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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Sveiki. Taigi siulau sukurti atskira tema, kur dedume ivarius bajerius anekdotus, juokingus klipukus ir tt. Taigi pradedu:


The European Commission has just announced an

agreement whereby English will be the official

language of the European Union rather than German,

which was the other possibility.



As part of the negotiations, the British Government

conceded that English spelling had some room for

improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan

that would become known as "Euro-English".



In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".

Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with




The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This

should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one

less letter.



There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond

year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with

"f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.




In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling

kan be expekted to reach the stage where more

komplikated changes are possible.



Governments will enkourage the removal of double

letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate




Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent

"e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go




By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as

replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".



During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from

vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil

hav a reil sensibl riten styl.



Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil

find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united

urop vil finali kum tru.



Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German

like zey vunted in ze forst plas.



If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

P.S. Gal galetu moderatoriai perkelti tema i skilti Pramogos, ivairios nuorodos, nes biski ne cia sukuriau.

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