Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Laimėta dienų

  • Atsiliepimai


M_Thing Pranešimai

  1. taip dabar mano apsauga.... :D

    WIN XP + SP2


    Microsoft antispyware

    ir Mozilla Firefox

    patariu daryt kazka panasaus nes ash nelabaj turiu problemu su virusais... kol naudojau IE reikedavo perinstaliuot win kas 3sawaites... :D

  2. bet del mokesciu inspekcijos taj patikekit problemu yra jau pervedi pinigus ish e-gold i koki lietuvos banka.... tada keblumu tikraj kyla. Nes tie pinigai skaitomi kaip tavo uzdarbis o kadangi tavod arbo knygelei nieko neparasyta kyla daugybe sunkumu isaiskinti kad tie pinigai nevogti ir t.t. Galiausiai atskaiciuoja kazkiek % nuo tos sumos... Netaiko mokesciu jei per metus persivedi 30lt atrodo... Jei daugiau taiko... aisku kuo persivedi daugiau pinigu tuo i sawe atitrauki didesni demesi...



    jei niex nenupirks o tu pasiulysi daugiau galesiu duot......

    Targeted Search Email worth 40 cents 30 sec (standard countries) $400 - $400.00

    Targeted NON-Search Email worth 40 cents (30sec) $350 *

    * Email worth 10 cents to all members (No more than 10 lines) (no timer) NO SEARCHES! - $250.00

    * Email worth 20 cents to all members (Less than 20 Lines) (10 sec) NO Searches! - $300.00

    International Search Email worth 30 cents to all members(20sec) - $500.00

    * 2,500 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches! *please no html code>! - $500.00

    * 500 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches(please no html code it messes up the redemption)! - $200.00

    * 5,000 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches! (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $800.00


    acc turiu 834$....

  4. * 500 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $100.00 0.30$

    * 2,500 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $400.00 0.80$

    * 500 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $150.00 0.40$

    * 2,500 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $300.00 0.70$

    * 5,000 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $500.00 0.80$

    * 5,000 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $700.00 1$


    You have directly earned: $ 4,246.4877

    You have earned from your Downline: $ 0.0000

    Your account balance after all transactions: $ 897.7564

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...