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Reputacijos išklotinė

  1. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į Frozzy Ar verta pirkti NAS   
    Tai ssd imk :)
    kalk pvz 2 SSD po 120gb, raid0 bus. 240 GB vietos + OS
  2. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į biagle Pasiūlimas dėl aukciono taisyklių papildimo ! [ Aukciono laiko Pertvarka ]   
    arba ideti koki laiko counter'i ir tema automatiskai uzsiraskina po pasibaigusio laiko:)
  3. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į Mikaz Protu nepasižymintis Vilniaus meras   
    Ir kodėl slavų tautybės žmonės, rašydami su daug klaidų, pastoviai nurodinėja kitiems kaip reiktų daryti?
  4. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į kamekadzeee Telefonas iki 1,3K naujas!   
    Sveiki... Nu ir genijai siame forume susirinke, vos kas nors papraso patarti koky issirinkti telefona, vis pasiulomas S3, o kartais S2... As ir renkuosi pirkti telefona, kurio kaina butu 1100-1300lt, neapsisprendes dar, bet jokiu budu nepirkciau s3, nes visai ne orginalu. Pilna tokiu telefonu mazoj toj musu lietuveles rinkoj :)
    Genijus nr. 2. Htc one X baterija Li-Po 1800 mAh, tuo tarpu S3 Li-Ion 2100 mAh. Hm... Tai kaip palyginimui, htc one x laikys 85procentu s3 baterijos laiko. 15 procentu labai aktualu? :) Tikrai nedrysciau sakyti, jog htc one x baterija yra silpna, tuo labiau, kad standartiskai perkant telefona uz 1000-1500 litu gausim baterija nuo 1650 mAh iki 2100. Tad tikrai viskas su gerai.
    Siulyciau uz tokia kaina pirkti:
    1) htc one X (sunkoka bus gauti jy iki 1300lt nauja, bet tikrai ymanoma, pvz , tikrai nereklamuoju, net nezinau ar tai patikima parduotuve, nes tik viena karta pirkes esu). Sis telefonas yra kaip S3 lygiavertis dvynys, tik gal siek tiek pigesnis, kokia 100-200litu, o techniskai jie vienodi, nekreipiant y visiskas visiskas smulkmenas.
    2) htc one S, bet kur gali gauti uz 1200lt, deja sis modelis yra s2 dvynys (labai panasus), tiesiog jei neturi noro ieskoti pigaus gero telefono varianto, tj gali kad ir bitej toky gauti y tavo kainos remus atitinkanty sy telefona.
    3) Begale soniu yra uz tavo kaina. Tiesiog nueik y salona, pasiziurek kainas ir rasi ju pakankamai.
    4) Aisku pirkt gali S2, S3, S4, jei tau jie patinka ir rasi gera kaina. Negaliu sakyti, jog jie yra prastos kokybes/parametru gaminiai, nes taip tikrai nera, tiesiog tai butu labai neorginalu.
    5) Nokia lumia serija yra... Tik vienintele beda gali buti - operacine sistema, lyg Windows juose yra, bet tikrai negarantuoju, JOG VISUOSE. Jeigu esi drasus - bandyk laime.
  5. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į Depy Telefonas iki 1,3K naujas!   
    1. Kam tau permokėti už ,,galaxius'' ir ,,obuoliukus''? Kai gali kuo puikiausiai nusipirkti Prestigio MultiPhone už ~400 - 700LT? Pas prestigio ,,geležis'' ir parametrai daug geresni nei dvigubai brangesnio telefonu iš galaxy ar ,,aifon'' serijos telefonu. Nesakau kad jų surinkimo kokybė pati geriausia, bet visgi yra garantinis, kur jei kas nutiks tau patvarkys - man per pusę metų dar neteko taisyti, ir veikia kaip ,,bitė''.
    2. Jei patinka ,,galaxy'' serija - tikrai nesivargink imti tel. daugiau nei už 800LT - jų funkcijų vistiek neišnaudosi, bus labai didelis ir nepatogus. Ant šiuolaikinių smart'ų pagrindininės funkc. yra tokios kaip skambučiai, sms, internetas (3g), GPS arba GLONASS. Kitų funkcijų tu nepanaudosi, arba jei panaudosi jas kartą per 2 metus, tai tikrai neapsimoka investuoti +~ 500LT. Pilnai užtenka tokių kaip Galaxy Ace2, Mini(-2), Pocket Plus, Fame.
    Tad rekomenduoju labai apsvarstyti, ar imti brangų telefoną, kad pasirodyti koks ,,kietas'', ar už tuos sutaupytus pinigus nueiti į klubą ar dar kur :)
  6. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Connor Del banko kortelu   
    Jei kalbi apie užsienio tinklapius, tai ne. Jei apskritai kitoje šalyte - taip.
  7. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į darjushas Sugalvok domeną gauk 10 LT! SWEDBANK.
  8. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į DjiXas Forex Sėkmės Formulė   
    Kadangi vis daugau žmonių pradeda prekiauti Forex, nuspręndžiau pasidalinti savo išmintimi, kuri pravers tikrai ne vienam spekuliantui.
    Jeigu dar nežinote, reikia pradėti prekiauti tik su tikrais pinigais. Taip daug greičiau išmoksite disciplinos bei užsibrėžto tikslo. Jokiu būdų nenaudokite DEMO (nebent kai skaičiuojate tariamą pelną), tai nepasitikėjimo savimi ženklas.
    1. Geriausias brokeris yra tas, kuris daro konkursus bei duoda bonusus. Nenaudokite jokių FSA, NFA, CFTC ar kitų prižiūrimų brokerių. Jie sugalvos įvairiausių taisyklių, kurios tik sumažins jūsų pelną (pvz.: neduos didelio leverage).
    2. Jeigu brokeris prašo jūsų paso kopijos. Siųskite jį n* ir ieškokite kito puslapio. Jokiu būdų nesiųskite savo duomenų. Negi norite, kad koks Indas žiūrėtų į jūsų nuotrauką ir ją naudotų netinkamais tikslais (tinka ypač moterims)?
    3. Pasirinkite kuo didesnį leverage, 1:500 kaip minimum, pageidautina būtų 1:1000. Neklausykite „profesionalų“, jie tik jums nori pakenkti. Su dideliu leverage, jūs daug greičiau uždirbsite ir nusipirksite tą išsvajotąjį automobilį. Kas durnas dabar?
    1. Pirkite kuo daugiau lot‘ų, pageidautina už visus įmanomus pinigus. Kodėl? Skaitykite punktą apie leverage.
    2. Nenaudokite stop loss‘ų. Įsivaizduokite: perkame 10 lotų, nustatome stop loss 50 pips žemiau. Kaina krenta, pasiekia stop loss ribą, jus pašalina, nukrenta dar 1 pip ir pradeda kilti! Savęs sabotažas.
    3. Jeigu kaina ir toliau krenta, nesijaudinkite. Pradėkite melstis ir kartoti, kad daugiau taip nedarysite. Kainai pasiekus jūsų norimą tašką ($0.00 loss), uždarykite savo pozicijas ir kartokite tą patį. Didelio kritimo atveju, tiesiog užsidenkite akis ar uždaryte programą.
    4. Jeigu taip atsitiko, kad praradote pinigus, keikite savo brokerį bei rašykite apie šį scam‘ą visuose forumuose. Kaltas jis, o ne jūs. Susiraskite kitą brokerį ir prekiaukite lygiai taip pat, šį kartą turi pasisekti.
    5. Indikatorius visada teisus. Nesvarbu, kad kaina krenta kaip kirvis, MACD/RSI pasiekus oversold ribą, pradėkite pirkti. Juk nenorime praleisti šios puikios galimybės, kai kaina pradės kilti.
    6. Naudokite visus įmanomus indikatorius, net ir tuos, kurių nesuprantate. Geriausias indikatorius tas, kuris turi daugiausiai lempučių bei skleidžia garsus.


    BŪTINAI nusiųskite savo grafiko nuotrauką draugams bei giminėms. Pamačius tokią betvarkę, jie galvos, kad jūs esate labai protingas žmogus ir už tau gausite 10 respekto taškų.
    Atėjus svečiams pas jus į namus, greitai sėskite prie kompiuterio ir apsimeskite, kad žiūrite į visus indikatorius bei kažką suprantate. Kalbėkite su savimi jiems nesuprantamais terminais (pvz.: RSI rodo oversold, leverage yra geras, nors koreliacijos neįžvelgiu). Norėdami atrodyti įtikinamiau, smakrą pasiremkite delnu.
    Intensyviai sekite tick chart‘ą.
    Sveikinu, iš savo svečių gavote dar 10 respekto taškų.
    7. Dažnai keiskite strategijas. Jeigu jūsų naudojama strategija nepasitvirtino per vieną dieną, kuo greičiau ją keiskite kita ir nešvaisytkite savo laiko. Kvaili žmonės vieną strategiją testuos mėnesių mėnesius, kai jūs per tą patį laika jau būsite ištestavę šimtus ir atradę aukso gyslą.
    8. Gaudykite visus įmanomus trend'us. Jeigu kaina krenta, kuo skubiau parduokite 10 lotų. Yra labai didelė tikimybę, kad kaina ir toliau kris. Juk nenorime praleisi šios puikios progos užsidirbti.
    9. Jeigu nežinote ką pirkti ar parduoti, tiesiog ieškokite gražiai atrodančių grafikų. Ar pamenate, kai per filmus, psichologas vaikui rodydavo demes ir klausdavo, kokią figūra jis mato? Taip yra ir Forex.
    Jeigu figūra graži, pirkite, jeigu baisi - parduokite.

    Matome šypsenėlę, reiškia viskas bus gerai ir kaina kils.
    10. Aklai tikėkite kitų Forex forumo narių pranešimais. Jeigu Jadzė sako, kad reikia pirkti EUR/USD, kuo skubiau taip ir darykite! Meskite visus savo pinigus ten.
    Valio, intensyvus Forex kursas baigtas. Susitiksime Fiji salose.
  9. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
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    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
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    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
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    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  10. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
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    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
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    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
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    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  11. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
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    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
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    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
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    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
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    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  12. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  13. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į HOST321 Reikia sukurti puslapį   
    Sumoje pamiršta 0 prirašyti...
  14. Patinka
    INEC sureagavo į Plaktukas Mantas Visockis Top 16 EPT Londonas   
    Prasidėjo nauja diena EPT London, o Mantas Visockis šalia Steve O'Dwyer.
    Dėl live stebėjimo nežinau, tai kol kas seku įvykius per Pokernews
  15. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  16. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  17. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  18. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  19. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  20. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  21. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  22. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  23. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
    599scott - $5.99 domains, per year up to 3 domains. Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires July 1, 2013).
    go20off8 - Save 20% off your entire order with the this code. (offer expires Dec. 1, 2013).
    SCOTTDEAL - 10% off any order
    SCOTT30 - $5 off $30 or more
    SCOTTCOM - $7.99 .com
    SCOTT75 - 15% off $75 or more
    SCOTT40 - $10 off $40 or more
    SCOTTHOST - 20% off 1, 2, or 3 year hosting plans
    SCOTT799 - $7.99 on .NET, .BIZ or .ORG domains
    SCOTT1299 - $12.99 SSL (first year only)
    GoDaddy Promo Codes for % of savings
    cjc25NEW - 25% off (new customers)
    cjccoupon - 10% off Coupon
    cjcsave10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcchp10 - 10% off Any Order
    cjcsah10 - 10% Off Any Purchase
    cjcdoe10 - 10% off Any Purchase
    FED1 - 10% off Any Purchase
    NEW1 - 10% off whatever
    promo10 - 10% off
    gdbb776 - 10% off code
    command10 - 10% off any order
    QUEEN1 - 10% off Any Order
    MIN1 - 10% off Any Order
    SPN1 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbb363 - 10% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50+ order
    cjcdeal - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcchp75 - 15% off $75 Purchase
    cjcsah75 - 15% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb1729 - 15% off $50
    downforce - 15% off Any Order
    gdbba1550 - 15% off $50 Purchase
    gdbb687 - 20% Off $65+ Purchase
    BB462075 - 20% off $75+ Purchase
    gdbba72965 - 20% Off $65 Purchase
    fbgdhome20 - 20% Off $75 Purchase
    gdbb80520 - 20% off $75
    fbfhome20 - 20% off $75
    gdbb45 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbbt1463 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    bb5020d30 - 20% off $40 Purchase
    gdbba1005 - 20% off Any Purchase
    gdbbc805 - 20% off Any Order
    gdbb686 - 20% off $65 Purchase
    gdbbc1419 - 20% off $60 Purchase
    gd4920d60 - 20% off Any Purchase
    fbhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdbba46 - 25% off $75
    gdbb1901 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    fbfhome25 - 25% off $75 Purchase
    gdz713c - 30% off .com Renewals
    gdz739 - 30% off Any Order
    gdz637cd - 30% off Any Order
    gdz737a - 31% off Any Order
    FUN3 - 35% off .com Domains
    wallet412 - 35% off Domain Renewals and Purchases
    cjchost711 - 37% off Deluxe Web Hosting (12 months or more)
    fb30tld - 30% off Regular Priced Domains
    gdbbc15 - 20% off $60+
    gdx125z - 27% off entire order
    BBCNAB - 20% off $65+
    gdbbe994 - 30% off
    gdx326bq - 32% off
    FED15 - 15% off $75
    AUCTION12 - 50% off annual membership
    gdx325bq - 32% off any order
    gdx426bp - 30% off any order
    GDBB1995 - 25% off $100
    gdc130cc - 20% off $40
    gdc130bc - 25% off $75
    gdc130ac - 30% off $100
    Coupons for $ off
    cjctenoff - $10 off $50
    cjcdollar - $1 off Coupon
    cjconeoff - $1 off Any Order
    cjcdeal74 - $1 off Any Order
    cjcsave - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcchp30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    FED2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    hitch2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    spn2 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcsah30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    cjcdoe30 - $5 off $30 Purchase
    NEW2- $5 off a $30 purchase
    cjcchp50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcsah50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdoe50 - $10 off $50 Purchase
    cjcdeal100 - $20 off $100 Purchase
    FEDOFF - $10 off $40 Purchase
    FUNSSL - $12.99 SSL Certificates
    cjc795dom - $7.95 .com Domains & Renewals
    cjcWST25 - 25% Off WebSite Tonight
    GDBBREN8 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    gd50bbpd5 -.COM & .NET Renewals $7.99, Private Registration $3.99
    GROUCHSSL - $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates
    gdbb776 -$7.99 .com and $7.50 .org Renewals
    gdz819a - $8.39 .com Renewal
    INDY500 - 99¢ domains
  24. Patinka
    INEC gavo reakciją nuo Druski nuolaidų kuponai ~100 vienetų.   
    Sveiki, Pamačiau, pasidalinau. Gal kam pravers. :)
    hostdeal5 - $1 a month hosting for first 12 months (expires 3-31-12)
    scott295 - .COMs just $2.95 per year! Additional .COMs just $7.99* per year! (offer expires March 31, 2013).
    go35off5 - 35% off entire order (expires 3-31-13).
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