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Parduodu Kaspersky antivirusą.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Parduodu Kaspersky antiviruso licenziją 2011 metams už 50lt.


Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 has a range of unique technologies for heightened security and protection for your family. Keeps your PC or Netbook healthy:


* Real-time proactive protection against viruses and other malware

* Safe Surf and Kaspersky Web Toolbar for online security

* Best-in-class personal firewall for keeping hackers at bay

* Identity protection with Virtual Keyboard and anti-phishing

* Unique Safe Run mode for suspicious app’s and sites

* Advanced Parental Control with flexible settings

* Smart anti-spam and anti-banner protection

* Computer tune-up for better performance and protection

* Rescue CD for system restoration after malware attacks

* Automatic scheduled scans and updates

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