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Reputacijos išklotinė

  1. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Morlicando MakeApps - nemokamos lietuviškos android pamokos

    Sveiki! Pristatau jums nesenai atsidariusį puslapį: MakeApps. Tai - visiškai nemokamos lietuviškos android programėlių kūrimo pamokos. Gal svajojote sukurti savo puikią programėlę? Tuomet ši svetainė skirta būtent jums! Joje bus mokoma android aplikacijų kūrimo, naudojant java programavimo kalbą, pagrindų. Visus kviečiu apsilankyti!
    Svetainę galite rasti čia.
    Artimiausiu metu ruošiamės pridėti dar pamokų.
    Ačiū už dėmėsį ;)
  2. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į SATooRNAS. Pinigai gamina pinigus   
    Dienos -14
    Žmonės galvokit kiekvienas savo galva, įvertinkit riziką. Aš ne stebukladarys ir fixais neprekiauju, tai mano atsirinkti statymai, kuriuos pats analizuoju nes MAN jie atrodo patikimi. Beto jokių stebuklų nežadu ir nereikia įsivaizduoti, kad viskas žaliuos. Tikslas long term'e pasiekti teigiamus rezultatus.
    O dar vienas geras pavyzdys kaip fortuna atsuka užpakalį - šiandieniniai statymai. Venspilio paskutinėje atakoje sumesti taškai. Arba Stakhovskis jau servavo mačui.. Čia sportas, tuo jis ir įdomus ir dažnai nenuspėjamas.
  3. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Dogster GoldShare - Uždirbk ~1$ už kiekvieną atsisiuntimą   
    Geriau suveiktai gera tut'a kaip gauti bent 10 download i diena :)
  4. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į SATooRNAS. Pinigai gamina pinigus   
    Pastebėjau, kad šiame forume nebėra rimtų ir įdomių dienoraščių, todėl pasistengsiu, kad šis dienoraštis būtų būtent toks.
    Lažybos man - pramoga, hobis, papildomas pajamų šaltinis. Sportu domiuosi nuo vaikystės ir lažinuosi jau daug metų, todėl kiekvienais metais vis labiau pasitikiu savo jėgomis. Mano "arkliukas"- krepšinis, tačiau dažnai įlendu ir į kitas sporto šakas. Paskutinius du metus rimtai sudomino tenisas, todėl statymų nemažai bus ir iš teniso pasaulio.
    Per savo lažybininko karjerą buvo visko, tiek aukštumų, tiek ir gilių duobių. Šio dienoraščio tikslas- įrodyti, kad lažintis pelningai tikrai įmanoma. Statymus atsirenku ir analizuoju tik SAVO GALVA, nesiremiu jokiais "ekspertais" ir šiaip statymų "genijais".
    Statymai bus atliekami standartiškai, unitu sistema 1-10. Pagrindiniai bukmekeriai- Pinnacle Sports, Bet365, Unibet, Bwin ir visi lietuviški.
  5. Patinka
    drag84 gavo reakciją nuo enLitas CleanFiles - Daugiausiai mokantis PPD tinklapis.   
    Po 10USD uždirbu į dieną. Šiandien buvo rekordas pasiektas už 1 failo atsisiuntimą gavau 11USD.

  6. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į ArvydasB
 - tai visiškai nekomercinis projektas, skirtas tiems, kurie neturi galimybės patalpinti paveikslėlio į savo serverį. Tik šioje talpykloje talpinamo paveikslėlio dydis neribojimas, bei sistema juos apdoroja tiesiog akimirksniu!
    Greita, patogu, patikima.
    Naudojame patikimus, bei stabilius serverius, tad jūs dėl paveikslėlių kokybės galite būtų visiškai ramūs. Įkelti paveiksliukai nėra mažinami, ar iškraipomi. Paspaudę ant tiesioginės nuorodos pamatysite originaliu dydžiu.
    Paveikslėlių įkėlimas vienam vartotojui nėra ribojamas, to dėka jūs galite įkelti neribotą kiekį paveikslėlių.
    "Mano galerija" - Paveikslėliai rušiuojami pagal IP adresą, kadangi nėra registracijos bei prisijungimo.
    Nieko daugiau ir neprirašysiu - tiesiog reikia užsukti, pamilti ir pradėti naudotis!
    Talpinimo laikas neribojamas!
  7. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Eimantass El - komercija nuo a iki z   
    šiandien kilo idėja siūlyti el komercijos paslaugas pradedant nuo įmonės steigimo, jei tai reikalinga klientui, iki reklamos kampanijų ir marketingo sprendimų parduotuvei.
    Nemažai sprendimų kaip pvz siūlo susikurti el parduotuvę greitai, bet tai elementarūs ir šabloniniai sprendimai, ką manote, jei siūlyti profesionalią el parduotuvę, su unikaliu ar šabloniniu dizainu (būtų keli variantai kuriuos būtų galima rinktis) iškart gaunate ir neterminuotą sutartį buhalterinės apskaitos paslaugoms, parduotuvės administravimui (vėlgi pagal kliento pasirinkimą), reklamos kampanijų valdymą (fizinė reklama, adwords ir tt).
    Ką manote apie tokią paslaugą, kada norint įkurti savo el. verslą nereikia domėtis, ieškoti dalykų kurių galbūt nežinote, o imtis tiekėjų, orgranizavimo ir kitais darbais kurie jums prie širdies.
    Ši idėja kilo todėl jog pats esu programuotojas, bendradarbiauju su keliais dizaineriais. Mama yra finansų ekspertė turinti savo buhalterinių paslaugų įmonę, o brolis savo duona užsidirba reklamuodamas kitų žmonių verslus.
    Laukiu komentarų ir diskusijų apie tokį verslo modelį.
  8. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į north Uzdarbis is video upload.   
    google translate?? :D Lodarius. :D
  9. Patinka
    drag84 gavo reakciją nuo enLitas CleanFiles - Daugiausiai mokantis PPD tinklapis.   
    Po 10USD uždirbu į dieną. Šiandien buvo rekordas pasiektas už 1 failo atsisiuntimą gavau 11USD.

  10. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į valiusxx Avalynė Visiems   
    Noreciau avalynes "metirms" :lol:
  11. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į DeivisT Avalynė Visiems   
    Dar vienas sportsdirect išlaikytinis...
    Ir, kad į "leituvą" pristatytų :D
  12. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Mikaz Elektroninės parduotuvės   
    Taip, mes tau tuoj viska padarysim, pasakysim, duosim tiekejus ir galesi uzdirbti tukstancius. Vat tuoj baigiu kitam versla kurti, tada tau pradesiu.
  13. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į SidabraZ Kiek vertas puslapis?   
    1996 m. balandžio 9 d.
    Viskas aišku su bizniu, o šiaip atšilo orai, tai ne moto metas? :))
  14. Patinka
    drag84 gavo reakciją nuo enLitas CleanFiles - Daugiausiai mokantis PPD tinklapis.   
    Po 10USD uždirbu į dieną. Šiandien buvo rekordas pasiektas už 1 failo atsisiuntimą gavau 11USD.

  15. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į fad Pagyrimas nariui Esnyper   
    Esu arbatos gurmanas, todėl labai mėgstu išbandyti vis naujas arbatos rūšis. Narys Esnyper forume pristatinėjo savo naują el. parduotuvę ir mane sudomino baltoji arbata.
    Susitarėm, kad už mažos apimties SEO tekstą nemokamai atsiųs 100 g. šios arbatos. Siunta šiek tiek vėlavo, tačiau ją gavęs likau maloniai nustebintas. Gavau daugybę įvairių rūšių žaliosios arbatos ir didelį kiekį prašytos baltosios arbatos.
    Puikus pavyzdys, kaip puoselėjamas teigiamas įmonės įvaizdis. Didelis dėkui.
  16. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Smile888 CleanFiles - Daugiausiai mokantis PPD tinklapis.   
    Gidas anglu kalba
    YouTube Method Explained [Getting Started] [1/8]]
    Video is where the web is headed. The numbers say it all. There are currently 60 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute of every day -- one hour of video content every second. Some people predicting that by 2015 at least 90% of all Internet raffic will be video. The average YouTube user spends between 15 and 25 minutes a day on the site. YouTube has 490 million users worldwide (unique visitors per month). It generates an estimated 92 billion page views each month. YouTube’s demographic is broad: 18-54 years old. More than 50% of videos on YouTube have been rated or include comments from the community.
    YouTube mobile gets over 100 million views a day. YouTube says that on average there are more than 400 tweets per minute containing a YouTube link. These are the facts from YouTube, there is no reason why we should not make some money from millions of users on YouTube. This guide is made especially for newbie's or marketers how just started with video marketing. You'll find in here everything to start a successful video marketing business. The only thing you have to do except reading it is to take action after reading it: Okay!!!!
    Here are some of the niches that are very popular or people spend money on:
    Quit Smoking
    Xbox / PS3 / Wii
    Here is another little tip:
    A simple method to monetize your videos is adsense .You’ll be putting a link to your Adsense site in the videos as well as in the description and asking your viewers to visit the sitefor further information.
    Keyword Research
    Okay you know probably your niche and maybe your product by now. The next step is to find the right keywords to target. You have to keep in mind some rules when you select your keywords. Your selected keyword shouldn't have more than 150,000 results in YouTube.
    And it shouldn't have less than 40,000 in results either. Stick to this because if you have to less results you won't see too much action going on with your video.
    Use also the free Adwords Keywordtool from Google Login there with your existing account or register a new one because without a registered account, Adwords will return only about 100 to 150 results versus up to 800 if you are logged in. You can dig deeper into your keywords and Adwords will show you much more new ideas to your keywords.
    If you type in keywords or phrases like:
    Video Marketing you will a list with related keywords for example
    YouTube Video Marketing
    Viral Video Marketing
    Video Marketing Online and so on
    One more tip here don't forget to check off exact matches at the left side.
    Once you've got one go back to YouTube and type in your keywords with the rules in mind!
    After doing your keyword research, you will know which niches give you the most profitable keywords, which will help you make your decision.
    Step 1: Make loads of email addresses at Hotmail, Yahoo or whatever service you prefer!
    Step 2: Go to:
    Step 3: Sign up for a goggle account. Be sure to highlight the box with this sentence "I have an email address and password I already use with Google services like Ad Sense, Gmail, Orkut, or iGoogle." And fill out the details. Then you want to create a new log in! Fill out the details, with one of the emails you just created, fill out some stuff, it does not have to be legit or something! And click “Create Account”
    Step 4: Set up some details for an AdWords campaign, does not really matter what you pick.
    Step 5: Verify the action by going to you email address and clicking the link inside of the mail, now you are converting the email address to a Google account.
    Step 6: Then all you have to do is to sign up with the email that you just converted to a PVA Google account and sign up with YouTube.
    Step 7: Rinse and repeat for more PVA YouTube accounts
    If you need Text Verification, Then go to Textnow and register after that its self explanatory.
    YouTube Method Explained [Creating|Uploading] [2/8]]
    Creating a Video
    Once you have chosen your niche to promote, it’s time for you to create a video. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard at all. You just have to follow some simple steps.
    Our goal here is to create a video which will add value to the YouTube community and generate a positive response. This is very important because if you get this part right then your video will get a great response from the viewers which will generate you tons of traffic, optins and sales.
    Check out what your competitors are doing and what their strategies are. Once you have figured that out you have to create a video which will give more value to the viewers than your competitor’s video.
    Video creation can be really simple and completed in less than 30 minutes. There are several different video creation programs, however we will be using Windows Live Movie Maker. You can download Windows Live Movie Maker from ... et-started
    There are a couple of ways To create Video's like Screencap Video, Slideshow {Powerpoint, Animoto} or paying someone to make a video for you from fiverr or from this forum. But I'd recommend Screencap video
    The fastest way to start making videos is by making screen cap videos, which just records your screen.
    To make such a screen capture videos or just screenshots you'll need some software. I can recommend the following they are Free and you can make several awesome videos with them pretty easy.
    CamStudio [ ] is an open-source solution for screen capture and works quite well! Use it to record your screen, you can either use your microphone and do voice over or do subtitles/captions. You can also use Camtasia which is a awesome product but it will cost you a bit but you can get it for free from here [ ... 62030.html ] .
    Another free Screen capture tool is Jing [ ] I use it pretty much every day and I can highly recommend it.
    The beauty of Jing is that it is a multi-purpose screen capture tool that may sit on your desktop and in no time at all you are able to basically start taking screen capture video or grab and annotate some screenshots
    The Cost-free version of Jing is great! It enables you to do screen capture substantially like CamStudio You are able to do up to 5 minutes of SWF video. You'll be able to scale and edit your video as well as annotate it. You can even take screenshots, that are photographs of one's screen, and annotate/markup these as well. There is certainly a Pro version that has some further capabilities like automatic uploading to YouTube and unique video file sorts. Try it out and you'll be amazed.
    Uploading the Video
    Once you have completed creating your video you can now upload the movie file to YouTube. Log into your account just look up to the right of the search window and you’ll see the “Upload” link.
    That takes you to the upload page. Here, you can drag and drop your video file into the upload box, or you can select “Upload Video” and navigate to wherever you saved your video file.
    Now comes another crucial point, you have to add the title, tags and description according to your niche. Let’s discuss each point in detail:
    You have to choose your Video Title very carefully, this is very important for Search Engine Optimization too. Choose a video title which exactly defines your niches. Use the keyword you want to rank in the video title.
    Write an Eye Catching Description, Your description should read like your headline. You must include your link in the description box, including the “http://” to make your link click-able. Include two links, one at the beginning and one at the end. Make sure your keywords are also in the description box. You want your description to be short and concise so that viewers can easily read it to find out what they will be watching in your video.
    Also, you should try to contain your “keywords” (words that when people search for will find your video) in this area. It is important to add your keywords into your description! You have to add the same like in your tile and in your tags for coming up in the search results. Also will YouTube know what about your video definitely is.
    Don't forget to Add your Website link or The Mediafire link in the descrition.
    This is easy, take your main keyword or keywords and the important words from your title. then just go to your competitor’s video and copy the best tags from their videos. Put your keyword in the tags, along with any other related keywords that you want to rank. So again, you’ll want to add as many relevant keywords in here that you want. You don’t need to go overboard here.
    If you type your keywords between quote marks, like this: “video marketing” “You Tube” “make money online”; then you’ll get groups of words that will end up as single multi-word tags.
    Thumbnail is a small picture taken from the middle of your video.Pay close attention to it. A good thumbnail can attract thousands of extra visitors and a bad one has the potential to destroy it altogether.So you have to post an attractive thumbnail to suck in the viewers.
    Annotations are extremely versatile and drive more traffic to more of your clips. Add just one or two short annotations per video.
    That’s it! This is how simple is to upload a video.
    YouTube Method Explained [Traffic|SEO] [3/8]]
    Traffic & SEO
    I will tell you both free and paid methods to generate traffic.
    Article Marketing
    It’s quite simple, write an article with your link in it and submit it to the Article Directories. You can get someone on to write articles for you. You just have to focus on your key niche points and you will have no problem writing the articles.
    Fiverr is a great place to hire workers for your video. You literally can get any service you want on
    Just search for these services:
    1) Views
    2) Likes
    3) Comments
    4) Subscribers
    5) Channel Views
    6) Backlinks
    These 6 services will give you high rankings on YouTube and Google.
    Traffic Geyser
    It can be pretty hard, boring work to submit all your videos my hand to multiple video sharing sites, so you may want to consider investing in some software like Traffic Geyser to automate it as much as possible. Traffic Geyser can submit your video automatically to around 35 video sites at once. So it will save you a lot of time. It can also provide you with more services than that. If you’re a podcaster, it can submit your podcasts to multiple directories as well as do many other things. Traffic Geyser is not free however, and unfortunately there are no free multi-upload services that I could find. But you can try which will let you submit your videos to multiple sites on a “pay as you go basis”.
    Oneload [courtesy iceCold]
    TubeMogul will ban your account/s if they find out you are making money with the videos you upload trough them
    OneLoad is a video distribution service from TubeMogul that places your video content across multiple sites with just a few clicks. The software has a free option--a great way to assess whether the service is useful for your work--and starts at $150/month for basic features, or $75/month with a year's commitment. The free service is good for most of us--and there is no catch. Aside from enterprise sales, the company makes their money by aggregating statistics about video and selling it along with the data harvested from other clients. Here's a full list of partner sites.
    Facebook & Twitter
    Create a Facebook page for your YouTube channel and keep posting your YouTube links on Facebook. Similarly Create a Twitter account for your YouTube channel and keep tweeting about your videos. Facebook and Twitter will help your videos a lot in generating traffic.
    Social Bookmarks
    Here are some of the Most Popular Social Bookmarking Websites.

    Microworker Sites
    You can hire workers on Mikroworkers Sites like Mechanical or to watch your video and leave comments.
    You can spend as little as 1 penny for someone to come to the video and leave a comment after watching your video in full. $1 will get you 100 views and comments. Think about it.
    View Exchange
    Okay here comes the next hot thing! All you have to do is go to these sites and sign up.

    These are all free YouTube Traffic Exchange sites.
 <-- YouTube Bot, Have not tested it yet
    The System behind it is pretty easy you watch videos and get in exchange credits for your own videos. You can spend your credits for views or whatever they are offering like favorites thumbs up and so on. I usually run vagex Program just leave it running before going to bed. Normally when I get up, I'll use up all the credits on my videos. So I'll do this every day. This will give your videos a big boost at the beginning.
    Or you can buy Views, Likes, etc

    Youtube isn’t the only video sharing site on the web. Sure it is the biggest but there are hundreds of others out there that you can tap into for even more views. Some popular “mainstream” ones include

    Then there are a heap of other ones related to other topics like for comedy or stupid videos there is and many more. For “How to” videos, submit to and There are video sharing sites for other “niche” topics like extreme sports, music and dancing etc. To find video sharing sites for your topic, just do a search in Google again for “your hobby/topic” video sharing e.g. search for “hunting video sharing sites” In these videos, you can also promote your videos on Youtube and your Youtube channel. You can add it as a scene in your video or put your link to your Youtube video/channel in the description area.
    Tube Toolbox
    This tool automate your marketing tasks on youtube, get thousands of friends, write comments send messages on autopilot, get subscribers, scrape videos, users id and many more I use it myself and you can trust me it is a great tool. You can use a free version for I think 7 days to test it out after this you'll have to pay $10 a month. Trust me you'll have your money back in no time when you use this tool
    Mass Video Blaster
    Mass Video Blaster is a ready-made toolkit for video marketers, site owners and webmasters who practice YouTube marketing. Mass Video Blaster is a unified workspace for three programs that help you get real views, effectively manage your videos, and easily grow your business. You can mass download videos, watermark them with your website, and re-upload all of them within a matter of minutes. You have so much possibilities with this:
    Mass Edit (Watermarks, Annotations, length of video)
    Mass Upload
 Someone here has posted the cracked version. use the Search bar.

    Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest allows you to organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. You can browse pinboards created by other people to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.
    People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and share their favorite recipes or even videos. You see to what I up to.
    Pinterest can also be a great source of traffic if you start know. Everybody is talking about Pinterest right now. I wouldn't miss it.
    I tried to make it easy for a newbie to start making money with YouTube. I'm sure even more advanced marketer will find some new information's or even some new tricks. It's now your part to take this information and start implementing it. You'll find yourself in the situation to fight some fights with bad videos you made or videos with not much views but you know what, we all did fight those fights. So, as I said, from time to time you will find that some videos are not converting well. Don't let your motivation go down. Keep making videos and you'll see soon success.
    All the best!
    Protect YT Videos From Being Removed! [Traffic|SEO] [4/8]]
    Hey friends! This is simple and easy tutorial to protect your YouTube videos from getting removed!
    1) Download Win-Rar from here:
    2) Right click your file that you want to upload to CleanFilesand click on Add to archieve...
    3) Now go to Advanced tab and click on Set Password.
    4) Enter some random password like: 111222333 and click on OK.
    5) Open Notepad and write:
    Code: Select all
    To unlock "Your File Name Here" you need password.
    To get your password you need to download it from here:
    (Your CleanFiles Link Here)
    Have Fun!
    6) Save it as desktop with name like "Your File Password"
    7) Now upload your .rar file at Mediafire.
    8) You're done.
    Extra tip: When you upload YouTube videos make sure you don't put download links in description in the first week when you boost it. First get it on first page then put the download link. (Your Mediafire Link).
    Make sure in your video title you put (Mediafire Links) or (No Surveys).
    Few Tips To Increase Your Conv Rate! [Traffic|SEO] [5/8]]
    Alright, you have very low conversation rate? Do you want to improve it? Follow the few simple tips below and I'm almost 100% sure that your conversation rate will increase.
    Tip 1) Alright so your niche is cracked version of Camtasia but your file is 0.30 KB. That's IMPOSSIBLE, some people are smart and take a look at the file size and once they see that the file is only 0.30 KB they'll just click the X button, you'll get CLICK but you wont get download and then you'll cry why your conversation rate is soooo low. So what i mean? Make sure the files you are offering are real or at least look like real, there's a lot of programs that can help you to change your file size. I don't remember any but if anyone here got one please PM me with mediafire link + virus scan.
    Virus Scan: ... /analysis/
    Download link:
    Thanks to HFpuppies.
    Tip 2) Make sure you have professional looking name on your file. For example as I can see most files have name like "xbox generator.exe" or "facebook hack.exe" or something like that, to be honest it looks pretty unprofessional. I recommend you to spent few more seconds and make your file title look professional. For example if my niche is xbox live generator my file name would look like
    XBOX 360 Live Codes Generator - Updated May, 2012.rar
    Tip 3) As you can see we have option to put description on our files. It's pretty good and it will increase your conversation rate for sure. Make sure you write at least few words about your file. For example, in my descriptions I put this:
    "To download "My Niche" hit the Regular Download button. Few offers will popup, please complete one and get your "My Niche" for free! It's free, easy and takes only few seconds to complete!"
    Tip 4) Make sure on your blogs you have awesome download buttons. They'll attract people to download and yeah, will increase your conversation rate a lot!
    Tip 5) Virus scan. Many people ask for it, many people think that surveys are scam but it will take 2 more minutes from your time to scan your file at Just scan your file and show your visitors that they are downloading something that doesn't have virus.
    Tip 6) Now edit all your files, if needed re-upload them, put nice name/description, provide virus scan and increase your conversation rate!
    Easy YT Likes & Comments - Unlimited [Traffic|SEO] [6/8]]
    Well this is another great tip to get a lot of likes, and comments to your YouTube videos for free, no exchange websites, no bots, from real people for free!
    How many likes you need on your video? 10? 20? 50? 100? 500? No problem you can get them in few days by doing the trick below.
    Once you've uploaded your YouTube video, edit your video description and instead offering download link in the first week or two tell your visitors to Like your video and post nice Comment to your video to get the download link via Private Message.
    After 1-2 weeks you'll have a lot of likes and a lot of awesome comments then you'll be ready to put your download link and make your video with comments with approval only.
    I've been using this method for years, good thing is that video won't get removed and people will check your video few times, just to check if you edited your description and you put download link!
    Get YouTube Views For Free! [Traffic|SEO] [7/8]
    This is how I'm boosting my YouTube videos. I'm generating around 600-1500 views per day using view exchange sites. At the moment I'm not really focused on YouTube but I'm using few sites that boost my views/rank my videos.
    Currently I'm using Vagex and Enhanceviews only, they do the job perfectly for me!
    Step 1) Sign up at and
    Step 2) Earn Free Credits to get your views.
    - < --- Follow everything and earn credits.
    - < --- Follow everything and earn credits.
    Step 3) Once you've enough credits like 2000 at vagex and like 5000 at enhanceviews you're ready to redeem. I recommend you to redeem all 2000 credits to your YouTube video from vagex and redeem maximum 200 views from Enhanceviews.
    Step 4) Once boosting finished you should get good rank on YouTube, if you're not earning anything yet then earn more credits and do the same to your videos till you get good rank at YouTube!
    I boosted my videos but I'm not ranked on YouTube?
    Well that's because you don't have right title/description/tags. To get your right title, description and tags please read my tutorial here:
    There's a lot of websites that offer free YouTube views. So if you have any and you confirm that it's legit please PM me with the link and little tutorial how it works.
    Do you want to invest? Click here! [Traffic|SEO] [8/8]]
    Oh well, there's some people that would like to invest some money. I'll recommend you few good ways to invest your money that I've tested and they work pretty good for me.
    Believe me, best investment for me is vagex. Example, you created 10 niches and you would like to boost them all with views. I recommend you to purchase Expert at vagex. It will cost you only $10 and this is what you'll get:
    Bonus 30,000 credits per month
    Add Unlimited Videos
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    10 USD per month
    Alright, let's say you have 10 niches and you put 3,000 credits to every video, once they get ranked and all get the 3,000 credits you'll get your $10 back for sure and you'll make a lot more for sure. Well I boosted one of my videos with 5,000 credits and already made me $40 in like 10 days.
    Another great way to invest few bucks is fiverr. Uh well if you're not using mediafire method to protect your YouTube videos then I'm pretty sure you put your blog/website link to your description. Alright so if your videos is already ranked good on YouTube and you're getting at least around 200-300 visitors to your blog I recommend you to visit fiverr and purchase backlinks. Purchase only from top rated sellers. Purchase like 3-4 good eye looking gigs. Using this method I ranked around 40-50 of my blogs already and they are generating a lot of traffic from Google.
  17. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į zyzuole Individuali veikla. Kaip įregistruoti individualią veiklą?   
    Žiūrėkite sutarites sąlygas su mokė
    Paprastai, mokė fiziniams asmenims išmokėdami pinigus, atskaičiuoja mokesčius. taigi jei bus pasirašyta sutartis tokiomis sąlygomis, jums išrašinėti nieko nebereikės.
    Legaliai parduoti galite, tik negalėsite į išlaidas įtraukti prekių savikainos.
    Kalbėti apie naudą galima tik žinant labai konkrečią situaciją.
  18. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Arnas Ieskau tarpininko   
    tiesiog žmogus matyt vertina tuos 20lt labai. aš pats vertinu tokius pinigus ir nenorėčiau jų prarast
  19. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Bandiz Elektroninės parduotuvės kurimas   
    berods jau 90ltl, cia tik pataisyti norejau, kad kiti nesusiklaidintu.
  20. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į gkanapinis Ko pasigedote internete?   
    Pasigedau tik tinklapio, kuriame būtų tiksli informacija, kaip uždirbti milijoną sėdint prie kompiuterio ir nepersidirbant. O daugiau kaip ir nieko :)
  21. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į kuzhdesyz NowVideo   
    O kokios,tos kitos talpyklos? :)
  22. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į zyzuole Individuali veikla. Kaip įregistruoti individualią veiklą?   
    Ar rinkti dokumentus ar taikyti 30 proc. išlaidų nurašymo būdą renkatės jūs pats, pagal tai, kuris jums palankesnis mokesčių atžvilgiu, t.y. pagal kurį būdą jums išeina mažesnis apmokestinamųjų pajamų (pelno) dydis.
    Savarankiškai - ne.
  23. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į Marnas9 Android Programėlė - Forumas   
    Sveiki, turbūt dauguma turite išmaniuosius telefonus, tai pristatau programėlę - Forumas. Aišku, ji labai paprasta, tai tik pavyzdys, kad kas nors galėtų sukurti normalią Android, iOs ir Windows Phone.
  24. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į tidus Android Programėlė - Forumas   
    Realiai tai pasitikeciau jungtis su savo duomenimis,per programele,nebent jai ji butu patvirtinta Administracijos kaip saugi naudotis.. o ne kurta Nario po ismetimo ir su neigiamu atsiliepimu.. Nenoriu nieko izeisti,tiesiog sunkiai pasitikiu zmonemis,tai tiek,bet kokiu atveju pliusas uz pastangas,kad kazkas kuriama ne vien savo naudai :)
  25. Patinka
    drag84 sureagavo į dimonaz69 Individuali veikla. Kaip įregistruoti individualią veiklą?   
    šiandien gavau VMI buhalterinės apskaitos seminaro skaidres. Viskas, mano manymu, labai aiškiai išdėstyta. Nemažai pavyzdžių. Gal kam pravers ;)
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