Pereiti prie turinio

Mikroekonomika. Padekit prasau.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Reikia isspresti uzdavinius:

1. Government prices the natural monopoly’s services based upon marginal costs. Demand function is as follows: P = 300 – 0,07Q. Average variable costs are constant at LTL 160. Average costs exceed the price by LTL10. How much is the total subsidy paid out by the Government?

2. Suppose a stream is discovered whose water has remarkable healing powers. You decide to bottle the liquid and sell it. The market demand curve is given as follows : P = 30 – Q . The marginal cost to produce this new drink is $3.

1) What price would this new drink sell for if it sold in a competitive market?

2) What is the monopoly price of this drink?

3) What will be the price of this new drink in the long run if the industry is a Cournot duopoly?

4) What will be the price of this new drink in the long run if the industry is a Bertrand duopoly?

5) What will be the price of this new drink in the long run if the firms in the industry collude with one another to maximize joint profit?


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