Pereiti prie turinio


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Visas c1gas4 turinys

  1. Ar apsimoketu imti E-Gift Card UK 100 GBP? ar is ten siuncia i lt, ir ar moket reikia muita jej atsiuncia?
  2. Tie plastmasiukai (metaliukai) 35 baksus kainuoja? ;D
  3. as dar spejau perziuret visus kai buwo dar 306 :D db 293 teliko
  4. Jegaaa! vel galiu prisijungti i lockerz puslapy ;D
  5. Isvaliau cookies ir cache nepadeda, bandziau jungtis su opera, ie, google chrome ir visur tas pats. Bet per telefa kur kitas ip tai veikia.
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  7. Kad vaizdo translecija rodo tik darbo dienomi nuo 7 iki 22h, tj snd nerodo
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  9. Bandau taip ant USB Flash'o pass uzdeti
  10. Sveiki, bandau daryti toki .bat failiuka kuriam ivedus slaptazody aatidaromas folderis cia kodas: @echo off set pass=123 echo Enter the password set /p ui= if %ui%==%pass% (goto open) echo Wrong password ECHO Closing in 3 seconds PING -n 1 -w 3000 > NUL exit :open start pasleptas Nezinau kaip padaryti kad ivedant slaptazody ivesti skaiciai butu rodomi kaip "*", ir dar reikia padaryti kad sio failo nebutu galima istrinti. Gal kas galit padeti?
  11. Tj rimtai jau buwo? O.O nes man neijungia
  12. Jo, bet snd as tj der nelauksiu. Stai rules : Here are the rules for the Spring Fling redemption: 1. Use of any bots, cheats or fraud will result in immediate order and membership cancellation. No exceptions. 2. Your browser's autofill is allowed (including Roboform). 3. Members are allowed to redeem one (1) item in total. 4. Addresses must be entered accurately when redeeming a prize. If your address is not entered accurately, your prize order will be canceled. 5. There will be no exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on redeemed prizes. 6. All shipping is still free. Although
  13. Parase dar ir taip: Congratulations to our members who earned 200 PTZ between April 3 - 13th 11:59 EDT. If you haven't already received an email, you will receive one today to confirm that you can enter the Spring Fling redemption! When the redemption starts, only members who have received emails will be able to login to for the Spring Fling! 21 hours, 53 minutes ago
  14. Congratulations to our members who earned 200 PTZ between April 3 - 13th 11:59 EDT. If you haven't already received an email, you will receive one today to confirm that you can enter the Spring Fling redemption! When the redemption starts, only members who have received emails will be able to login to for the Spring Fling! 25 minutes ago
  15. Cia pasakai ne kaip video perziuret, o kaip taskus uz ta wideo gaut,nes video visiskai nerodo su tuo no style, bet dekui :)
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