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Bosxs, nors ir nedaug laiko liko bet liko. Spejau. Turejau sunkias salygas rasyti, bet parasiau. :lol:

Nokia N810 WiMAX edition

Recently Nokia have revealed information about its own newest Nseries device Nokia N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX edition. It will use new generation WiMAX communication network, which gives similar speed same as fixed broadband. On WiMAX network each user will be able to download data at 2-4 Mbps speed, maximal speed should reach about 10Mbps. Nokia N810 WiMAX edition should appear in USA at this summer.

Nokia N810 browser use Mozilla technologies (same use Firefox browser too). Browser can open practically all internet websites and use large (4.13 inch diagonal) device screen, and sliding QWERTY keyboard. That user could always communicate sterlingly, device has installed VoIP (internet voice talk) and short messages program, like Skype , Google talk and Gizmo5, intended for visual calls. In Nokia N810 you will find Rhapsody music software, which make portable music player with thousands of songs, albums from this phone. Lesser Nokia plane-table phones uses Linux operating system, and there are programmers to create software.

This future Nokia has integral GPS recipient with maps, has 2Gb inward memory + 10Gb feasible external memory (microSD or microSDHC cards). So you could watch films, play games without chew of memory remain. When this Nokia is not on WiMAX connection zone, it can take WiFi, GPRS or 3G network, but these actions could be used just with other device on bluetooth connectivity.

Updated operation system has better e-mails scanner, china hieroglyph show on browser, RSS scanner and Seamless software update function, which renews software automatically.


Readers responses are really different.. “ screen is too big, it easily could be scratched”, “ it is amazing “real future” manual computer with just necessary components ”. But of every description opinions attain every new technology device.

Redagavo Skorpionas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

ahhh geriau girtas issiliesiu ir rytoj paziuresiu koki suda primaliau

Rumours about Nokia N85


A lot of peoples name it "N00", because it hasn't name yet, but it is rumoured that N00 will name N85. It will be smaller than

Nokia N96, but with WQVGA resolution (4??x240 pixels resolution). This phone will have a sliding keyboard or thumbpad

hidden underneath it. It will have an ambient light sensor, a front facing camera, high quality auto-focus 5 megapixel camera

behind a built-in Xenon flash, GPS module and geotagging feature. We will choose from Cocoa Brown and White colors.

N85 body type will be very similar as N95 or N96.

About officialy release I can't say anything, but it's scheduled for summer 2009.


Ir kitas:


Demonstration site of Nokia N96 online now!


All who are intrested about technologies or are absolute fans of N series phones, know all about N96. We know that this phone is very

good and it has a lot of good things. But this site ( lets us to

watch what N96 has in user interface. You will see menu, all functions and etc. High quality pictures allow to us realize all

features of this phone. As well this is very exhaustive explanation (guide). So hurry up to visit site because Nokia will

it remove soon, as usually. Visit now!


Tai tokie mano straipsneliai. :) Kadangi išvykstu tai nežinosiu ar laimėjau, bet grįšiu sekmadienį. :)

Sekmės visiems...

Patiko turinys, nepatiko tai, kad trumpas.


Perfect screen, capacious battery, progressive program equipment, brilliant photos quality - this is how we can describe Nokia N95 phone.


Into N95 is mounted in brilliant, 2.6 inches diagnol and 320x240 expression screen, in which you can see really quality photos or any file you download from computer. For comparison this screen is not weaker than thats, which is mounting in palmtops.


5 MP(mega pixels) expression photo camera and Carl Zeiss optics will help you to take really quality photos or make a imposing video clips. While taking photos you can took N95 in horizontal position like real photo camera. Even if phone keyboard is hidden you can take photos, make videos and use all phone video function that N95 offer for you. N95 have great ability to show its video files immediately in TV screen without taking files in PC first.


There was made a experiment which phone photo quality is better N95 or N73ME. Without any difficulties N95 won this "battle".


Here photos made by N95:

post-11121-1215177230.jpg post-11121-1215177227.jpg

And here photos made by N73ME:

post-11121-1215177253.jpg post-11121-1215177251.jpg

Nokia N95 have an ability to function in all countries or continents where is GSM connection. N95 support all four GSM frequencies. Phone also have a GPS wireless, which is integrated into phone with more than 100 maps of all world countries, so you can be sure that you never get lost in any country you visit.


Into Nokia N95 is integrated Symbian OS 9.2 and S60 rel. 3.1 software, with more innovations to compare with older Symbian versions. The biggest novelty is that you can open web pages in same size like in computer screen. You can push view to right or left, up or down what is very comfort. Also with N95 you can open not one but some web pages in your phone browser and you have no difficulties to jump from one page to other.


Into phone is fitted in 160 MB interior memory. N95 support Micro SD memory cards with which help you can add 2 GB more memory. Also you can change memory cards without turning off the phone.


And if you think that Nokia N95 with its abilities have low battery - your presumption is wrong. N95 have great, 950 mAh battery, which let you talk over 4 hours and phone can still in stand-by state up to 220 hours.


Nokia N95 also support: Bluetooth, IrDa, USB, TV out and other functions which is needed to great and brilliant phone - Nokia N95 is absolutely like this.

Patiko viskas, isskyrus tema (N95), bet manau tai neturi reiksmes.


Va mano kukli naujiena. Tikiuos tiks.


Nokia N98 might be a real rival to Apple iPhone


In the Internet we can find the first news about another Nokia product – N98. This information was published by Nokia company in France, so we can suppose that it is true. This mobile pone might be a real rival to Apple iPhone, because it looks like Apple product from outside: has sensory screen, without buttons. From the technical point we can see the other view so we can expect that it will be totally different.

Nokia N98 vs. Apple iPhone


Nokia N98 has 7,2 mega pixels photo camera and „Carl Zeiss“ optics, 5x optical and 20x digital zoom. It also has 3,5 inches sensor VGA display reflecting 16 million colors, graphic speed advancer, which helps to play video games. This Nokia N series brother is built in GPRS receiver and has OS Symbian S70 3rd version. Like other Nokia N series mobile phones N98 has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi , HSDPA. So far we don’t know how much this “toy” will cost, but we can suppose that it won’t cost less than its opponent iPhone. Now we must wait for this new Nokia product.


Visai nieko straipsnis. :) tik.... "This Nokia N series brother is built in GPRS receiver and has OS Symbian S70 3rd version." GPS greiciausiai cia turejo but ar ne?

Nokia N810 WiMAX edition

Recently Nokia have revealed information about its own newest Nseries device Nokia N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX edition. It will use new generation WiMAX communication network, which gives similar speed same as fixed broadband. On WiMAX network each user will be able to download data at 2-4 Mbps speed, maximal speed should reach about 10Mbps. Nokia N810 WiMAX edition should appear in USA at this summer.

Nokia N810 browser use Mozilla technologies (same use Firefox browser too). Browser can open practically all internet websites and use large (4.13 inch diagonal) device screen, and sliding QWERTY keyboard. That user could always communicate sterlingly, device has installed VoIP (internet voice talk) and short messages program, like Skype , Google talk and Gizmo5, intended for visual calls. In Nokia N810 you will find Rhapsody music software, which make portable music player with thousands of songs, albums from this phone. Lesser Nokia plane-table phones uses Linux operating system, and there are programmers to create software.

This future Nokia has integral GPS recipient with maps, has 2Gb inward memory + 10Gb feasible external memory (microSD or microSDHC cards). So you could watch films, play games without chew of memory remain. When this Nokia is not on WiMAX connection zone, it can take WiFi, GPRS or 3G network, but these actions could be used just with other device on bluetooth connectivity.

Updated operation system has better e-mails scanner, china hieroglyph show on browser, RSS scanner and Seamless software update function, which renews software automatically.


Readers responses are really different.. “ screen is too big, it easily could be scratched”, “ it is amazing “real future” manual computer with just necessary components ”. But of every description opinions attain every new technology device.

Kazkodel nuobodokas straipsnis... Pasiteisint negaliu.. gal rytoj kitaip atrodys.



Redagavo Ernestas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Dekui Ernestui uz jo nuomone, praktiskai ji sutapo su mano :)


Dankans man is karto patiko, taigi ji paskirsiu mano pagrindinio blog naujienu dejiku, ryt man parasyk per skype ir viska aptarsim, sukursiu ka reikia


ifixso taippat patiko, jam duosiu pildyti arba, ka nores ta issirinks


Su Beniuku ziuresiu, jei jam liks is tu 3 blog`u tai duosiu viena, bet jei Dankans ar ifixso paims visus 3 tada deje


Nu skorpionas si kart deje, gal kita kart labiau pasiseks


Beje kaip ir sakiau kad uz dalyvavima sumokesiu, tai Beniukas ir skorpionas atsiuskit savo Paypal emailus man i PM, atsiusiu uz naujienas, Dankans ir ifixsas susirasysim per skype ir atsiskaitysim


As ryt busiu po pietu, ant vakaro


Tai tiek, dekui visiem dalyvavusiems :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pasireikšiu ir aš jei tamsta Bosxs nieko prieš :) Man tai išties patiko Dankans straipsnis :) Visiem gerai žinomas aparatas, bet parašytas lyg ir be priekaištų :)


Edit: Ką tik pamačiau, kad Dankans iš mano miesto tai neturi nieko bendra :)

Redagavo Edvinas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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