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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

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va koki laiška gavau ir paypal "#####u" čia išrimpta :lol:


Dear Aurimas Bandza, :lol:


Thanks for contacting PayPal. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you

with your questions. ;)


I am sorry to hear about this situation, and understand your frustration

and concern regarding the payment attempts :D


Mr. Bandza, let me inform you that upon review on your PayPal account I

have been able to spot some transaction attempts which have been stopped by

our security payment system. In order to provide one of the safest online

payment methods PayPal reviews every transaction before it's approved.

Occasionally, we must block a certain funding source. It means that there

may be a higher-than-normal level of risk associated with the transaction

(e.g. transaction being challenged to be unauthorised). ;)


Unfortunately, I can neither give you detailed information as to why our

security system has locked your transaction nor am I able to override or

manually change the security settings. :D


Please be assured that this is a standard procedure for all transactions

going through PayPal and it's carried out in accordance with our User

Agreement. ^_^


I regret any inconvenience this may have caused and would like to ask you

to initiate the payment at a later date or use another funding source. I

would also advise that you contact your seller and inform them why the

payment has not been completed yet. If the seller accepts payments through

PayPal they will be familiar with your situation. To review our User

Agreement please click the Legal Agreements at the bottom of the page. ^_^


Please let me know if you need further assistance. ^_^


nekenčiu paypal (sucks)



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Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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