Pereiti prie turinio


  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Atsiliepimai


artas_x Pranešimai

  1. Thank you for your e-mail.


    Please be informed that your account has been closed by our security department and no outpayments will be processed from it.


    Please note that this decision has been made according to our Terms and Conditions, with which you agreed upon your registration with us. They state the following:


    "Registration/betting account


    5. In case of suspected manipulations or fraud, and in case of any violation of these Terms and Conditions, in particular the multiple simultaneous participation in games and the opening of several accounts, the company may exclude the respective user from placing further bets and from participating in other games. Any criminal or suspicious activities may be reported to the appropriate authorities. In such a case, the company will pay the user any real money balance in his betting account after deducting a handling charge of 10%, provided that this has been acquired in a lawful manner. FreeBets or winnings that may have resulted from FreeBets, which were not acquired in a lawful manner, will be void. When users are migrated from other platforms to the company, the placement of a first bet and the participation in the first game is taken as registration and as authorisation for the transfer of all existing credit from the transferring platform.



    kaip supratau pinigu jau nelaukti ?

  2. Na bet kaip tau jie įrodys, kad ten tu reginai jį? Pats užsiregistravo. Va ryt įdėsiu jei rasiu laišką, kuriam aš support'o klausiau, kad mano "kvartale" yra vienas ip visų, na tinklu pajungta. Keli draugai nori dar užsireginti, nes tipo parekomendavau aš jiems juos. Tai sakė, kad jokių bėdų nekils dėl to, na tik jei pokerį vienam room'e žaisim tada ten jau sankcijos bus. Net pasakė, kad už tai, jog atvedžiau galiu gaut bonusą ten kažkiek. Kur įvest galima, kad atvedi draugą.


    EDIT: išmoka. Aš pirmadienį gavau 200lt iš užblokuoto.



    tu susitarei su jais ar tiesiog uzdare acc pervede?

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