Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Atsiliepimai


Deagle Pranešimai

  1. Na reiškia dėl prizo, tai viskas puiku, tik dabar bėda kaip man prisijungti prie lockerz, kai nekrauna naršyklė. :D


    sugraudino laiskas mane ,nes supratau, kad restock nebus antro.

    There are

    no "waves" in this redemption but you will have another chance to redeem in


    Bus dar vienas restock šį mėnesį.

  2. We've been working nonstop to fix all the display errors. Here's what we did:1) Added dailies,game, logins and invite PTZ on accounts that were previously missing them;2)Refunded PTZ for the last redemption for people who did not get prizes;3)Deducted PTZ from invites that violated our terms of service. The display you are seeing should be accurate. Those of you who are worried about your PTZ jump: don't worry:-)

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...