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ramzis666 Pranešimai

  1. Tragiška sesija katik sužaidžiau, pakomentuokit.


    HANDAS NR. 1


    Absolute Life Poker 0.02/0.04, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

    Visit Hand HQ to purchase hand histories from a range of sites, game types and levels.


    saw flop | saw showdown


    Button ($3.11)

    SB ($0.42)

    BB ($4.44)

    UTG ($1.21)

    UTG+1 ($0.91)

    MP ($1.01)

    CO-1 Herojus ($2.02)

    CO CO ($0.97)


    Preflop: Herojus is in the CO-1 with 6 6

    3 folds, Herojus calls 0.02, CO raises to 0.06, 3 folds, Herojus calls 0.04.


    Flop (0.15) 3 7 2

    Herojus bets 0.15, CO raises to 0.30, Herojus moves all-in for 1.96, CO moves all-in for 0.61.


    Turn (3.17) 2


    River (3.17) T


    Herojus shows 6 6

    CO shows A A


    CO wins 3.17 with Two pair, Aces and Twos with a Ten for a kicker


    Galvoju, per agresyviai sužaidžiau, bet maniau, kad pas oponentą koks AK ar pan.



    HANDAS NR. 2


    Absolute Life Poker 0.02/0.04, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

    Visit Hand HQ to purchase hand histories from a range of sites, game types and levels.


    saw flop | saw showdown


    Button ($5.04)

    SB SB ($4.78)

    BB ($0.69)

    UTG ($2.76)

    UTG+1 UTG+1 ($0.96)

    MP ($4.98)

    MP Herojus ($1.82)

    MP ($0.95)

    CO-1 ($1.60)

    CO ($4.78)


    Preflop: Herojus is in MP with K K

    1 fold, UTG+1 calls 0.02, 1 fold, Herojus raises to 0.06, 4 folds, SB calls 0.05, 1 fold, UTG+1 calls 0.04.


    Flop (0.20) Q 9 2

    SB checks, UTG+1 checks, Herojus bets 0.10, SB calls 0.10, UTG+1 calls 0.10.


    Turn (0.50) 5

    SB checks, UTG+1 bets 0.33, Herojus calls 0.33, 1 fold.


    River (1.16) 8

    UTG+1 moves all-in for 0.47, Herojus calls 0.47


    Herojus shows K K

    UTG+1 shows 3 A


    UTG+1 wins 2.10 with Flush (Clubs) with Ace high


    Turne gal reikėjo foldint?



    HANDAS NR. 3


    Absolute Life Poker 0.02/0.04, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

    Visit Hand HQ to purchase hand histories from a range of sites, game types and levels.


    saw flop | saw showdown


    Button ($4.64)

    SB SB ($1.31)

    BB BB ($0.95)

    UTG ($0.92)

    UTG+1 Herojus ($2.36)

    MP ($2.37)

    MP ($0.92)

    MP ($1.42)

    CO-1 CO-1 ($1.92)

    CO ($5.91)


    Preflop: Herojus is UTG+1 with 2 2

    1 fold, Herojus calls 0.02, 3 folds, CO-1 calls 0.02, 2 folds, SB calls 0.01, BB checks.


    Flop (0.08) 7 2 7

    SB checks, BB checks, Herojus checks, CO-1 checks.


    Turn (0.08) 9

    SB bets 0.02, BB calls 0.02, Herojus raises to 0.16, 1 fold, SB calls 0.14, 1 fold.


    River (0.42) 7

    SB bets 0.20, Herojus calls 0.20


    Herojus shows 2 2

    SB shows Q 9


    SB wins 0.82 with A full house, Sevens and Nines


    O čia gal flope reikėjo bettint?


    Mano kuklia nuomone pirmam hande i rereise su 66 nebuciau atsakes, antras handas manau gerai suzaistas, nebuciau metes, geriau pagalvojum treciam hande po flopo turejai pushint mano nuomone.


    iPoker, $0.05/0.10 Hold'em Cash Games, 8 Players

    Hand Converter by



    MP2: $9.89

    CO: $3.68

    Button: $4.75

    SB: $5.02

    BB: $1.75

    UTG: $1

    UTG+1: $2.42

    MP1: $9.68


    Dealt to CO :) :P



    (3 folds), MP2 raises to $.40, CO raises to $1.20, (3 folds), MP2 calls $.80


    Flop: ($2.55) :D :) :) (2 Players)

    MP2 checks, CO bets $2.48, (1 folds)



    CO Showed :D :D

    CO wins $4.91


    ar reikejo pushint kaip manot tiek daug po flopo? ar reikejo koki 2/3 pot reise padaryt? nezinat ar tarkim gal rankoj jis su KK? ir ar tikslingas buvo 3x rereisas pre flope? :)

  2. Dar parašyk kokių spalvų kortos ir oponento koks stackas ir pan.

    Mano manymu tai čia labai blogai sužaidei, preflope būčiau raisines, flope, turne betinęs. Taip žaisdamas dažnai gali ant piktesnių kortų užsiraut;D


    nu turbut blogai esmei suzaidziau, o ne blogai cia gavos. Turbut ne reisindamas preflope galejau leist kam nors pasigaut aukstene kombinacija, o po flopo ar turno nebetinau nes BB ishkart butu nusimetes, kaip gavos siuom atveju gerai. Taciau losiant grieztai pagal SSS manau nusizengimas visom normom :)


    Netgi labai blogai. Ypac dide klaida preflope - dar galima megint flat callint pries kazkokieno raisus, bet dabar duodamas uz dyka zaisti BB tu absoliuciai negali isivaizduot ka jis turi. Stai, tarkim butu turejes Q6, ir tavo parasytoj rankoj butu labai graziai tave nurenges.


    Viena is tu situaciju, kai slowplayint negalima ne per kur.


    Tragiskas preflop, tragiskas flop, prastas turnas (nes jau turi bijot straightu, tai cia check nera tokia baisi klaida kaip anksciau - bet vis tiek didele), visiskas tragiskas river - dabar logiskai pamastes pasakyk, koks skirtumas yra tarp tavo paskutinio shove, ir paprasto call toje situacijoje (kai varzovas pakele 0,72). Jei kas - galiu padet - tave callins tik tiek handai, kurie tave beatina, t.y. dvi poros ir daugiau. Ne per kur varzovo zaidime nekvepia AK ar panasiai - tai arba jis tave trapino hitines kazka daug flope, arba ne. Jeigu trapino - jis callins ir pasiims tavo chipsus. Jei ne - nusimes. Kitaip tariant, tu absoliuciai nerizikuoji islost kazka daugiau, nei jau yra ant stalo, bet rizikuoji sukist visus savo pinigus jei nepasiseks. Sprendimas, kuriame gali tik pralaimeti, o laimes atveju lieki ten pat, kur butum ir su callu.\


    Vienzho, sorry, bet handas tragiskas suzaistas nuo A iki Z :)


    Nieko tam ir idejau kad mokyciaus. Bet sitoj sitoj sesijoj gaves monster handus pastoviai tik susirinkdavau blindus savo reisais. Gal ka blogai tarkim su reisais darau, siaip su tokiom kortom reisindavau 4XBB + 1BB uz limpa?


    dabar logiskai pamastes pasakyk, koks skirtumas yra tarp tavo paskutinio shove, ir paprasto call toje situacijoje (kai varzovas pakele 0,72). Jei kas - galiu padet - tave callins tik tiek handai, kurie tave beatina, t.y. dvi poros ir daugiau.


    jo cia prasta ideja buvo, cia sutinku 100% :)


    0,05/0,1 No-Limit Hold'em (9 handed)

    Hand recorder used for this poker hand: PokerStrategy Elephant 0.65 by


    Preflop: Hero is SB with Ac, Ah

    2 folds, MP1 calls $0,10, 4 folds, Hero raises to $0,60, BB folds, MP1 calls $0,50.


    Flop: ($1,30) Ks, 7s, 8h (2 players) (Comment)

    Hero bets $1,30 (All-In), MP1 folds.


    Final Pot: $2,60


    Results follow (highlight to see):

    Hero shows a pair of aces (Ac Ah)


    Hero wins with a pair of aces (Ac Ah)



    Galima sita handa pakomentuot? ne ash kaip paziuriu hand history blogiausiai sulosiu porom AA ar QQ.

  3. 0,05/0,1 No-Limit Hold'em (7 handed)

    Hand recorder used for this poker hand: PokerStrategy Elephant 0.65 by


    Preflop: Hero is MP3 with As, Ac (Comment)

    2 folds, Hero calls $0,10, 3 folds, BB checks.


    Flop: ($0,25) 6h, Qh, Kc (2 players) (Comment)

    BB checks, Hero checks.


    Turn: ($0,25) Jh (2 players) (Comment)

    BB checks, Hero checks.


    River: ($0,25) 3d (2 players) (Comment)

    BB bets $0,20, Hero raises to $0,40, BB raises to $0,72, Hero raises to $3,07 (All-In), BB folds.


    Final Pot: $4,04


    Results follow (highlight to see):

    Hero shows a pair of aces (As Ac)


    Hero wins with a pair of aces (As Ac)



    Kaip manot sitoj situacijoj suzaista blogai, kad trapinau varzova? esat daug nukenteja per tokius trapus? cash man dar nauja patirtis :)

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