Pereiti prie turinio


  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

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raktai Pranešimai

  1. Sveiki,


    Uzsisakaiu siuntini per gearbest puslapi su express DHL pristatymu (estimated ship time: 3-7 business days)


    Praejus beveik triejom savaitem gearbest atsiunte man toki laiska.



    Thank you for you placing order with us.


    The shipping argent told that your local custom has held your package due to the strict inspection.


    Please contact your local custom to release your package as soon as you can.


    Otherwise the shipment will be auto abandoned per procedure.


    As we will not get the package, and then we can not give you too much compensation. Thanks!



    Nelabai supratau kur man cia reikia kreiptis. Pas DHL ar kur kitur?

  2. Sveiki, taigi ar esate kas naudojasi (naudojates) Kaip ten su depositu? Jei isimesciau 15 euru tai man iskart duotu dar +15 bonuso ir galeciau zaist? Ir seip ka manot apie si puslapi? Gal turite savo koki favoritini internetini kazino? :)


    butu malonu, kad pasidalintumet ziniomis



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