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Vejas Pranešimai

  1. man asmeniskai neramu..nlb suprantu nuo ko cia prasidejo ir dar labiau nsuprantu ###### jiem scamint??jie tiek per diena uzkala su tokiais fee....bbz as abejoju kad jie uzsilenks,nes per daug jau jisai yra populiarus ir nuo 2002 metu stovi jau nete..jie turi simtus tukstanciu kreditiniu korteliu duomenu,ir ne viena milijona $$$..per daug jie rizikuotu...nors jei tikint ten visokiais gandais forumuose kad kazkas tipo nuejo i ofisa stormpay ir ten tuscia tada nzn...kazkodel abejoju kad sp kadanors turejo offisa :D

  2. na va cia gal kam idomu ka vyrutis rasineja stormpay claim?kam abejones kyla iskart metu screenus..


    Claim ID 25093 Claim Date 21 Jan 2006 05:23

    Transaction ID 6,957,771 Transaction Date 16 Jan 2006 11:37

    Status Open Merchant [email protected]


    Activity Log

    Created by You

    21 Jan 2006 05:23 a sum of 590$ was transfered to [email protected] you can see in his email this person exchanges stormpay to our local currency and egold.two days ago this person offered me his services and i was very amazed when i knew that it is possible to exchange my stormpay balance.i got these money from 12dailypro which no longer accepts far as i remember stormpay is one of the safest payment procesors..after i send money to this person account i lost all contacts with him..he is not answering my emails, he told me that i must forget my money because stormpay do not allow totally confused.590$ is really big money for me cause im only student at this time.i would like to hear your suggestion what could i do?what evidences i need.and is there any possibility for me to get my money back??i just want that scammer would be punished...please reply as fast as you can..maybe there is some chances left to get my money back...

    Reply by Merchant

    21 Jan 2006 08:31 e-gold? exchange? This person payed me for laptop which I was selling on internet. I sent him laptop, sent him invoice and now he is trying to get his money back and get laptop for free. What I have to do? I can't cancel shiping because package is already sent!

    Reply by You

    21 Jan 2006 11:31 dont lie i wasnt buying any laptops.i transfered you money and you scammed me..please refund my money as quickly as you payment subject no things were mention about any laptops.if you take deeper look you will see that both our accounts are from lithuania and ip are from same country.what shipment ciould be done??he is just a big scammer which will be soon punished

    Reply by You

    21 Jan 2006 15:27 today i finally contacted person i transfered money he claims that he dont understand what i am talking about..he says that his stormpay account was hacked and he cannot access it.well..strange i think..please do all full and long investigation and do a right decision

    Reply by Merchant

    21 Jan 2006 18:42 what are you talking about? why are you trying to get my money? I shiped your order, i sent you invoice. Admins of StormPay I am honest user of your system, I have NetIBA sertifikate and this kid is trying to live me without my laptop and my money.

    Reply by You

    22 Jan 2006 07:06 can you show me where i could buy a laptop for 590$???you said that you even shipped me few interesting.if stormpay will look at this in detail they will see that when the transaction was made you didnt have any netiba then...and one question how can you ship me laptops (for such price there are no laptops)when we live in a same country in a same city?

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