistant though, here’s a followup email I received:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    If you’re newer to eBay, do realize that the protocol is to receive payments BEFORE you ship items to the buyer.
    PayPal provides some level of consumer protection for buyers, but you need to be savvy if you’re a seller.
  20. Patinka
    Vendetta gavo reakciją nuo NickasLT EBAY, GUMTREE ir kt. parduotuviu klientai bukite budrus.   
    Aloha, su niekuo as cia nebendrauju ir niekam as neidomus bet vistiek pasipasakosiu:
    Neidomus nei jusu puslapis man nei jusu skolininku visas sarasas (tarpkitko su ernestu tas serialas tikrai patiko)
    Benarsydamas po jusu ta Neidomu puslapiuka nusprendziau pasidalinti patirtimi:
    Pardavinejau telefona kuris sudomino Somalio Piratus :D na bent jau is tu paciu ten genciu.
    Is pradziu atrode iprastai zmogus domisi apie tel. bukle ir pan. po mano atsakymo gavau stai ka:
    Good to read from you, have read the condition of the item which is
    okay by me, i'm buying as gift for a friend,and i'll be paying you via
    PayPal with additional £20 for postage which will be via Royal Mail
    international register post. So send me a PayPal payment request to
    make payment, so that you can post it tomorrow as soon as you receive
    payment from PayPal.i can be reach on 07023094577 my PayPal email
    account is : [email protected]
    Viskas tvarkingai, nusiunciau requesta ir gavau:
    Dear Bla bla bla,
    We received total sum of £270.00 GBP save and secured from Amy Grant deposited to your account but due to our new policy we are to confirm the postage tracking number within 24hours before the fund will be credited to your account, You are hereby authorize to deliver the item and get back to us for verification.
    If you have any question, Please contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order :
    [email protected]
    pastaraji laiska gavau ale is Paypal. kuris kaip keista siunte ji is adreso: [email protected]
    nors visada gaudavau is service.intl ar kazkas tokio.
    kadangi smirdziu angluose. tai ir vienam is ju forumu smirdejau apsilankes ten pauostinejes visa smarve radau kad tai gan labai populiarus Scam'as kuri naudoja visuose imanomuose parduotuvese kaip Ebay Gumtree ir pan.
    Tad pilieciai bukit budrus jei prekiaujate kuo nors kokiame ebay. jei kam labai smalsu tesiog nukopijuokite kelis sakinius is to laiskucio kuri ale paypalas atsiunte. ir imeskit i google rasit daug info apie tuos scamerius is nygerios.
    tai tiek.
    Dovanokit visiskai neidomus zmones, bet informacija ANGLU KALBA nemanau kad tai didele beda bus bet visgi verta pasiskaityti:
    It’s easy to focus on the $6 billion money train that is the eBay “digital marketplace” (or auction site in everyday language – “Internet Marketers, Are you on the eBay Money Train Yet?” But if you’re not careful, you could fall prey to scam artists.
    With a worldwide audience, that set of Pez dispensers could evoke a fierce bidding war between collectors in Belgium and Thailand, and the tussle could boost your sale price quite substantially. But again, beware the sharks out there.
    Last week, I put up a cell phone for auction on eBay and within 4 hours, a buyer took up the “Buy It Now” option, purchasing the phone at the price I specified. This certainly was a bright prospect for my eBay plans. What’s more I got a PayPal payment notification from the UK buyer, along with an email that read:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    A UK buyer asking for a cell phone to be sent to Nigeria?
    Plus the PayPal “payment notification” looked dubious. The payment amounts were all wrong and it came from “[email protected]” instead of the regular “[email protected]” (a hallmark of scam artists = poor spelling).
    Even better, the email was sent from: “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” – pretty poor email spoofing if you ask me.
    As if these weren’t bad enough, the “bidder” had the audacity to send more fake email:
    Dear andrew wee,
    We hereby notify you of the transaction that was effected by Slong Girl for the
    payment of the item(s) purchased from you on eBayand provide guidelines on how your funds
    would be released.
    A notification of this transaction on PayPal as been sent to you immediately the payment
    was effected, and we are yet to read from you. Please be informed that the money has
    been deducted from Slong Girl account and is pending on PayPal database.
    This money will be released into your account as soon as the tracking number for the shipment
    has been sent to us at [email protected] for verification. You are adviced
    to ship this item and send the tracking number you recieve from the post office to us at the
    above email address.
    We will send you an email as soon as the funds has been released into your account, until then
    we wait for the tracking number for the shipment. Ship the Item to the address included in the
    email used to you notify you of the payment for your item(s) ONLY!
    Thank you using PayPal.
    Chris Campbell
    PP Email ID 936
    This was sent from the same and emails.
    So the scam works in this way:
    * They do a bait and switch on you: A US or UK eBay buyer will request for the item to be sent to Nigeria.
    * They’ll mail you saying the payment is “held” pending shipment of the item and for you to send them the tracking number.
    * If you fall for this, you’ll ship the item.
    * They’ll disappear.
    If you’re unsure, mail eBay’s customer service and get assistance.
    Other telltale scam artist signs:
    * The account was created a few hours or a few days ago
    * Yours is the first item they have bought (they seem to like cell phones, PDAs and small electronic equipment they can presumably offload into the black market easily)
    Checking the eBay site a day later, I found the person’s account had been suspended.
    They are persistant though, here’s a followup email I received:
    I just sent the payment for the item. I also included
    an estimated cost of shipping to Nigeria for my son
    company. Please let me know when you get a
    notification from ebay that Slong Girl sent you a
    payment. Send me the tracking number via auspost as
    soon as you ship the item. I am having difficulties
    getting across to my son that manage her father
    company over there. I gave his address to paypal for
    verification and it has been confirmed so it should be
    in the payment notification.
    His correct mailing address again is:
    Atolagbe Agbede
    03 Ijaiye Road
    Opp Mobil Filling Station
    Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos
    Nigeria 23401
    Thanks and I hope to read from you as soon as possible
    cos I want this to get to him at the shortest period
    of time.

    If you’re newer to eBay, do realize that the protocol is to receive payments BEFORE you ship items to the buyer.
    PayPal provides some level of consumer protection for buyers, but you need to be savvy if you’re a seller.
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...