Pereiti prie turinio

Gavau darbo pasiūlymą, atiduodu jį Jums

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Į el. paštą gavau darbo pasiūlymą. Kadangi jis manęs nedomina, o už surastą žmogų žada atlygį (jeigu siųsdamas CV jis nurodys mano el. pašto adresą), tad tiesiog pasidalinsiu juos su Jumis. Gal atsiras koks geros širdies, kuris nepatingės už tai siųsdamas savo CV paminėti mano el. pašto adresą kaip rekomendavusio asmens :) Kas žino, gal gausit darbo vietą, o aš už tai irgi šiek tiek ir visi bus patenkinti :D

Tad jeigu kas nepatingės ir paminės mano el. pašto adresą, tikrai nesupyksiu ( gkanapinis[eta] )

P.S., pats viso laiško smulkiai neskaičiau, tiesiog pramečiau akimis ir pateikiu Jums.


Hi (savo vardą ir pavardę pašalinau)


We found your contact details on one of the major online CV databases and we are currently looking for senior mobile developers (Objective C/C/C++ and Java) and mobile designers and project managers with experience from the mobile industry. (We did not search specifically for developers, but for IT and Telecom in general).


If you are not currently looking for a full time job but would consider to work part-time, as a freelancer, through your own company or as a consultant for any potential current employee then please do not hesitate so send us your updated CV and rates. We have many projects where we have need for temporary co-workers.


Send your CV to: [email protected] (don't forget to specify which job/jobs you apply for)

Finder´s fee


If you are not intrested or think that you are not suitable for any of the current positions you might know someone who is!


Then please ask that person to send us an email to [email protected] along with an updated CV, potential salary demands and a short description about why they think they are suitable for the position. Don't forget to tell them to specify which job or jobs to apply for and that they must specify your own email address as the individual who referred them to us!


If we recruit the individual that you recommend, we will pay you 500 Litas (LTL) in hands (after taxes).


For rules of payments please look at the bottom of this email.

We are about to build a strong iOS/Android/Blackberry senior development team


We are building a team to be in charge of our mobile applications, (we need 3-4 people).


We need specialists to maintain our platform independent mobile applications. iOS, Android and Black Berry. You will be among the first in this team that will most likely grow rapidly in short. We need 2 senior lead developers and 1 GUI/Designer/project manager with experince from the mobile industry.


The Mobile Future is in Your Hands. The mobile phone market has matured significantly over the past few years and consumers are now expecting for more from their mobile phones in terms of services. With smartphone ownership showing massive growth, the range of functions a phone is expected to perform has multiplied. In many parts of the world the mobile is already becoming the primary access to the internet. Global research shows an ever growing appetite for mobile services.


The company you will be working for belongs to the leading providers of commercial mobile payment solutions in Nordics, (Swedish company). But you will be located in our office in Kaunas or Vilnius.


About the application

The application runs on all major smartphones, including iPhones, Androids and Black berry.


The ability to shop anywhere, anyway and anytime is no longer just a vision for the future, it’s a reality. It’s what we’d like to call real freedom. That freedom begins with downloading the application onto your phone.


Send your CV to: [email protected] (Specify Web designer)

Further more


We are also looking for experienced web designers/developers, PHP, C/C++, C#, Java developers. Please visit in order to view more information.

Follow us in social media


Please follow us in our social media precence whenever we have an available job or project opening we will communicate it through our channels on Facebook and Twitter.


(Don't forget to press the LIKE button - thanks in advance)

Who we are


UAB Baltic Resources targets the Nordic area, (Sweden, Finland, Denmark & Norway) any client that would benefit from utilizing an effective and price worthy quality work force from overseas - nearshoring.


By having our coworkers, freelancers and partners participating in our "Certified by UAB Baltic Resources" quality assurance program we let you focus on your mission at hand and take care of all the paperwork, human resource overhead, taxes, invoicing, legal and government reporting.

Consulting services


UAB Baltic Resources targets local, (in Baltic's plus surrounding countries such as Belarus, Poland, Ukraine) individuals, freelancers, partners & other businesses and we provide several full package services. We can act as the one and only required partner when doing cross border businesses against the Nordic market. Sometimes we manage the projects from Sweden sometimes you manage them directly but use our services by doing so and so forth.

Dedicated resources


The dedicated resource is the named individual that works full time for the client not on any specific project but as team resource. The person reports in full to the client for all regular daily business, like a distance worker on a satellite office.


Baltic Resources is responsible for all overhead such as: HR – human resource related tasks, facilities, reporting and of course the business – that the terms & agreements are fulfilled properly.

Thanks for your time


We look forward to hear from you!


Any questions email us at [email protected]


or visit our homepage


You have the possibility to opt-out from our mail lists but by doing so you will not receive any questions about any job or project inquirys. We will not send more than 1 letter like this per week mostly it will be twice a month.


Finders fee rules for payment


The individual that applies must remember to specify your email address as the referer, (otherwise we will not be able to recognize you).

We must recruit that individual on behalf of a client meaning an non-termed employment (not for projects/freelancers or partners) - our services within staffing/dedicated resources

The employed individual must pass the trial period, after the individual passed the trial period you will be contacted and you can claim your finders fee.

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