Pereiti prie turinio


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Creatinas Pranešimai

  1. Geros naujienos, atsidare registracija i (kas buna labai retai), paskubam ir registruojames :)


    Labai geras forumas, tvarka yra :) Nuo siandienos yra uzbaninti Filesonic ir Fileserve linkai

    forume :) (Jeigu kas nezino tai ta foruma nupirko Oron) Registruojames ir uploadinam :) Pirma tik taisykles perskaitykit :D


    Registration now is open for new Junior Members.
  2. Pirmoje nuorodoje tai is viso tik antena ten :) Is tavo pateiktu tai turbut ta trecia imciau, o siaip tai geriau pasieskok kokiu normaliu firmu ebay kokiam, ir pigiau, ir zinosi kad normalu daikta turi, o ne china, kur kosmosu pripraso i aprasyma, o gauni 5x maziau :)


    P.S truputi per ilgai rasiau, pirmas atsake Reanox :)

  3. Kaip naujokėlis dar pasitikslinsiu. :) Ar su tokia statistika per kelias dienas verta pereiti nuo PPd prie PPS? Ir jei pas mane PPD tai kokie ten 0,13 cnt už "Premium Sales Count" kiek suprantu su PPD planu visos mano pajamos turėtų būti iš pirmo stulpelio? Ar aš kažką ne taip suprantu?



    Luktelk dar truputi savaite ar dvi, paziurek ar reguliariai perka premium ar ne :) Del tu 13ct tiksliai negaliu pasakyt :D kazkada cia buvo uz kazka kompensacija, cia tiems kurie yra ant PPD :)


    Geriausia tai cia sekti naujienas/ klausti pacio admino "Hish", viska greit atsako :)


    Oh my god: :D


    Dear Valued Partners,

    We’re pleased to announce one of the biggest changes since FileSonic’s launch!


    We have decided to give you, our partners, the ability to choose if you want to keep a limit of 400MB for free users, or raise that limit to 1GB. Simply go to your “Settings” page to increase the maximum allowable file size for free users.


    And finally, we’re extremely excited to announce an overall increase in our PPD payouts! Affiliates on PPD can now earn up to $35 per 1000 downloads!


    Viskas filesonic jau champ of champs :D Geresnis už fileserve :P



    Cia jau seniai aisku buvo :D

  4. Galeciau, turiu 5 pakvietimus :)


    Ieskok retu video, dek juos i viena megathread (kuo daugiau megathreads su skirtingu tematiku video, tuo didesne tikimybe gauti premium ir aisku kuo daugiau video tam megathread'e) :) Gali kai kuriuose forumuose buna searche kai uzeini rodo kokiu terminu ieskota dazniausiai :) pagal juos gali indeksuot savo postus :D


    Dar priklauso kuria paros valanda postinsi :)


    Svarbu paeksperimentuoti ir kuo daugiau ir dazniau, nereik prie vieno pasilikt :)

  5. Del sapnu man bent jau padeda, anksciau nepavargusiam nueit miegot, ir keltis be zadintuvo ar dar kazkokiu pasaliniu veiksniu :)


    Dar gali pasiieskot tokiu papildu kaip GABA ar ZMA :) Pats vartoju ta GABA tai kartais nesuprasi ar tai is tikro buvo ar ne :D




    Dear Affiliates,

    We have a few exciting changes to announce!


    We launched a revamped affiliate program, giving our valued partners some new benefits. To name a few:


    1. Germany has been moved to Group A in the PPD program!

    2. All affiliates can now choose a fixed $10 pay-per-sale plan -- that's right, $10 per sale regardless of the price of the sale! You can join by changing your plan in your Settings page.

    3. Elite affiliates on Fixed PPS now earn $12 per sale, instead of $11!


    We hope this news will reinforce FileSonic as your one-stop shop for all your 2011 file hosting needs!


    Stay tuned for even more exciting news :)






    Nesveikai, butina perskaityti



    Filesonic Mega News - Everybody Must Read Now + 100 Free Premium Give Aways Here!


    Dear Affiliates,


    We understand the value of partners; therefore we have decided to give you more in 2011. Anyone who hasn’t tried us in the past has no excuse now!


    Germany is Now in Group A!

    We have decided that German traffic deserves to be paid more, therefore, Germany has been moved to Group A!


    To entice you even more to send your German traffic our way, we have decided to launch a special promo for PPD affiliates. Get paid double for downloads from Germany on certain days of January & February. (Jan 18th, Jan 25th, Feb 1st, Feb 8th). That’s up to 60$/1000 downloads!!




    Never-seen-before Plan: Now Paying 10$ For Every Single Premium Sale

    All affiliates can now choose a fixed $10 pay-per-sale plan -- that's right, $10 per sale regardless of the price of the sale! Never worry about anything else, just get paid TOP dollars for your joins! You can join by changing your plan in your Settings page.




    25% Increased Payout For Everyone in Jan & Feb 2011!

    To help you maximize your earnings and explore our new programs, we are launching another series of insane promos!!


    Get 25% bonus on all your earnings EVERY SINGLE Weekend starting 22nd January & ending 27th February. ( 22nd,23rd,29th,30th January & 5th,6th,12th,13th,19th,20th26th,27th February, All Plans Included / Bonus Paid Every Week)




    Newly revamped affiliate program!

    Check it out at




    CRAZY Giveaway: 100 Premium Memberships!

    Last but not least, here is the contest to reward for those who have read this post! Will give away 100 free premium accounts!


    Rules of the Contest:


    - Every 50th post (#50, 100, 150, etc) in this thread will get a premium account

    - Maximum one account per user

    -Email [email protected] to request the premium. Please mention your board username and your FS Nickname in the email.

    - You must already have a account, so if you don't have one, sign up for free now!



    We hope you enjoy these announcements & good luck with the contest!



    FileSonic Team




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