Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Atsiliepimai


swoopis Pranešimai

  1. 1)Aš išvykstu iš: Vilnius/Kaunas (gali būti ir pvz ryga jeigu gautus zymiai pigiau)

    2)Vykstu į: Calgary (Kanada)

    3)Kada išvykstate: Rugpjucio ~3

    4)Kelionės trukmė: 08.03 - 08.16 (~13 dienu)

    5)Skrendu į vieną pusę: NE

    6)Domina skrydžiai su persedimais: TAIP


    Reiketu 3 bilietu, Aciu !

  2. Tu su logika susipykes biski? Jeigu lauke butu -1, tai dvigubai salciau butu -2. Taip? Iseinam i lauka per -1, o rytoj per -2, kai dvigubai daugiau (tarkim dregmes lygis tas pats, vejo greitis tas pats ir pan). Skirtuma jausi? Manau ne. Dabar iseik i lauka, kai 0 laipsniu ir tada kai -136. Skirtumas bus? Manau netgi per didelis...


    Galiu pasakyt tiek, kad tie skaiciavimai verciant i visus farenheitus ir pan yra nesamone, realybe su logika nesirisa.


    Kadangi -1 yra maziau uz 0, tai elementaru tada kai bus dvigubai salciau, termometro stulpelis turetu but dar zemiau su -1, o ne su 0.

    Deja dauginti objekto temperaturos minusinius celsijaus laipsnius is dvieju nereiskia kad objektas bus dvigubai saltesnis. Tai tik reiskia, kad jo temperatura pagal celsiju sumazes du kartus, arba tiklsiau dvigubai toliau nutols nuo vandens uzsalimo temperaturos (0 laipsniu Celsijaus). Sprendziant tokius uzdavinius reikia matuoti silumos kieki. Radau gan issamius paaiskinimus, gal pades suprasti...




    In order to compare temperatures directly for heat content you must use a temperature where zero means absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature in the universe.


    In the Celsius scale this is -273 deg (in Fahrenheit -459 deg), so zero degrees Celsius is the same as 273 degrees Kelvin (the absolute temperature scale based on Celsius degrees).


    Twice as cold is the same as half the heat, so divide 273 by 2 and get 136 Kelvin = -136 Celsius, a temperature that does not occur on earth as far as I know.


    Notice that the freezing point of water in Fahrenheit is not 459 Absolute, but 459+32, or 491. Divide this by 2 and you get 245 Absolute, or 459-245=214 below zero!




    Temperatures are measured in degrees C because zero is defined as the temperature at which water freezes, and 100 as the temperature tat which water boils (32 and 212 in Farenheit).


    However, here we are talking about temperature, not heat, and the zero and 100 scale is arbirary. Temperatures lower than zero are given negative values.


    Heat is different from temperature: it is a measure of the kinetic energy of the molecules of the matrial being measured (water, air, whatever), and there is an absolute limit, below which temperature cannot fall, and is reached at the state where there is no kinetic energy, and no heat.


    It can be shown that this temperature is minus 273.16 deg C, and is known as absolute zero. Lower temperatures cannot be reached. On the absolute temperature scale (degrees Kelvin, or K), zero degrees C is 273 deg K, and a warm summer day of 27 degrees celsius is 300 deg K. water boils at 373 deg K.



    Heat is therefore a function of degrees Kelvin, and on that scale, something 'twice as cold" as zero C would be half the temperature Kelvin, or 273 divided by 2 = 136.5 degrees Kelvin. This is the same as minus 136.5 degrees C; which is pretty darn cold; seeing as how the lowest temperature ever measured on earth was minus 126 in Antarctica.

  3. 1. -8.9, nes pagal farenheita 32=0 celsijaus, tai dvigubai maziau yra 16, kuri pavertus i celsiju gauname -8.9


    Deja sitas atsakymas neteisingas, nes reikia naudoti kelvino skale o ne farenheita, nes kelvino skalės 0 laipsniu yra zemiausia galima temperatura. 0 laipsniu celcijaus yra 273.15 laipsniai kelvinu. (galima sakyti 273.15 laipsniu silumos). Taigi dvigubai salciau bus 273.15/2=136.575 kelvino laipsniai kurie yra lygus -136.575 laipsniai celsijaus.

  4. mulkis :D sako kur ritasi logika, paziurek pats idemei ir permastyk ir atsiimk zodzius, nebent rimtai durnius esi jei tokio dalyko nesupranti. Tingiu as tau cia destyt dabar teorijas kas skaitosi 15:00 ir kas skaitosi IKI 15:00:00


    Pats geriau pagalvok, tarkim tavo matematikos pamoka baigiasi 15:00, tai reiskia, kad tu ir mokysiesi iki 15:00:00 o ne iki 15h:00min:59sec :D

  5. As irgi per plauka nenusipirkau, pasiseke. O ijungus ji ekranas rodo ta pati vaizda kaip ir anksciau, ar jau kazka kito? Nes jei ijungus rodo kazka kita, tai tikrai meistras galejo pagadint, o jei tapati, tada nieks neaisku.

  6. cia viskas labai aisku. as paskutinis pastaciau 15:00, apie sekundes tikslumus nebuvo mineta aukcionieriaus :)


    Tai jei pastatei 15:00, tai statymas negalioja, nes aukcionas baigiasi 15:00, paskutine sekunde kada dar galejai statyt buvo 14h 59min 59sec :)

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