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Pats metas atsisveikinti su savo filmų kolekcija. Man nebereikia DVD diskų. Žiūrėsiu filmus kompiuteriu, nors per televizorių buvo patogiau. Sukaupiau įvairaus žanro DVD filmų kolekciją. Mano manymu vieni įdomesnių, jums puikiai tiksiančių filmų būtų šie: Sopranos, Rocky, Bruce Lee, bet viskas tuo nesibaigia.


Kiekvieno filmo kaina 5 litai, tačiau už Sopranos ir Rocky bei The Godfather imsiu šiek tiek daugiau: 15 litų, kadangi parduodamas ne vienas diskas. Už pašto išlaidas mokate jūs (5 litai, registruota siunta).


Dar turiu tokių filmų: Good Will Hunting, Million Dollar Baby, The Shawshank Redemption, The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Batman Begins, Das Leben Der Anderen, K-19 The Widowmaker, Fallout, The Informant, Stalingrad, Plan 9 From Outer Space. Jų aprašymus ir nuotraukas įdėsiu vėliau.


The Sopranos. Series 6.


Angliškas aprašymas.

Several crises threaten Tony and his crew; for starters, rival boss Johnny Sack (Vince Curatola) is in prison, and the always-tense relations between the New Jersey and New York families are strained through the unpredictable behavior of Sack?s surrogates. Then there are the inevitable power struggles that ensue when certain family members are eliminated, by natural and other causes.

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Šis DVD komplektas pirktas D.Britanijoje. Diskai nesubraižyti. DVD regionas: 2. DVD diske rasite papildomos medžiagos: serialo kūrėjų ir aktorių komentarus. Pridedu keletą nuotraukų, kuriose matysite parduodamo daikto būklę. Papildomos nuotraukos.


Sylvester Stallone. Rocky. The Complete Saga.


Angliškas aprašymas.

Includes: Rocky I, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, and Rocky Balboa (all widescreen)

Disc 1: Rocky I WS Disc 2: Rocky II WS Disc 3: Rocky III WS Disc 4: Rocky IV WS Disc 5: Rocky V WS Disc 6: Rocky Balboa WS (SONY)

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Ši DVD kolekcija taip pat pirkta D.Britanijoje. Diskai nesubraižyti. DVD regionas: 2. DVD diske rasite papildomos medžiagos: įvairūs traileriai, kūrėjų ir aktorių komentarai, ištrintos filmų scenos ir t.t. Pridedu keletą nuotraukų, kuriose matysite parduodamo daikto būklę. Papildomos nuotraukos.


The Godfather: The Coppola Restoration (1972)


Angliškas aprašymas.

Throughout his long, wandering, often distinguished career Francis Ford Coppola has made many films that are good and fine, many more that are flawed but undeniably interesting, and a handful of duds that are worth viewing if only because his personality is so flagrantly absent. Yet he is and always shall be known as the man who directed the Godfather films, a series that has dominated and defined their creator in a way perhaps no other director can understand. Coppola has never been able to leave them alone, whether returning after 15 years to make a trilogy of the diptych, or re-editing the first two films into chronological order for a separate video release as The Godfather Saga. The films are our very own Shakespearean cycle: they tell a tale of a vicious mobster and his extended personal and professional families (once the stuff of righteous moral comeuppance), and they dared to present themselves with an epic sweep and an unapologetically tragic tone. Murder, it turned out, was a serious business. The first film remains a towering achievement, brilliantly cast and conceived. The entry of Michael Corleone into the family business, the transition of power from his father, the ruthless dispatch of his enemies--all this is told with an assurance that is breathtaking to behold. And it turned out to be merely prologue; two years later The Godfather, Part II balanced Michael's ever-greater acquisition of power and influence during the fall of Cuba with the story of his father's own youthful rise from immigrant slums. The stakes were higher, the story's construction more elaborate, and the isolated despair at the end wholly earned. (Has there ever been a cinematic performance greater than Al Pacino's Michael, so smart and ambitious, marching through the years into what he knows is his own doom with eyes open and hungry?) The Godfather, Part III was mostly written off as an attempted cash-in, but it is a wholly worthy conclusion, less slow than autumnally patient and almost merciless in the way it brings Michael's past sins crashing down around him even as he tries to redeem himself. --Bruce Reid

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Ši DVD kolekcija taip pat pirkta D.Britanijoje. Diskai nesubraižyti. DVD regionas: 2. DVD diske rasite papildomos medžiagos: įvairūs traileriai, kūrėjų ir aktorių komentarai, ištrintos filmų scenos ir t.t. Pridedu keletą nuotraukų, kuriose matysite parduodamo daikto būklę. Papildomos nuotraukos.


Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon, A Warrior's Journey, Game of Death.


Angliškas aprašymas.

A martial artist agrees to spy on a reclusive crime lord using his invitation to a tournament there as cover.


Legendary martial artist Bruce Lee is the subject of this thoughtful documentary by Lee aficionado John Little. Using interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and action sequences from Lee's last (unfinished) film, Game of Death, Little paints a textured, complex portrait of the world's most famous action hero.


A martial arts movie star must fake his death to find the people who are trying to kill him.

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DVD diskai puikios kokybės. Kaip ir visi kiti, šis diskas pritaikytas 2 regionui. A Warrior's Journey - dokumentinis filmas, o likę filmai - vaidybiniai. Papildomos nuotraukos.




Angliškas aprašymas.

A depiction of the brutal battle of Stalingrad, the Third Reich's 'high water mark', as seen through the eyes of German officer Hans von Witzland and his battalion.

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Paprastas DVD be jokių priedų. DVD regionas: 2. Įdomus filmas. Rekomenduoju. Papildomos nuotraukos.


The Shawshank Redemption.


Angliškas aprašymas.

Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.

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DVD diske rasite papildomos medžiagos. Filmo traileris ir interviu su šio filmo žvaigždėmis. Diskas tvarkingas ir nesubraižytas. Geras filmas. Papildomos nuotraukos.


Good Will Hunting.


Angliškas aprašymas.

Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT, has a gift for mathematics but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life.

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DVD diskas neturi jokių papildomų priedėlių. "Plikas" filmas. DVD regionas: 2. Papildomos nuotraukos.


Million Dollar Baby.


Angliškas aprašymas.

A hardened trainer/manager works with a determined woman in her attempt to establish herself as a boxer.

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Skubu nudžiuginti. Šis DVD diskas turi papildomos medžiagos. DVD regionas: 2. Įdomus ir sukrečiantis filmas. Papildomos nuotraukos.


Batman Begins.


Angliškas aprašymas.

Bruce Wayne loses his philanthropic parents to a senseless crime, and years later becomes the Batman to save the crime-ridden Gotham City on the verge of destruction by an ancient order.

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Šiame diske jokios papildomos medžiagos nerasite. Dar vienas "plikas" filmas. DVD regionas: 2. Papildomos nuotraukos.


The Informant.


Angliškas aprašymas.

The U.S. government decides to go after an agri-business giant with a price-fixing accusation, based on the evidence submitted by their star witness, vice president turned informant Mark Whitacre.

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Šią komediją supras ne visi. DVD regionas: 2. Papildomos nuotraukos.


The 36th Chamber of Shaolin.


Angliškas aprašymas.

The anti-Ching patriots, under the guidance of Ho Kuang-han, have secretly set up their base in Canton, disguised as school masters. During a brutal Manchu attack, Lui manages to escape and devotes himself to learning the martial arts in order to seek revenge. In a short period of time he masters the deadly use of his fists, feet and palms, along with such weapons as swords, sticks, and lances. With his learning complete, he takes on the Manchus.

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Šis filmas vadinamas Kung-Fu filmų pradininku. DVD diske rasite papildomos medžiagos. DVD regionas: 2. Papildomos nuotraukos.

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