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mantusia Pranešimai

  1. Nepasakyciau , kad kelios nesekmingos dienos cia reiskia-degimas , nu zodziu nesiruosiu as cia aiskintis nieko , tiesiog pateikiau pasiulyma single , mano 7 valandos siandien ideto darbo isanalizuoti ivikiai mainais i 10$ pokerio saite , jei niekas nesusidomes tai nesusidomes man pajibat tiesa sakant :angry:

    Kaip suprasti kelios nesėkmingos, tu nieko neparodei išvis, iš oro čia rodaisi geras, tai ir siūlau susikurk dienoraštį ir per mėnėsį pamatysim koks tu geras, ar blogas esi, nes kiek žiūrėjau tai ten pliuso praktiškai niekad nebuvo, o jei pats meti po kelių nesėkmingų dienų tai čia tavo psichologinės bėdos.

  2. kapeikele kad jus patys begalviai kausai , pasiskaiciuokit visus mano statymus siame puslapyje paviesintus ir poto dar karta persiskaiciuokit ir tada dar pasiskaiciave pamatysit , kad pliusas ir netoks jau menkas , o kad jei duodu 3 ivikius ir visus i combo dedat ir dar nepalankiausiose bendrovese tai cia jau nieks nekaltas..

    Tai, kad nieko tu neįrodei išvis, rašyk unitais/ su normaliais koeficientais ir paskaičiuosim per mėnėsį kiek čia prikaupsi to pliuso. O, dabar du kartus degiai ir tikiesi, kad kažkas mokės pinigus tau.

  3. Turiu 11 gerai isanalizuotu krepsinio varzybu statymai totalai ir foros

    2 Belgu lyga

    3 prancuzu lyga

    4 vokietijos lyga

    2 ispanu lyga

    Kai kurios prasideda jau 20.00

    Kas norit galiu pasidalint visais variantais uz 10$ fulltillt ar pokerstars arba moneybookers.

    laukiamas pataikymas minimum 9/11 prie kiekvieno statymo pateiksiu po trumpa pagrindini argumenta

    Kreiptis AZ

    Jeigu pralošiam pinigus gražini, kad taip gerai išanalizuotą ?

  4. FA Cup statymai:


    5.Cardiff will no doubt be up for this one but i really cant see them causing any cupset here.They are without eight players for this game including defenders Mark Hudsona and Miguel Comminges, Midfielders Gavin Rae and Joe Ledley.They will also be without forwards Josh Magennis and Kelvin Etuhu while Jay Bothroyd is a big doubt.Chelseas 13 game unbeaten run was ended in midweek away at Everton.They are still unbeaten at home since November 2008.Ancelotti has once again named his cup side nice and early.Hilario is going to start.Terry and A Cole are out so Alex and Zhirkov step in.Ferreira also starts.In midfield Mikel, Lampard, Ballack and Joe Cole all start with Drogba and Sturrdige upfront.Looking at that line up i dont think the home win is in doubt however can chelsea win this by more than two goals? I think they can.Drogba has picked up where he left off before the ANC and looked impressive against Arsenal.He will be very tough to handle.Sturridge scored twice in their 5-0 win over Watford and once in their 2-0 win away at Preston in the last round.Joe Cole will be a handful aswell and is wanting to impress.I can see Chelsea winning this comfortably by at least two goals.4-0

    Bet on Chelsea -2 AH at 1.88


    6.Derby have improved recently after a really poor run.Since they lost 4-1 at home to Scunthorpe they have lost only one of their last seven.They have beaten Millwall and Doncaster in this cup so far.Birmingham have lost only two of their last 19 league and cup games.They have beaten both Nottingham Forrest and Everton to get here.Neither of these sides are usually full of goals though.11 of Derbys last 14 games have been Unders.12 of Birminghams last 18 have been Unders.They dont concede many goals but, like Derby they dont score many either.The visitors will be without Benitez.They failed to score away at Forest and i think they will find Derby tough to score against here.I can see a close game here with Under 2.5 goals as the best bet.

    Bet on Under 2.5 at 1.62


    7.Ive gone for Under 2.5 goals in the other blog.I think this will be a very close game.Derby have gone on a good run of form recently since a poor 4-1 defeat against Scunthorpe.They dont usually score many goals but have been defending better.Birmingham only just got past Nottingham Forest in the last round, drawing 0-0 away and winning 1-0 at home.They dont score many goals but are very tough to break down.They will be without Benitez though which is a blow.They will probably make a few changes here aswell.Close game and a draw looks a good bet here.0-0 or 1-1.

    Bet on Draw at 3.40


    8.This looks a tasty tie.Man City have been far from impressive recently but at home they have just about done enough.What i dont understand is why is Shaun Wright-Philips not starting games.They lacked pace and creativity lto in midfield and Wright-Philips was called on far too late.If Man City want to get past Stoke here they will have to start with Wright-Philips.He will cause Stoke many problems and create chance for the front men.Stoke are on a great run.They are unbeaten in 2010 and having impressively nocked out Arsenal in the last round they should be well up for this.They are going to Eastlands to attack which may suit City.Citys defence is far from solid though and Stoke have a dangerous striker force in Fuller, Sidibe and Tuncay.They also have players like Evtherington creating chances.Lescott is expected to return today and if so may be rusty.It should be a good game with both going for the win.I think both sides have goals in them while defensively are vulnerable.Over 2.5 goals looks the best bet in this one.

    Bet on Over 2.5 at 1.94


    9.This looks a low scoring affair to me.After a poor start to the season, Southampton have been in good form.They are unbeaten in eight games and unbeaten in nine home games.Portsmouth could really do with a win here.They will appreciate a break from the premier league where they still sit rock bottom.They did grab a point at home to Sunderland though with a last minute equaliser.That will have given them a bit of a boost.Avram Grant will play his strongest side possible here as they could do with at least a draw.They do have a couple of dangerous players upfront while they will make themsleves tough to score against.Southampton will give them a tough game and will be tough to break down but i cant see them scoring many goals if any here.Under 2.5 goals looks a good bet here.1-1 or 0-0.

    Bet on Under 2.5 at 1.70



    Eina na* žiūrėjau į laiką kaip turėjo baigtis ir 2-1 laimėjo, buvo 1-1 būtų 2 statymai praėją, o dabar 2 nepraėjo, b*emba kaip gaila dabar, o jau norėjau džiaugtis.... Derby - Birmingham 1-2 nei under, nei draw ... krč.

  5. Šiandienai,


    Arsenal - liverpool 1

    Aston villa - Man United 2

    West Ham - birmingham 2

    Wolwes - Totenhamm 2

    Blackburn- Hull 1

    Everton Chealsea 2





    Atlanta Hawks.


    Detroit pistons

    New orlean hornets




    Nekokia Pradžia...






    Real madrid







    Gal koeficientus rašyk, ar unitus, nes dabar tai čia gali daug pataikyti su 1.01 kofu.

  6. Grigelis, galime sakyti beveik naumuose zaidzia. Rimtas faktorius. O siaip, manau, kad neverta rizikuoti. Loterija...

    Tai jo namuose lošia, jis ten netoli gyvena, jau 5m italijoj gyvena ir treniruojas turėtų laimėt manau, jei viskas okay bus :rolleyes:


    Dar gerą atradau : Yaroslava Shvedova to win 2 - 0 2.10 arba dar geriau minusinė jei duoda kas nors -3.5

  7. +vesnina under 20,5 1,85 koef

    +lorenzi under 21,5 1.85 koef

    -robredo under 22,5 2 koef

    -zverevo under 23,5 1.85 koef

    +istomin under 22,5 1,85 koef

    +volandri 1,7 koef

    +gimeno 1.7 koef

    +berlocq 1,6 koef

    +brown 1,6 koef

    +dutra silva 1,5 koef


    Jei atskirai būčiau statęs, pliusas neblogas būtų, 80 procentų praėjo :) Tiesa du underiai kurie geriausiai atrodė ir nepraėjo būtent jie.

  8. 242


    08/-29+/Bryant Kobe

    1.80 10.00 1.80 - - 23:55



    08/-18+/Gasol Pau

    1.80 10.00 1.80 - - 23:55



    08/-16+/Bynum Andrew

    1.80 10.00 1.80 - - 23:55


    Topsporte duoda, Kobes taškus kažkas turės sumesti, manau reikia važiuot su mašiną užmesti stambiau už Bynumo ir Gasolio overius, jie ir sumes kobes taškus ką manot ?

  9. Zverevui arba reikia daryti pertrauka ir gydytis traumas,o nelakstyti paskui turnyru smulkius cekius.Sijslingas vietinis ir pinigu uz ji nuo ryto birzoje prikrauta.

    Matai, Sijslingas formoj, tačiau dauguma tie kurie rimtai stato už tenisą, laukė visą dieną kol Zverevas bus duodamas didesnis kofas, nes Sijslingas kai kur jau kaip favoritas duodamas, turėtų laimėti Zverevas :(

  10. Esme tame,kad ir toliau isliekate diletantais.

    O tu profesorius ? :(


    Tiesiog gal normaliai reikėjo parašyti, nes tikrai aš paklausiau žmonių ką apie mano statymus mano, o tu apie bendrovę lažybų pradedi kalbėti, taigi.. Išvadas manau pats pasidaryk, o ne iškart sakyk, kad kažkas blogai bendrauja.

  11. vesnina under 20,5 1,85 koef

    lorenzi under 21,5 1.85 koef

    robredo under 22,5 2 koef

    zverevo under 23,5 1.85 koef

    istomin under 22,5 1,85 koef

    volandri 1,7 koef

    gimeno 1.7 koef

    berlocq 1,6 koef

    brown 1,6 koef

    dutra silva 1,5 koef


    Taigi visus šiuos atsirinkau ir man labai labai gerai visi atrodo užmečiau kelis eurus už tokį tapetą ir atskirai dar važiuosiu pastatyti, galbūt galit pakomentuoti ir pasakyti ką manot apie šiuos mano pasirinkimus ar bent apie keletą ypač norėčiau Federer,Lukas.,Myndes,abdu komentarų ar tie kurie bent žiūri tenisą.

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