Pereiti prie turinio

affablesite reklama

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Non-Targeted Emails:

Emails To All Members

**NO Searches**


(10c no timer) Email to all members - $250.00

(20c 10sec) Email to all members - $300.00

(30c 20sec) Email to all members - $400.00



Targeted Search:


Targeted Ads:

Will only go to members from Selected Search Countries.


International Ads:

Will go to ALL Countries and are ONLY for International Search Engines!~

**Search Ads ONLY**


(Standard Search Countries are the countries

that most search engines allow.)


(40c 30sec) Search Email (standard) - $400.00

(40c 30sec) Search Email (International) - $500.00

(40c 30sec) Targeted Search Email (US/UK/CAN/AU) - $300.00



Targeted Non-Search:

Targeted Non-Search Ads:


Will only go to members from Selected Countries.


(standard= countries allowed by most search engines)


(40c 30sec) Non-Search Email (standard) - $350.00

(40c 30sec) Targeted Non-Search Email (US/UK/CAN/AU) - $300.00

(40c 30sec) Targeted Non-Search Email (USA) - $150.00


Banner Impressions

Your banner inserted into our banner rotation on the top of each page of the website.

This is a great way to catch peoples interest, just as much publicity, if not more than, advertising in the member e-Mails.

The banners will be displayed on every page of the site, randomly mixed in with other banners..


** Please do not put any html code in the link boxes **


5,000 Banner Impressions - $120.00

10,000 Banner Impressions - $200.00

25,000 Banner Impressions - $400.00

50,000 Banner Impressions - $620.00

100,000 Banner Impressions - $1000.00


Paid To Click Banner Ads

Banner 468 x 60 Exposures have a unique price per click and will last until the purchased number of clicks has been reached.

These are UNIQUE VISITORS as each user may click only ONCE per 24 hours.



PTC Ads:

These ads are visible in the members paid2click area.



** Please do not put any html code in the link boxes **


2,500 (30c 20sec) PTC *NO Searches * - $500.00

500 (30c 20sec) Paid To Click - $200.00

5,000 (30c 20sec) Paid To Click - $800.00

5,000 (40c 30sec) Pay To Click - $1000.00



Pay To Promote PTC: Great for SAS, Nickels By Email, Storm Of Cash Paid To Promote Type Sites:


These ads are visible in the members PTP-2click area.


*No Search Ads*


** Please do not put any html code in the link boxes **


500 (10c no timer) Promote Paid To Click - $100.00

2,500 (20c 10sec) Promote Paid To Click - $400.00

500 (20c 10sec) Promote Paid To Click - $150.00

2,500 (10c no timer) Promote Paid To Click - $300.00

5,000 (10c no timer) Promote Paid To Click - $500.00

5,000 (20c 10sec) Promote Paid To Click - $700.00

5,000 (30c 20sec) Promote Paid To Click - $750.00


KOLKAS TURIU $ 667.1708

Patys siulykite kaina as atnaujinsiu mano suma kiekviena diena

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    ✔️ Naudotis tamsia dizaino versija;

    ir dar daugiau.

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