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Infectedin Pranešimai

  1. Domain Name Cost


    Between say $4.95 and $35.00 depending on where you get the domain name and what kind of a .dot name you pick. I mean if you pick something that isn't a .com it may be cheaper. If you go with an expensive domain registrar' date=' look out they are high. If you go with a typical average one the cost will probably be around $8.95 per year for the domain name, and if you want it more than a year then plan on renewing it for that amount each year.


    [b']Script Costs[/b]


    Anywhere from say $18 to a cheapo script to $99.95 to a Cash Crusader Script. If you add plug ins that would cost more, I don't know how much. Then of course the script has to be installed - add another at least $10 for that depending on what kind of a deal you get. It may be $50 to install if you can't do it yourself as the CC script costs that (from what I heard anyways).


    Site Design


    Then if you need the site designed well figure anywheres up to $200 or maybe more I don't know. Maybe you can use the typical design and/or come up with your own design yourself.


    If you have to buy photos and gif for the design yourself figure on around $20 for some software (or perhaps more) to do that stuff.




    Then you're gonna go get some logo and some banner designed (well maybe you can also get a free banner if you want that). Well figure around $10-$20 for one banner alone. You could also say have a contest and have some member design you a banner in exchange for some sort of advertising.




    There goes the big part that is reoccurring and every month you have to come up with or you can lose your site. You figure you're gonna make some money on the site so you think you can come up with hosting. Probably not enough to even cover the cost of hosting. Hosting may be say anywhere from $15 up to $200 depending on the amount of bandwidth and space that you need for your site. Start small and move up the ladder with that.




    Advertising can cost quite a lot of money. Figure on around $50 a month or maybe more, depending on what you decide to do. There's linking sites and purchasing ad links. There's Classified Ads. There's advertising at other paid to read sites. There's time involved for clicking and doing traffic exchanges to get your site seen. And that's just a sample of what's involved.


    Search Engines


    This would depend on whether you have your own software program or not. Figure on around $50 to get your own software to submit to the search engines once a month. If you want someone else to submit to the search engines, figure on around $10 or so to do it for you. If you want to have a very high ranking in the search engines, figure on even more cost.


    Site Managers


    Once you get established, you will need a good site manager or someone else to assist you. They don't get paid much from what I hear. Figure on around $5.00 per month. Just make sure you let them send out all the ads they want to. That is where you cost will be.


    So how much is that? A lot that's how much. And you mean you want us to tell you how much the members are going to get from what is left over?? I don't think there will be anything left over to tell you the truth. So good luck trying to figure out how to pay the members. Let me know if you can find a solution that will actually make the owners MORE than the costs involved.




    As a PO' date=' I have now been on both sides of the ticket, and this is my 3rd year in the PTR world. I have seen much. I have seen many really good programs, some of them still going strong. I have seen many scams, and unfortunately, some of them are also, still going strong.


    If you are going to open a PTR site, get a business plan, a good one. Have money to invest for a minimum of 6 months, and make sure you can pay your hosting with money other than your income from the site for the first few months to a year, because chances are good, in todays PTR world, you won't make it if you don't.


    Get some PTR training. What you say? Yes, I say! PTR training. I have been taking PTR training for several months now, and the knowledge I have amassed in that time has been incredibly useful, and is valuable outside PTR as well. It involves running the site, accounting, HTML basic, using your scripts, plugins. It's GREAT. And it is worth every penny. If you want more information, you can PM me for that.


    Don't be afraid to approach other Program Owners, (or PO's) they are usually good people, and very willing to help. You can usually get banner exchange ads, with them, link exchanges, and even share ad campaigns. It's a case of united we stand. The longer someone is in something, the more they know, and usually, don't mind passing it on. DO NOT however, feel you can just steal their ideas, or web pages, and help yourself to using them. Sometimes, they will share, and others, they do not want to. That is their right. As it will be yours, when it is your turn.


    Don't support the non-sustainable sites by buying their cheap advertising. It is very tempting, and yes, I know that may be all you can afford. But, stop and think about it. You are supporting the very sites that will put you out of business. What good will that do?


    Make sure your tems are fair to both the member, and the site. It's a two way street. Treat it like a business. Not a hobby. If it's a hobby you want, then go take up needlepoint or model building or something, but don't mess with people's money. It's wrong, and bad business.


    Keep your site sustainable. Don't be greedy, but remember, it is a business, and your goal should be to make profit, and to make it pay for itself. Otherwise, you are back to a very expensive hobby again.


    Affiliates can be good, or they can be a real pain. Make sure you read their terms and abide by them, and most of the time, you will be treated fairly, and be paid. I have yet to have a problem with an affiliate, other than one that was just not legal. I learned a hard swift lesson from that one.


    One thing that I will not do, and I will advise anyone, is do not let anyone tell you how to run your site simply for the privledge of having a banner on your site. This is your site. Your business. Your baby. You built this up from the nuts and bolts, or you purchased it because you felt you could make it work. Then do it. Don't let someone else try to take it from you.


    Be friendly, but professional. Be wary, but open to new ideas. Be thrifty, but be honest. Treat your members with dignity and respect, and do what you tell them you will. If you can't, at least give them the respect of telling them. Sometimes, people surprise you.


    Be sure you are well covered with firewalls, virus software, ad aware, spyware, and pop up killers. You are going to need them. Members can get mean when you have to delete them, and will send you all kinds of nasties in your email. Make sure your security is set to high. You will not be sorry.


    Please, enjoy yourself. Don't take yourself to seriously, and remember, one way or another, you are going to make an impact on someone's life somewhere. It's up to you, what it will be. :)[/quote']


    Na ir neseniai adminu sukurtas tutorial site

  2. Taiva įdomu ar daug mūsų tarpe yra sportininkų arba buvusiu sportininkų. Kokias sporto šakas esate išbande, ar pasiekiet kokiu nors pasiekimu vienoje ar kitoje srityje?


    As tai šiaip išbandes nei daug nei mažai: baseinas, orientacinis, lengvoji atletika, boksas, biski kulturizmo... Na o dabar tai jau gal daugiau kaip 2 metus nebesportuoju visiskai lasinius auginu :) , niekaip neprisiuosiu pasportuot, o ir vasara jau arteja... :)


    Pasiekimu labai dideliu neturejau. Baseine kažkada siulė varžybose dalyvaut, bet pabijojau (bijojau gilių vietu :D ), orientaciniam kažkada dalyvavau vienoj iš rimtesniu varžybu, bet vos nepasiklydau... :D o du draugeliai bege kartu tai vapse kazkur nužabaliojo tai į bazę su truliku gryžo :D :D :D Lengvojoj atletikoj tai buvo kazkokios tarpmokyklines ar siaip kazkokios varzybos, tai mes ten aplamai apgailetinai pasirodem (na bent jau saziningai prabegau ratukus ir vos ne paskutinis likau, ne taip kai kiti praleido viena rata vos nesu perekurais :D bet nieks nepastebejo :D )


    Vat boksas tai man labiausiai ir patiko, del dideliu fiziniu kruviu ir siaip mėgstu kovos menus... Tai vat sioj sporto sakoj gal labiausiai ir sekesi Lietuvos jaunuciu pirmenybese svorio kategorijoj iki 50kg 1 vieta, tais paciais metais vel vykusiose jau siek tiek didesnej svorio kategorijoje 2 vieta (heh dabar juokinga darosi kad tiek mazai sveriau, bet dar jaunas buvau tai normalu manau :D ) Po to bėgant laikuj pradėjo nesisekt per mazai treniravausi..., galu gale mečiau dėl mokslu. Draugelis kuris kartu treniravosi tai gal kokius 5 ar 6 kartus tapo lietuvos čempionas :D jau buvo gera technika ivaldes gražu žiurėt buvo...


    Na o kulturizmas tai savo malonumui buvo :)


    heh pasiilgau kriaušes :)

  3. :D :D :D heh prajuokinot :) Na siaip dabar neatsimenu tiksliai ka as ten buvau parases, bet vienu zodziu Lietuviu zaidejai man neaktualus...



    P.S. tie moderatoriu ir adminu zinuciu trinimai, redagavimai ir temu rakinimai, jau totaliai atsibodo... Aisku kartais vapsiu beleka ir belekur, bet toks jau mano budas, viena diena as nusisneku kita diena jau normaliai sneku, bet niekas man neuzdraus reikst nuomuones, kad ir kokia ji butu... Nors kartais visai gerai kai istrinat postus :)

  4. Na jei del cs servo tai nueini i mirco #cs kanala ir klausineji kas turi parduoti rcona.... :)


    Nu man cs servo nereikia. Nezinau kaip reiketu klausima suformuluoti, nes pats nelabai zinau ko as klausiu :) As noriu suzinot kur galima nusipirkti, tiksliau taip sakant issinuomuoti kompa serveri kur nors uzsienyje is rimtos kompanijos, kad galeciau susikurti arba su jau pakurtu Lineage2 žaidimo servu ar kokiu kitokiu RPG zaidimu, o ne is kokio vaikezo su 486 kompu ir 128kb/s interneto greiciu. :)


    Ir dar noreciau suzinoti kokiu pincipu as turesiu priejima prie to kompo ir valdymo.

    Na reiks turbut paciam pasidomet ar taip imanoma ir kaip ten istikruju yra su tais CS servais



    Edit: Na va kaip ir visada radau pats info kurios reikejo.

  5. Taiva pastebejau, kad kai kurie pardavineja CS servus ir panasiai. Taigi noreciau suzinot is tu kas nusimano kur tokiu servu galima nusipirk (kalbu ne apie reselerius). Kokiu principu ten viska galima valdyt ir administruot. ir ar imanoma tokiuose serveriuose paleist lineage2 zaidimo serva ar koki kitoki?

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