Pereiti prie turinio


  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Atsiliepimai


Domaso Pranešimai

  1. Gavau stai toki laiska is PayPal:


    We are sending you this notice because you have received more than 1,000.00 EUR in total payments to your PayPal account.


    PayPal is required by law to comply with European Union Anti-Money Laundering regulations to collect information from customers when they receive more than the set limit in total payments. Please log into your account, go to the Account Overview page, and follow the instructions there about how to provide the required information. These steps need to be completed as soon as possible to comply with this regulation.


    If you have any trouble completing these steps, please contact Customer Service at 00 353 1 436 9111


    We appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience.



    PayPal Account Review Department



    Prisijungus prie sistemos, praso atsiusti paso kopija. Nezinau ka daryti, ar siusti ar ne? Ar nebus bedu?

    Tuos pinigus gavau is vienos Airijos dizaino firmos (su ja bendradarbiauju, kuriu ivairu grafini dizaina), taciau jokios sutarties su jais nesu pasirases, jie tiesiog man persiuncia pinigus.

    Jei PayPal'ui pateiksiu duomenis, jie turbut perduos informacija apie gautus pinigus mokesciu inspekcijai? Jei metineje pajamu deklaracijoje deklaruociau sias pajamas ir sumokeciau mokesti, gal jokiu problemu nebutu?


    Gal kas buvote susidure su tokiu PayPal pranesimu, ka darete? Butu labai naudinga isgirsti patarimus, nes net nezinau ka dabar daryti <_<

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