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noTa Pranešimai

  1. Dear Lockerz Member,



    We are writing to let you know that you Lockerz account will be soon closed because we have discovered that you have participated in one or more of the following prohibited activities from our Terms of Service.



    You or anyone acting on your behalf or for your benefit may not create or use multiple, fake or temporary email accounts, messages or related means, including, without limitation, creating or using websites or programs specifically designed to solicit information from individuals for purposes of inviting members, hacking into our system or creating or using programs to specifically circumvent proper and authorized use of our Website and its functionality for any purpose in conjunction with sending invites, earning PTZ or otherwise utilizing Website functionality and features.


    If you think we made a mistake by sending this e-mail and you didn't logged in from multiple ip's please reply to this e-mail and tell us your currently password and a new password and we will secure your account.




    Thank you.


    - The Lockerz Crew




    Lockerz Support

    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

    [email protected]


    Neapsigaukit. Laiska gavau is [email protected] :D

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