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kamikadze911 Pranešimai

  1. Gal kam teko susidurt? Ka geriau jiems atsakyt,kad vel toliau sekmingai naudotis?


    Pilnas email is Skrill


    We thank you for choosing Skrill as your online payment processor.


    Please read this email carefully as it contains instructions on how to complete an identity verification of your digital wallet account.


    Skrill, as an FCA (Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom) regulated non-banking financial institution, is expected to collect personally identifiable information as part of its obligation to confirm your identity once you reach a certain turnover in our system. Any information you provide us with during this verification will only be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998.


    As part of the verification procedure, your Skrill account has been temporarily restricted for outgoing payments.


    In order to complete this verification and have the payment restrictions lifted, we need to confirm what is the intended purpose of use of your account and what activities you pursue. In this sense, please confirm


    the purpose of your send/receive money transactions with other personal account holders at our system and your relation to the other personal account holders you transact funds with.


    Please submit the requested explanations to [email protected] or via postal mail to:


    Skrill Ltd.

    Floor 27

    25 Canada Square

    London E14 5LQ

    United Kingdom


    Once the explanations mentioned above have been received, the review of your account may take up to two business days. Once completed, you will receive an email confirmation that your account has been verified and restrictions lifted.


    Please be advised that we are legally obliged to restrict your account and deny all payment services if abovementioned verification is not completed.


    We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Best Regards,

    Skrill Verifications

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