Pereiti prie turinio

Sumos skaiciais pavertimas i suma zodziais, lietuviskai

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

  • Administratoriai


susiduriau su tokia problemele, kad reikia suma skaiciais paversti i suma zodziais ir lietuviskai. Kazkaip numanau, kad tikrai ne vienas turejo gaminti sita dalykeli, tad gal yra cia tokiu ? ;)


Gal kažką tokio turėjai galvoje? ;)

function galune($skaicius, $vienas, $du, $desim) {
	if (substr($skaicius,-1,1) == 0 || (substr($skaicius,-2,2) >= 10 && substr($skaicius,-2,2) <= 20)) return $desim;
	elseif (substr($skaicius,-1,1) >= 2 && substr($skaicius,-1,1) <= 9) return $du;
	else return $vienas;


Arba šis senokai naudotas, bet pasikeitus bei papildžius gal kas ir išeitų


function daugiskaita($nr,$word=''){
$sk = substr($nr, -1);
if($sk == 1){
	$word = $word.'as';
} else if ($sk == 0) {
	$word = $word.'ų';
} else if (in_array($sk, range('2','9'))) {
	$word = $word.'ai';
return sprintf('Iš viso: %d %s', $nr, $word);

echo daugiskaita('1','komentar')." naujienose,<br />";

Redagavo Arius
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 2 mėnesių...

Tokį naudoju:


function convert_number($number){ 
$kn = floor($number / 1000);
$number -= $kn * 1000; 
$Hn = floor($number / 100); 
$number -= $Hn * 100; 
$Dn = floor($number / 10);
$n = $number % 10;

$res = ""; 

if ($kn) 
		if($kn == 1){
			$res .= "tūkstantis";
		else {
			$res .= (empty($res) ? "" : " ") . convert_number($kn);
			if(substr($kn, -1) == "0" || (substr($kn, -2) > 10 && substr($kn, -2) < 20)){
				$res .= " tūkstančių";
			elseif(substr($kn, -1) == 1){
				$res .= " tūkstantis";
			else {
				$res .= " tūkstančiai"; 

if ($Hn) 
		if($Hn == 1){
			$res .= " šimtas";
		else {
			$res .= (empty($res) ? "" : " ") . convert_number($Hn) . " šimtai";

$ones = array("", "vienas", "du", "trys", "keturi", "penki", "šeši", "septyni", "aštuoni", "devyni", "dešimt", "vienuolika", "dvylika", "trylika", "keturiolika", "penkiolika", "šešiolika", "septyniolika", "aštuoniolika", "devyniolika"); 
$tens = array("", "", "dvidešimt", "trisdešimt", "keturiasdešimt", "penkiasdešimt", "šešiasdešimt", "septyniasdešimt", "aštuoniasdešimt", "devyniasdešimt"); 

if ($Dn || $n) 
	if (!empty($res)) 
		$res .= " "; 

	if ($Dn < 2) 
		$res .= $ones[$Dn * 10 + $n]; 
		$res .= $tens[$Dn]; 

		if ($n) 
			$res .= " " .$ones[$n]; 
return $res; 

$skaicius = 5106;
$zodziais = convert_number($skaicius);

echo $zodziais;


Pritaikytas iki 999 tūkstančių.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

function sk_to_lt($d) {

list($l, $centai) = explode(".", $d);

 $sk1000[0] = "tūkstantis ";
 $sk1000[1] = "tūkstančiai ";
 $sk1000[2] = "tūkstančių ";

 $sk1000000[0] = "milijonas ";
 $sk1000000[1] = "milijonai ";
 $sk1000000[2] = "milijonų ";

 $minus = "minus ";

 $skaiz = "";

 if ($l < 0) {
$skaiz = $skaiz . $minus;
$l1 = $l*(-1); 

 else $l1 = $l;

// skaidom skaiciu

 $lv = $l1; 


 for ($i = 8; $i >= 0; $i--) {

$ls =(integer)( $lv / 10);

$ll = $lv % 10;

$ld[$i] = $ll;

$lv = $ls; 


// rasom zodzius

 $skaiz = $skaiz . simtai($ld[0],$ld[1],$ld[2]);

// milijonai

 if ($ld[1] <> 1 and $ld[2] == 1)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000000[0];

 if ($ld[1] <> 1 and $ld[2] <> 1 and $ld[2] <> 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000000[1];

 if ($ld[1] == 1 and $ld[2] <> 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000000[2];

 if (($ld[0] <> 0 or $ld[1] <> 0) and $ld[2] == 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000000[2];

 $skaiz = $skaiz . simtai($ld[3],$ld[4],$ld[5]);

// tukstanciai

 if ($ld[4] <> 1 and $ld[5] == 1)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000[0];

 if ($ld[4] <> 1 and $ld[5] <> 1 and $ld[5] <> 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000[1];

 if ($ld[4] == 1 and $ld[5] <> 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000[2];

 if (($ld[3] <> 0 or $ld[4] <> 0) and $ld[5] == 0)

$skaiz = $skaiz . $sk1000[2];

 $skaiz = $skaiz . simtai($ld[6],$ld[7],$ld[8]);

$last .= $skaiz;

$l_chars = array_reverse ( str_split ( $l ) );
//print_r ( $l_chars );
$desimtys_tomo = (int) $l_chars [ 1 ] . $l_chars [ 0 ];
if ( $l_chars [ 0 ] == '0' or ($desimtys_tomo >= 10 and $desimtys_tomo <= 20))
$last .= " litų";

elseif ( $desimtys_tomo == 1 or ($l_chars [ 0 ] == '1' and $desimtys_tomo != 11) )
$last .= " litas";

$last .= " litai";

if ( $centai > 0 )
$centai_chars = str_split ( $centai );
if ( $centai_chars [ 0 ] == '0' )
	$centai = (int) $centai [ 1 ];
$last .= " ir ". $centai;

if ( $centai == 1 or ($centai_chars [ 1 ] == '1' and $centai != 11 ) )
	$last .= ' centas';
elseif ( $centai_chars [ 1 ] == '0' or ($centai >= 10 and $centai <= 20))
	$last .= ' centų';
	$last .= " centai";
 return ucfirst ($last); 


function simtai($s,$d,$v) {

 $sk1[0] = "vienas ";

 $sk1[1] = "du ";

 $sk1[2] = "trys ";

 $sk1[3] = "keturi ";

 $sk1[4] = "penki ";

 $sk1[5] = "šeši ";

 $sk1[6] = "septyni ";

 $sk1[7] = "aštuoni ";

 $sk1[8] = "devyni ";

 $sk1[9] = "dešimt ";

 $sk11[0] = "vienuolika ";

 $sk11[1] = "dvylika ";

 $sk11[2] = "trylika ";

 $sk11[3] = "keturiolika ";

 $sk11[4] = "penkiolika ";

 $sk11[5] = "šešiolika ";

 $sk11[6] = "septyniolika ";

 $sk11[7] = "aštuoniolika ";

 $sk11[8] = "devyniolika ";

 $sk11[9] = "dvidešimt ";

 $sk10[0] = "dešimt ";

 $sk10[1] = "dvidešimt ";

 $sk10[2] = "trisdešimt ";

 $sk10[3] = "keturiasdešimt ";

 $sk10[4] = "penkiasdešimt ";

 $sk10[5] = "šešiasdešimt ";

 $sk10[6] = "septyniasdešimt ";

 $sk10[7] = "aštuoniasdešimt ";

 $sk10[8] = "devyniasdešimt ";

 $sk10[9] = "šimtas ";

 $sk100[0] = "šimtas ";

 $sk100[1] = "šimtai ";

 $simtz = "";

 if ($s <> 0) {

$simtz = $simtz . $sk1[$s-1];

if ($s == 1)

  $simtz = $simtz . $sk100[0];


  $simtz = $simtz . $sk100[1];


 if ($d <> 0) {

if ($d <> 1 or $v == 0)

  $simtz = $simtz . $sk10[$d-1];


 if ($v <> 0) {

if ($d == 1)

  $simtz = $simtz . $sk11[$v-1];


  $simtz = $simtz . $sk1[$v-1];


 return $simtz;



Kiek galingesnis daikčiukas, radau tarp senų archyvų, dar tomaz padėjo patvarkyti. Dėkui jam.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • Administratoriai

Dar toki griozdą turiu, gal kam pravers ir pasitaisys kaip norės



/** Serialized Array of big names, thousand, million, etc 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_BIG", serialize(array('thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion', 'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quattuordecillion', 'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septendecillion', 'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion', 'unvigintillion', 'duovigintillion', 'trevigintillion', 'quattuorvigintillion', 'quinvigintillion', 'sexvigintillion', 'septenvigintillion', 'octovigintillion', 'novemvigintillion', 'trigintillion', 'untrigintillion', 'duotrigintillion', 'tretrigintillion', 'quattuortrigintillion', 'quintrigintillion', 'sextrigintillion', 'septentrigintillion', 'octotrigintillion', 'novemtrigintillion')));
/** Serialized Array of medium names, twenty, thirty, etc 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_MEDIUM", serialize(array(2=>'twenty', 3=>'thirty', 4=>'fourty', 5=>'fifty', 6=>'sixty', 7=>'seventy', 8=>'eighty', 9=>'ninety'))); 
/** Serialized Array of small names, zero, one, etc.. up to eighteen, nineteen 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_SMALL", serialize(array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen')));
/** Word for "dollars" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_DOLLARS", "dollars");
/** Word for one "dollar" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_DOLLARS_ONE", "dollar");
/** Word for "cents" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_CENTS", "cents");
/** Word for one "cent" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_CENTS_ONE", "cent");
/** Word for "and" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_AND", "and");
/** Word for "negative" 
* @package NumberToText */
define("N2T_NEGATIVE", "negative");

/** Number to text converter. Converts a number into a textual description, such as
* "one hundred thousand and twenty-five".
* Now supports _any_ size number, and negative numbers. To pass numbers > 2 ^32, you must
* pass them as a string, as PHP only has 32-bit integers.
* @author Greg MacLelan
* @version 1.1
* @param int  $number	  The number to convert
* @param bool $currency	True to convert as a dollar amount
* @param bool $capatalize  True to capatalize every word (except "and")
* @param bool $and		 True to use "and"  (ie. "one hundred AND six")
* @return The textual description of the number, as a string.
* @package NumberToText
/** Changelog:
* 2007-01-11: Fixed bug with invalid array references, trim() output
function NumberToText($number, $currency = false, $capatalize = false, $and = true) {
$big = unserialize(N2T_BIG);
$small = unserialize(N2T_SMALL);

// get rid of leading 0's
while ($number{0} == 0) {
	$number = substr($number,1);

$text = "";

//$negative = ($number < 0); // check for negative
//$number = abs($number); // make sure we have a +ve number
if (substr($number, 0, 1) == "-") {
	$negative = true;
	$number = substr($number,1); // abs()
} else {
	$negative = false;

// get the integer and decimal parts
//$int_o = $int = floor($number); // store into two vars
if ($pos = strpos($number,".")) {
	$int_o = $int = substr($number,0,$pos);
	$decimal_o = $decimal = substr($number,$pos + 1);
} else {
	$int_o = $int = $number;
	$decimal_o = $decimal = 0;
// $int_o and $decimal_o are for "original value"

// conversion for integer part:

$section = 0; // $section controls "thousand" "million" etc
do {
	// keep breaking down into 3 digits ($convert) and the rest
	//$convert = $int % 1000;
	//$int = floor($int / 1000);

	if ($section > count($big) - 1) {
		// ran out of names for numbers this big, call recursively
		$text = NumberToText($int, false, false, $and)." ".$big[$section-1]." ".$text;
		$int = 0;
	} else { 
		// we can handle it

		$convert = substr($int, -3); // grab the last 3 digits
		$int = substr($int, 0, -1 * strlen($convert));

		if ($convert > 0) {
			// we have something here, put it in
			$text = trim(n2t_convertthree($convert, $and, ($int > 0)).(isset($big[$section-1]) ? ' '.$big[$section-1].' ' : '').$text);

} while ($int > 0);

// conversion for decimal part:

if ($currency && floor($number)) {
	// add " dollars"
	$text .= " ".($int_o == 1 ? N2T_DOLLARS_ONE : N2T_DOLLARS)." ";

if ($decimal && $currency) {
	// if we have any cents, add those
	if ($int_o > 0) {
		$text .= " ".N2T_AND." ";

	$cents = substr($decimal,0,2); // (0.)2342 -> 23
	$decimal = substr($decimal,2); // (0.)2345.. -> 45..

	$text .= n2t_convertthree($cents, false, true); // explicitly show "and" if there was an $int

if ($decimal) {
	// any remaining decimals (whether or not $currency is set)
	$text .= " point";
	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($decimal); $i++) {
		// go through one number at a time
		$text .= " ".$small[$decimal{$i}];

if ($decimal_o && $currency) {
	// add " cents" (if we're doing currency and had decimals)
	$text .= " ".($decimal_o == 1 ? N2T_CENTS_ONE : N2T_CENTS);

// check for negative
if ($negative) {
	$text = N2T_NEGATIVE." ".$text;

// capatalize words
if ($capatalize) {
	// easier to capatalize all words then un-capatalize "and"
	$text = str_replace(ucwords(N2T_AND), N2T_AND, ucwords($text));

return trim($text);

/** This is a utility function of n2t. It converts a 3-digit number
* into a textual description. Normally this is not called by itself.
* @param  int  $number	 The 3-digit number to convert (0 - 999)
* @param  bool $and		True to put the "and" in the string
* @param  bool $preceding  True if there are preceding members, puts an
*						  explicit and in (ie 1001 => one thousand AND one)
* @return The textual description of the number, as a string 
* @package NumberToText
function n2t_convertthree($number, $and, $preceding) {
$small = unserialize(N2T_SMALL);
$medium = unserialize(N2T_MEDIUM);

$text = "";

if ($hundreds = floor($number / 100)) {
	// we have 100's place
	$text .= $small[$hundreds]." hundred ";
$tens = $number % 100;
if ($tens) {
	// we still have values
	if ($and && ($hundreds || $preceding)) {
		$text .= " ".N2T_AND." ";

	if ($tens < 20) {
		$text .= $small[$tens];
	} else {
		$text .= $medium[floor($tens/10)];
		if ($ones = $tens % 10) {
			$text .= "-".$small[$ones];

return $text;

function getmicrotime(){ 
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); 
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 

$currency = isset($_GET["currency"]) ? (bool)$_GET["currency"] : false;
$capatalize = isset($_GET["capatalize"]) ? (bool)$_GET["capatalize"] : false;
$and = isset($_GET["and"]) ? (bool)$_GET["and"] : !isset($_GET["num"]); // set to true by default if we didnt submit anything

echo "<form method=\"GET\">";
echo "<input type=text name=\"num\" value=\"".$_GET["num"]."\">";
echo "<input type=submit value=\"Convert\">";
echo "<br><input type=checkbox name=\"currency\" value=\"1\" ".($currency ? "CHECKED" :"")."> Currency";
echo "<br><input type=checkbox name=\"capatalize\" value=\"1\" ".($capatalize ? "CHECKED" :"")."> Capatalize";
echo "<br><input type=checkbox name=\"and\" value=\"1\" ".($and ? "CHECKED" :"")."> Use 'and'";
echo "</form>";

if (isset($_GET['num'])) {
$num = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/','',$_GET['num']);
echo $num . " => ".numbertotext($num, $currency, $capatalize, $and);
echo "<br><br><br><br>";

$arr = array(1,2,10,11,12,20,21,100,200,202,220,223,1000,1100,1232,10000,100000,1100000,1
echo "Normal:<br><br>";

$time_start = getmicrotime();
foreach ($arr as $val) {
//echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."<br>";
echo $val." => \"".numbertotext($val,false,false)."\"<br>";
$time_end = getmicrotime();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Completed in $time";

echo "<br><br><br>Currency:<br><br>";

$time_start = getmicrotime();
foreach ($arr as $val) {
//echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."<br>";
echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."<br>";
$time_end = getmicrotime();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Completed in $time";

echo "<br><br><br>";

$arr = array(-1,-32754264,7823572834.23432,"842673284525.3253",-69,1000000000,10000000000,100000000000,"1000000000000","10000000000000","100000000000000","1000000000000000","10000000000000000","100000000000000000","1000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","1735493936528346132019285410348712730057341562931024518346213403490","-8365102934619034174538361493275960273462592739257246349237426342384.38651","1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
echo "Normal:<br><br>";

$time_start = getmicrotime();
foreach ($arr as $val) {
//echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."<br>";
echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,false,false)."<br>";
$time_end = getmicrotime();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Completed in $time";

echo "<br><br><br>Currency:<br><br>";

$time_start = getmicrotime();
foreach ($arr as $val) {
//echo number_format($val,6)." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."<br>";
echo $val." => ".numbertotext($val,true,true)."<br>";
$time_end = getmicrotime();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Completed in $time";


Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 7 metų...

Prikeliu :) Kas gali padėti, faktūruose verčia skaičių sumą lietuviškais žodžiais gerai, bet eurus bei centus angliškai, PVZ: penki euros 40 cents, naudoju "Opencart" 2.2 , faktūrų modulis "PDF Invoice Pro" supportas sakė problemos ieškoti \system\library\numbers_words\Words\Locale\lt.php

Redagavo zuzlik
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose



* Numbers_Words
* PHP version 5
* Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is
* available at through the world-wide-web at
* If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to
* [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category Numbers
* @package  Numbers_Words
* @author   Laurynas Butkus <[email protected]>
* @license  PHP 3.01
* @version  SVN: $Id$
* @link

* Class for translating numbers into Lithuanian.
* @author Laurynas Butkus
* @package Numbers_Words

* Include needed files
// require_once "Numbers/Words.php";

* Class for translating numbers into Lithuanian.
* @category Numbers
* @package  Numbers_Words
* @author   Laurynas Butkus <[email protected]>
* @license  PHP 3.01
* @link
class Numbers_Words_Locale_lt extends Numbers_Words

   // {{{ properties

    * Locale name
    * @var string
    * @access public
   var $locale = 'lt';

    * Language name in English
    * @var string
    * @access public
   var $lang = 'Lithuanian';

    * Native language name
    * @var string
    * @access public
   var $lang_native = 'lietuviškai';

    * The word for the minus sign
    * @var string
    * @access private
   var $_minus = 'minus'; // minus sign

    * The sufixes for exponents (singular and plural)
    * @var array
    * @access private
   var $_exponent = array(
       0 => array(''),
       3 => array('tūkstantis','tūkstančiai','tūkstančių'),
       6 => array('milijonas','milijonai','milijonų'),
       9 => array('bilijonas','bilijonai','bilijonų'),
      12 => array('trilijonas','trilijonai','trilijonų'),
      15 => array('kvadrilijonas','kvadrilijonai','kvadrilijonų'),
      18 => array('kvintilijonas','kvintilijonai','kvintilijonų')

    * The array containing the digits (indexed by the digits themselves).
    * @var array
    * @access private
   var $_digits = array(
       0 => 'nulis', 'vienas', 'du', 'trys', 'keturi',
       'penki', 'šeši', 'septyni', 'aštuoni', 'devyni'

    * The word separator
    * @var string
    * @access private
   var $_sep = ' ';

    * The currency names (based on the below links,
    * informations from central bank websites and on encyclopedias)
    * @var array
    * @link World Currency Information
    * @link World currencies
    * @link Currency names in English
    * @access private
   var $_currency_names = array(
     'ALL' => array(array('lek'), array('qindarka')),
     'AUD' => array(array('Australian dollar'), array('cent')),
     'BAM' => array(array('convertible marka'), array('fenig')),
     'BGN' => array(array('lev'), array('stotinka')),
     'BRL' => array(array('real'), array('centavos')),
     'BYR' => array(array('Belarussian rouble'), array('kopiejka')),
     'CAD' => array(array('Canadian dollar'), array('cent')),
     'CHF' => array(array('Swiss franc'), array('rapp')),
     'CYP' => array(array('Cypriot pound'), array('cent')),
     'CZK' => array(array('Czech koruna'), array('halerz')),
     'DKK' => array(array('Danish krone'), array('ore')),
     'EEK' => array(array('kroon'), array('senti')),
     'EUR' => array(array('euro'), array('cent')),
     'GBP' => array(array('pound', 'pounds'), array('pence', 'pence')),
     'HKD' => array(array('Hong Kong dollar'), array('cent')),
     'HRK' => array(array('Croatian kuna'), array('lipa')),
     'HUF' => array(array('forint'), array('filler')),
     'ILS' => array(array('new sheqel','new sheqels'), array('agora','agorot')),
     'ISK' => array(array('Icelandic króna'), array('aurar')),
     'JPY' => array(array('yen'), array('sen')),
     'LTL' => array(array('litas'), array('cent')),
     'LVL' => array(array('lat'), array('sentim')),
     'MKD' => array(array('Macedonian dinar'), array('deni')),
     'MTL' => array(array('Maltese lira'), array('centym')),
     'NOK' => array(array('Norwegian krone'), array('oere')),
     'PLN' => array(array('zloty', 'zlotys'), array('grosz')),
     'ROL' => array(array('Romanian leu'), array('bani')),
     'RUB' => array(array('Russian Federation rouble'), array('kopiejka')),
     'SEK' => array(array('Swedish krona'), array('oere')),
     'SIT' => array(array('Tolar'), array('stotinia')),
     'SKK' => array(array('Slovak koruna'), array()),
     'TRL' => array(array('lira'), array('kuruþ')),
     'UAH' => array(array('hryvna'), array('cent')),
     'USD' => array(array('dollar'), array('cent')),
     'YUM' => array(array('dinars'), array('para')),
     'ZAR' => array(array('rand'), array('cent'))

    * The default currency name
    * @var string
    * @access public
   var $def_currency = 'LTL';

   // }}}
   // {{{ _toWords()

    * Converts a number to its word representation
    * in Lithuanian language
    * @param integer $num       An integer between -infinity and infinity inclusive :)
    *                           that need to be converted to words
    * @param integer $power     The power of ten for the rest of the number to the right.
    *                           Optional, defaults to 0.
    * @param integer $powsuffix The power name to be added to the end of the return string.
    *                            Used internally. Optional, defaults to ''.
    * @return string  The corresponding word representation
    * @access protected
    * @author Laurynas Butkus <[email protected]>
    * @since  Numbers_Words 0.16.3
   function _toWords($num, $power = 0, $powsuffix = '')
       $ret = '';

       // add a minus sign
       if (substr($num, 0, 1) == '-') {
           $ret = $this->_sep . $this->_minus;
           $num = substr($num, 1);

       // strip excessive zero signs and spaces
       $num = trim($num);
       $num = preg_replace('/^0+/', '', $num);

       if (strlen($num) > 3) {
           $maxp = strlen($num)-1;
           $curp = $maxp;
           for ($p = $maxp; $p > 0; --$p) { // power

               // check for highest power
               if (isset($this->_exponent[$p])) {
                   // send substr from $curp to $p
                   $snum = substr($num, $maxp - $curp, $curp - $p + 1);
                   $snum = preg_replace('/^0+/', '', $snum);
                   if ($snum !== '') {
                       $cursuffix = $this->_exponent[$power][count($this->_exponent[$power])-1];
                       if ($powsuffix != '') {
                           $cursuffix .= $this->_sep . $powsuffix;

                       $ret .= $this->_toWords($snum, $p, $cursuffix);
                   $curp = $p - 1;
           $num = substr($num, $maxp - $curp, $curp - $p + 1);
           if ($num == 0) {
               return $ret;
       } elseif ($num == 0 || $num == '') {
           return $this->_sep . $this->_digits[0];

       $h = $t = $d = 0;

       switch(strlen($num)) {
       case 3:
           $h = (int)substr($num, -3, 1);

       case 2:
           $t = (int)substr($num, -2, 1);

       case 1:
           $d = (int)substr($num, -1, 1);

       case 0:

       if ( $h > 1 ) {
           $ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$h] . $this->_sep . 'šimtai';
       } elseif ( $h ) {
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'šimtas';

       // ten, twenty etc.
       switch ($t) {
       case 9:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'devyniasdešimt';

       case 8:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'aštuoniasdešimt';

       case 7:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'septyniasdešimt';

       case 6:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'šešiasdešimt';

       case 5:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'penkiasdešimt';

       case 4:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'keturiasdešimt';

       case 3:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'trisdešimt';

       case 2:
           $ret .= $this->_sep . 'dvidešimt';

       case 1:
           switch ($d) {
           case 0:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'dešimt';

           case 1:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'vienuolika';

           case 2:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'dvylika';

           case 3:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'trylika';

           case 4:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'keturiolika';

           case 5:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'penkiolika';

           case 6:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'šešiolika';

           case 7:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'septyniolika';

           case 8:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'aštuoniolika';

           case 9:
               $ret .= $this->_sep . 'devyniolika';


       // add digits only in <0>,<1,9> and <21,inf>
       if ($t != 1 && $d > 0) {
           if ( $d > 1 || !$power || $t ) {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $this->_digits[$d];

       if ($power > 0) {
           if (isset($this->_exponent[$power])) {
               $lev = $this->_exponent[$power];

           if (!isset($lev) || !is_array($lev)) {
               return null;

           //echo " $t $d  <br>";

           if ($t == 1 || ($t > 0 && $d == 0 )) {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $lev[2];
           } elseif ( $d > 1 ) {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $lev[1];
           } else {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $lev[0];

       if ($powsuffix != '') {
           $ret .= $this->_sep . $powsuffix;

       return $ret;
   // }}}

       // {{{ toCurrencyWords()

    * Converts a currency value to its word representation
    * (with monetary units) in English language
    * @param integer $int_curr         An international currency symbol
    *                                  as defined by the ISO 4217 standard (three characters)
    * @param integer $decimal          A money total amount without fraction part (e.g. amount of dollars)
    * @param integer $fraction         Fractional part of the money amount (e.g. amount of cents)
    *                                  Optional. Defaults to false.
    * @param integer $convert_fraction Convert fraction to words (left as numeric if set to false).
    *                                  Optional. Defaults to true.
    * @return string  The corresponding word representation for the currency
    * @access public
    * @author Piotr Klaban <[email protected]>
    * @since  Numbers_Words 0.4
   function toCurrencyWords($int_curr, $decimal, $fraction = false, $convert_fraction = false)
       $int_curr = strtoupper($int_curr);
       if (!isset($this->_currency_names[$int_curr])) {
           $int_curr = $this->def_currency;
       $curr_names = $this->_currency_names[$int_curr];

       $ret = trim($this->_toWords($decimal));
       $lev = ($decimal == 1) ? 0 : 1;
       if ($lev > 0) {
           if (count($curr_names[0]) > 1) {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][$lev];
           } else {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][0] . 's';
       } else {
           $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[0][0];

       if ($fraction !== false) {
           if ($convert_fraction) {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . trim($this->_toWords($fraction));
           } else {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $fraction;
           $lev = ($fraction == 1) ? 0 : 1;
           if ($lev > 0) {
               if (count($curr_names[1]) > 1) {
                   $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][$lev];
               } else {
                   $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][0] . 's';
           } else {
               $ret .= $this->_sep . $curr_names[1][0];
       return $ret;
   // }}}

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