Pereiti prie turinio

Opencart stock auto update (reikia pagalbos)

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Turiu failiuką, kuris iš tiekėjų atnaujina automatiškai prekių likučius (yra dar dydžiams ar spalvoms, tačiau atskiras failas), tačiau kiek pastebėjau su versija veikia, o su naujasnia nebeveikia, meta klaidą, gal kas galėtų pažiūrėti ir pakoreguoti ? Prašiau kažkada dėl importerio pagalbos, tačiau eilinį kartą nesulaukiau :)) tai gal čia sulauksiu.


Klaidą meta šioje eilutėje - jog stock nerastas:

 $stock = $stock + (float)$stock->attributes()['quantity'];


Failas cronjob_updateStock.php:


class UpdateStock {
    * Array of dealer given URL's
    * @var array
   private $xmlFiles = array(
       'full' => 'http://www.',
       'light' => 'http://www.',
       'categories' => 'http://www.',
       'sizes' => 'http://www.',
       'producers' => 'http://www.',
       'parameters' => 'http://www.',
       'stocks' => 'http://www.',
       'series' => 'http://www.',
       'warranties' => 'http://www.'

    * Sizes map when we have size ID we have to convert it to real size used in shop
    * @var array
   private $sizesMap = array();

    * Counts total updated products (changed stocks).
    * @var int
   private $totalUpdated = 0;

    * Initial constructor
    * @param DB $db
    * @param Log $log
   public function __construct($db = null, $log = null) {
       $this->db = $db;
       $this->log = $log;

    * Gets XML file
    * @param string $file
    * @return SimpleXMLElement
   private function getXml($file = 'full') {
       $content = file_get_contents($this->xmlFiles[$file]);
       $xml = simplexml_load_string($content);
       return $xml;

    * Gets sizes from groups
    * @param $xml
    * @return array
   private function getGroupsWithSizes($xml) {
       $sizes = array();
       foreach ($xml->group as $group) {
           foreach ($group->size as $size) {
               $attributes = $size->attributes();
               foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
                   if ($key == 'id') {
                       $id = (string) $value;
               if (isset($sizes[$id])) {
                   $this->log->write('---- Duplicate on size with ID: '.$id.'. Real size: '.$size->name.'. Now: '.$sizes[$id]);
               if (is_array($size->name)) {
                   $sizes[$id] = (string) $size->name[0];
               } else {
                   $sizes[$id] = (string) $size->name;
       return $sizes;

    * Gets array of products that we have to update
    * @param $xml
    * @return array
   private function getUpdateProducts($xml) {
       $updateProducts = array();
       foreach ($xml->products->product as $product) {
           foreach ($product->sizes->size as $size) {
               $updateProduct = array();
               $productId = (string)$product->attributes()['code_producer'];
               $stock = 0;
               if (is_array($size->stock)) {
                   foreach ($size->stock as $stock) {
                       $stock = $stock + (float)$stock->attributes()['quantity'];
               } else {
                   $stock = (float)$size->stock->attributes()['quantity'];
               $updateProduct['code'] = $productId;
               $updateProduct['size'] = (string)$this->sizesMap[(string)$size->attributes()['id']];
               $updateProduct['stock'] = $stock;
               $updateProducts[] = $updateProduct;
       return $updateProducts;

    * Updates stocks of given products
    * @param $updateProducts
    * @return bool
   private function updateStocks($updateProducts) {
       foreach ($updateProducts as $updateProduct) {
           if ($updateProduct['size'] != 'one size') {
               $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value
                       LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "product
                           ON " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.product_id = " . DB_PREFIX . "product.product_id
                       LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "option_value_description
                           ON " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.option_value_id = " . DB_PREFIX . "option_value_description.option_value_id
                   SET " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.quantity = '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['stock'])."'
                   WHERE " . DB_PREFIX . "product.model = '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['code'])."'
                           AND " . DB_PREFIX . " = '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['size'])."'";
           } else {
               $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "product
                           SET quantity =  '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['stock'])."'
                           WHERE model='".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['code'])."'";
           $result = $this->db->query($sql);
           if (!$result) {
               $this->log->write('--- Error in SQL query');
               return false;
           $affected = $this->db->countAffected();
           $this->totalUpdated = $this->totalUpdated + $affected;
           $this->log->write('Updated: '.$affected.'. Model: '.$updateProduct['code'].'. Size: '.$updateProduct['size'].'. Stock: '.$updateProduct['stock']);

           if ($updateProduct['size'] == 'one size') {
               continue; // jei vieno dydzio nieko nebedarom toliau.

           if ($affected > 0) {
               $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.product_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "product
                           ON " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.product_id = " . DB_PREFIX . "product.product_id
                       LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "option_value_description
                           ON " . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value.option_value_id = " . DB_PREFIX . "option_value_description.option_value_id
                    WHERE " . DB_PREFIX . "product.model = '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['code'])."'
                           AND " . DB_PREFIX . " = '".$this->db->escape($updateProduct['size'])."'";
               $result = $this->db->query($sql);
               foreach ($result->rows as $product) {
       return true;

    * Does all the dirty work
    * @return bool
   public function process() {
       $this->log->write('-- Stock import started');
       // populate sizes map
       $sizesXml = $this->getXml('sizes');
       if (!$sizesXml) {
           $this->log->write('--- Error with sizes XML');
           return false;
       $this->sizesMap = $this->getGroupsWithSizes($sizesXml);
       if (empty($this->sizesMap)) {
           $this->log->write('--- Empty sizes map returned');
           return false;
       // get and update stocks
       $stocksXml = $this->getXml('full');
       if (!$stocksXml) {
           $this->log->write('--- Error with stocks XML');
           return false;

       $updateProducts = $this->getUpdateProducts($stocksXml);
       if (empty($updateProducts)) {
           $this->log->write('--- Empty updatable products array returned');
           return false;

       if (!$this->updateStocks($updateProducts)) {
           return false;

       $this->log->write('-- Stock import ended successfully. Updated: '.count($updateProducts).'. Affected: '.$this->totalUpdated);
       return true;


// Version
define('VERSION', '');

// Configuration
if (file_exists('config.php')) {

// Install
if (!defined('DIR_APPLICATION')) {
   header('Location: install/index.php');

// VirtualQMOD

// VQMODDED Startup
require_once(VQMod::modCheck(DIR_SYSTEM . 'startup.php'));

// Registry
$registry = new Registry();

// Loader
$loader = new Loader($registry);
$registry->set('load', $loader);

// Config
$config = new Config();
$registry->set('config', $config);

// Database
$registry->set('db', $db);

// Log
$log_file = '/import_stock/'.date('Y-m-d_G-i-s').'.txt';
$log = new Log($log_file);
$registry->set('log', $log);

$brainyFilter = new ModelModuleBrainyFilter($registry);

$updateStock = new UpdateStock($db, $log, $brainyFilter);
if (!$updateStock->process()) {
   echo 'Error occured. Check '.$log_file;
} else {
   echo 'Done';

function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
   global $log, $config;

   switch ($errno) {
       case E_NOTICE:
       case E_USER_NOTICE:
           $error = 'Notice';
       case E_WARNING:
       case E_USER_WARNING:
           $error = 'Warning';
       case E_ERROR:
       case E_USER_ERROR:
           $error = 'Fatal Error';
           $error = 'Unknown';

   if ($config->get('config_error_display')) {
       echo '<b>' . $error . '</b>: ' . $errstr . ' in <b>' . $errfile . '</b> on line <b>' . $errline . '</b>';

   if ($config->get('config_error_log')) {
       $log->write('PHP ' . $error . ':  ' . $errstr . ' in ' . $errfile . ' on line ' . $errline);

   return true;

// Error Handler

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