Pereiti prie turinio


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Visas jordanux turinys

  1. Gali vesti ką nori vistiek tą patį išmeta :) man atrodo lietuvių nebepriima...
  2. man i e-golda neperveda pinigu i e-maila gavau laiska Error, tried to send 1.26 to e-gold account # 3448383. Error: Incoming Spends Blocked on Recipient e-gold Account 3448383. A Block has been applied to e-gold Account 3448383 (jordanas). No payment can be made to this account while a block is in place. If you have any questions regarding this block, please direct them to your intended counterparty rather than to Please note that this message does *not* imply that your account is blocked.
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...