Pereiti prie turinio


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Shadinjo Pranešimai

  1. Until the 1st of August, we are in the pre-launch stage. At the moment you can earn money by referring other users to join Imcrew - You will earn $2 for every active referral. Use your referral link to do this. After the of August You will be able to earn money by Reading and Sharing articles what we will provide to you, you will be able to earn up to $1275/month by doing this. So Copy your Referral link and give it to everyone you know- because you will be able to earn $2 for everyone you refer and also 20% of their Revenue what they get from reading and sharing articles.


    Tai va, žada 2 dolerius už registracija iki 1d. nelabai tikiu, bet išbandyti verta.


  2. Jeigu perskaitytum visą temą nuosekliai tikrindamas visus linkus, tai suprastumnes man rodos kad tu dedi toki linką į Traffic Exchange (


    ir jei uz viena doleri nusiperki 2000views

    tai paziurejau snd duomenis kad atsiperka 54:1

  3. kadangi Andrėjus yra 1337HAXOR tai pasakysiu kaip padaryti hidden <iframes>

    tiesiog style="visibility:hidden;display:none"


    tai susikuriam style.css



    o į index.htm įrašom

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

    tarp <head> tagų

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