Pereiti prie turinio

Anglu kalba. For and against tipo rašinys.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai



Nesu vienas iš tų, kurie tikisi, kad už juos viskas bus padaryta, todėl nesupyksiu, jei niekas nepadėsite. Tačiau būtų malonu išgirsti, kokių nors pasiūlymų ar klaidų taisymų.


The best things in life are free


In today's world you can get a lot of things, if you have enough money. But it does not mean that you can own anything you want. Money could only bring us material things, which will never be as good as feelings, like love and friendship. So can the best things in life be free?

Firstly, it is important to state that most wanted things today are feelings. You cannot deny that, because there are no people, who can enjoy being all alone without love or friends. For example, there are many poor regions, where people's only property is family and friends. They do not have electricity, popular t-shirts, expensive watches, but they are still cheerful. This is true happiness and one of the best free things in life.

On the other hand, wealth could make us happy for a while too. In addition to this, every child dreams that in the future he will have a big house with swimming-pool and luxurious car. What is more, money could satisfy us, but only for a moment. For instance, in most popular magazines you could see articles, which let us know about rich people. There they are shown often unhappy, because of greed and fake friends, who pretends to be such for benefits.

To sum up, I would say that best things in life are free, because for everyone of us feelings are priceless. However, we also need money, but those green notes can only satisfy basic our needs and get us material things.


Taip pat specialus klausimas, ar formal tipo tekste gali būti ,,where people's only property''.


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