Pereiti prie turinio


  • Pranešimai

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Fyah Pranešimai

  1. As ka tik gavau paypal accounta ir man niekaip neleidzia pervesti i ji pinigu. Raso ta pati ka keli zmones jau yra mineje: "You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks."

    Gal jau kas nors su siuo reikalu susitvarke? kaip?

    Ar cia reikia kiek nors palaukti laiko veryfiinus accounta?


    Paskaityk kas parasyta vienu postu auksciau. Siuo metu Lietuviai negali naudotis "Add Funds" ir tikriausiai artimiausiu laiku negales.

  2. Man irgi sita problema iskilo. Susikuriau PP account'a ir is jo 0 naudos, "Send Money" - reikalauja kad pinigai butu PP balanse, o "Add Funds" ismeta pranesima kaip ir kolegai pirmame poste.


    Supportas kaip visada raso daug, o naudos jokios:


    Hello my name is Sergio, I am sorry to hear about the situation regarding a

    prompt error on the PayPal website, and understand your frustration and

    concern over this issue. I will be happy to assist you with your



    Mr. *******, I would like to inform you that the issue which you are

    experiencing at this time it is due to the fact that currently Lithuanian

    accounts do not have activated the option of transferring funds to their

    PayPal account.


    We apologize for any inconvenient that you may have been experiencing with

    this technical issue.


    Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We value what you have to say,

    and we know situations like this can be difficult. If you have more

    questions, visit our Help Centre by clicking "Help" at the top of any

    PayPal page.


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