Pereiti prie turinio


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  1. Receiving a returned item If you've reached an agreement with the buyer to issue a full refund, the buyer should post the item back to you. Or if the buyer asked eBay to review a case for an item not matching the listing description, and we determined that the buyer should be paid a full refund, we'll put the case on hold for 10 days and ask the buyer to post the item back to you. We'll ask the buyer to use tracking or a delivery confirmation number so that we'll know where the package is in transit, and we'll be able to confirm that you've received it. If a case was opened and we have c
  2. jei nepavyks sutart, tegul kelia disputa ir tada jis pats netures kur detis: arba tures grazint preke su tracking arba atsaukt disputa.
  3. nepaisant visko, preke pirkejas turi grazint uz savo lesas! Tik kai bus preke grazinta tau, paypal tik tada gali grazint tuos pinigus (preke+pastas) pirkejui.
  4. taip, pirkejas privalo grazint preke savo saskaita, tokios ebay taisykles. Ir jei jis bus iskeles disputa, ta preke tures grazint reghistruotu (arba su tracking) pastu, kad butu matomas prekes kelias.
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...