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512xxx Pranešimai

  1. Siaip toki kaip ICE IMAGE kuri siandien nupirkau uz 10 koef. reikejo iskart istreidint i minusa apie 1.5 eur., nes jo koef. pries starta jau buvo nukrites iki kazkur 6, bet to nepadariau.


    As su geeks toy tradinu, tai ten nelabai randu stop loss funkcijos.

    Dar pastebejau tokia tendencija, kad jei arklys is prastesniu ir jo kofas pries starta apie 12-17, tai per pirmus 5-6 furlongus pasoka jo kofas i kosmosa, o jei arklys rimtesnis, tai paimi 3-6 koef., tai vos ne iki galo turi laukt suvaikscios ar ne.

    Gal reikia pabandyt pagaudyt ta pirmaji varijanta su didesniu koef., turetu paeit.



    O tu treidini arklius?


    As treidinau.

    Saip gali pabandyt duoda 7 dienas trial.



    gali bandyt duoda menesi trial.


    gali rasti ir kitu variantu.



    Didesni kofai del to apsimoka nes nuo kokiu 2.5 labai greitai raudonas dideja, mazi kaip ir sakei gali pakilt gali nusileist jei ant galo spurtuoja. Bet bus tokiu atveju kai pasigausi minusa ir nelaimes tas arklys. Tada manes nekaltink :rolleyes:


    Siaip toki kaip ICE IMAGE kuri siandien nupirkau uz 10 koef. reikejo iskart istreidint i minusa apie 1.5 eur., nes jo koef. pries starta jau buvo nukrites iki kazkur 6, bet to nepadariau.


    nepadarei nes per daug tikejai savimi, nekreipei i marketo siunciamus signalus.

  2. Nu taip ir palieku pagaus ar nepagaus.

    Jei tradint normaliai, tai cia ta tema butu beverte, nes rasyt nespeciau nieko, kaip ka kur darau.

    Tiesiog mintis is 200 banko pasiekt vienokia ar kitokia didesne suma.

    O tradint mazinant minusa, tai cia temu vest neiseitu.


    as tik galvoju apie stop loss tau. Kad pvz jei tradini puse sumos kaip rasai (16.05 RISAALA - trade(puse sumos) lay 5.4 koef.nesuvaiksciojo 11 koef. back) o stop loss imestum koki 2-2.5 sakykim. Saip as tik ant dideliu kofu ta rekomenduociau.

  3. o kaip tu treidini? Kaip suprantu jei kyla kofas ir pasigauna tada gerai. O jei krenta tai nieko nedarai? Suprantu jei 2,36 bandai pagaut. Bet jei nuo 10 nukrenta iki kokiu 2-3 tai galetum numest dar issaugotum dali banko. Nes saip jei nuo 10 nukrenta iki 2-3 tai jau bega del 1-3 vietos. Ko tiketis is 10 kofo nereiketu.

  4. RAYA STAR ir PEPITE ROSE panaasaus pajegumo arkliai bego, o ir djokiai ju ne is dugno.


    na ACCORDINTOLAWRENCE dzekis pries pora dienu pirmas buvo su tuo paciu treneriu Turf Hurdle irgi bego. Aisq zinomesniu dzekiu buvo, bet Kielan Woods pasirodo formoj irgi. Arkliuks is 4/1 buvo beges dabar 5/2 kas sakyciau nera blogai.

    Suprantu, kad po laiko lengva sprest, bet paanalizuot irgi nera blogai.

  5. Lošimas Nr. 3360

    Data: 2010-12-29

    Skaičiai: 01 02 09 22 26 28 + 24


    Lošimas Nr. 3346

    Data: 2010-12-13

    Skaičiai: 02 13 19 21 22 28 + 20


    kiek cia 14 zaidimu reikejo laukti. Kazkada tikrai bankrutuosi nebent turi kazkokia sistema kuri laukia ar tikisi senai iskritusio kamuoliuko. Sekmes idomu bus pastebet.

  6. Tai, kad darydavo, kiek ziurejau jos ta dienorasti, tai tas pats kaip pas mane, tik banko % buvo paskirscius i 3 dalis: 0.4%, 0.6% ir 1%


    Na ji po minusines dienos nemazindavo stavkes. Nemazindavo nei po antros ar trecios.. Esme kad jei minusuoji tai greiciau sudegsi, bet jei pliusuoji greiciau atsigausi. Na man atrodo agresyvesnis statymo budas, na bet jei neini i pliusa tai lieka tik laiko klausimas. Buvo jos dienorasti kazkur kaip tiksliai vadinasi, bet neberandu as..

    Dar pasiskaiciuok SR(Strike Rate) jei vidurkis neina 80% ir daugiau ir statai ant dideliu kofu 4,5-11 tai nepliusuosi. As cia asmeniskai kiek ant excelio zaidziau, bet velgi gal tavo pikai geresni ar tu uz maziau gauni.



    I've been reluctant to start off this thread, because I'm frightened of its turning out to be the kiss of death ... you have what you imagine to be a good system and start to explain it in public, and suddenly a wheel comes off ...* ???


    I've come up with a laying system ...* ;D


    I'll record its daily selections and results in this thread ... until I get jeered off, anyway ...* :-[


    I'll try to post each day's selections by 1.00pm at the very latest, but I don't think I'll often manage to post them the night before.


    Comments, general heckling and questions (but not about the details of my selection-process, please) are very welcome as we go along, but I'd better start off with something like an "FAQ" ...* 8)


    STAKING: I want to minimise risks and maximise returns, of course (who doesn't?), which are always pretty difficult, not to say conflicting, objectives to combine. Like all forms of betting, the selections are only a part of the story. Betting on horses is notorious for people being able to have good selections and still lose money through poor money management. With laying in particular, IMHO the commonest reasons for failure are under-funding (not having a bank big enough for what you're trying to do) and disillusionment (getting too easily fed up with an inevitable losing run).


    This isn't the time or place to get involved in a big discussion about whether the selections or the money management are more important - it suffices to say that without both aspects being good, sensible, reliable and proven, it's not possible to make steady profits ...*


    The two common staking methods for laying are:-


    (i) Laying to a fixed stake: I don't use this for two main reasons: first, the "accidents" are proportionally too expensive; secondly, it seems to me that it fails adequately to make the profits "deserved" after successfully identifying and laying shorter-priced losers.


    (ii) Laying to a fixed liability: I don't use this either, because it's inherently mathematically unsound - it ignores the fact that accidents are far more likely to happen at the lower end of the scale: if I lay a 2/1 favourite (i.e. I lay it at an exchange price of 3.0), the overall risk of that bet losing (the horse winning) is of course higher than one which was a lay at 8.0 (7/1).


    Instead I try to combine the best of both worlds by using what looks like a complicated mixture of the two systems mentioned above, but it's actually perfectly straightforward ...*


    My staking system: I lay in three distinct exchange-price-bands of fixed backer's stakes.


    At one end of the scale, if the exchange price available about the horse is less than 3.5 (less than 5/2), I lay to a stake of 1% of my current laying system bank. At the other end, if the price is between 7.5 and 11 (the latter figure being my cut-off: I don't lay anything higher than 10/1), I lay to a stake of 0.4% of my current bank. If the price is in-between these two bands (i.e. prices of 3.6 to 7.4), then I lay to a stake of 0.6% of my bank. As they say in those TV infommercials, "But wait - there's more!": I also combine this staking plan with a ratchet system (see below).


    The are two other advantages with this staking system: first, the practicality of the situation when using the exchanges is that the backer's stake (rather than one's own liability) is the value which has to be typed into the little box on the screen, and this makes it quick and simple to do; secondly, nearly a year's figures have proven to me that this method minimises the variability of the results, and that's very, very important ...*


    To summarise, with examples based on a starting bank of £3,000 (if you're reckless enough to try them, you can scale up or down proportionally to your own bank) ...


    Prices below 3.5: lay to 1% of bank - backer's stake £30 (my liability under £75)


    Prices from 3.6 to 7.4: lay to 0.6% of bank - backer's stake £18 (my liability £46.80 - £115.20)


    Prices from 7.5 to 11: lay to 0.4% of bank - backer's stake £12 (my liability £78 - £132)



    Ratchet System


    If making profits, I increase all stakes in proportion to the bank on a daily basis. (I'd love to do it on a bet-by-bet basis, but that would assume that anyone following the system can be glued to their screen all afternoon, which isn't realistic. If you're working for a living - shock horror: please excuse my language! - you need to be able to put the bets on your lunch-hour.)


    This means that at the end of each day, the next day's "current bank" figure is known. For example, if there's a good start and the £3,000 bank grows, then the stakes are worked out as proportion of the new higher figure, and increase slightly the next day. This may sound insignificant but it makes a huge difference to the results ...*


    In contrast, after a losing day, I don't reduce stakes unless and until 35% of the highest level of the bank is lost, when I essentially re-start using the same percentages, but now of the new "65%-sized bank" ...* :-\


    Example: from a £3,000 start, if there's a net loss on the first day, the next day I still stake as if from a bank of £3,000 (i.e. to backer's stakes of £30, £18 and £12 depending on the price about each selection) until reaching £1,950 when those backer's stakes would become £19.50, £11.70 and £7.80 until the bank gets back up to £3,000 again (or - dare I mention it? - down to £1267.50 - a further 35% loss).


    The 35% drop is always worked out from the highest point of the bank. If it happens (and so far it hasn't - famous last words?!) I'll explain it again.


    It may sound a bit complicated but it's actually very simple. Not easy, but very simple ...* :


    Please don't imagine that I'm claiming this to be a perfect laying system. There are one or two anomalies in it, but after lots of analysis and calculation in the early days, over the last year I've found this system practicable, straightforward and robust. And that's what matters.

  7. Klausimas: ar paziurit live racus amerikos ir ar vaizdas normalus per ta media player?

    Nes pas mane neimanoma ziuret, vaizas isplaukes, kaip rgb spalvos, vos matosi tik arkliu numeriai.


    saip tai nebutina per bf ziuret. As ivedu i google hipodromo pavadinima ir ismeta jo puslapi. Ten dazniausiai buna live vaizdas per ji is gali ziureti. Koks jau buna toks :)

  8. Primeti ,ruskis yra vienas pasidares tokia sitema,aisku nezinau ar tai realu ar ne ,idomu butu paklausyt kompiuteristu specialistu nuomones ar tai realu.

    Bet sistemos esme, kad pasidares programa ,kuri online anlaizuoja arklio ir dzokio padety ir ju fizinius veiksmus likus 1-2 FR iki finiso.

    Kazkas panasaus kaip online video stebjimas Londone su galimos nusikalstamos veikos prevencija.Nu tipo visa prevencija vykdoma be zmogaus stebejimo.pav kompiuterine sistema stebi tam tikra apzvalgos vieta,ir ji mato kad du objektai suarteja ir analizuodama ju judesius nustato kad galmai vyksta mustynes,cia daugiau prie baru ,naktiniu klubu ir t.t ir tada duoda signala "head" stebejimo ofisa.

    Tai tas ruskis kazka panasaus sustrategavo su arkliais.Nes idomi detale spurtas prasideda nuo tam tikros arklio ir dzokio uzimamos persigrupavusios pozicijos likus 1-2 Fr iki finiso ir nuo dzokio ranku darbo ir net gi arklio galvos padeties ir galvos judesiu ir visa ta info suvedama i viena taska, kuris ja isanalizuoja ir zaibo greitumu duoda atsakyma.

    As nezinau man tai cia kazkoks Kosmosas,bet jei ne kosmosas tai cia milijonai $,kita vertus su bombiniais procais ir gerai pagalastu softu gal tai ir realu.Net nezinau kiek cia tiesos :)


    as tai sakau, kad neimanoma. Nelabai isivaizduoju kaip butu galima isskirti arklius kai jie bega bandoj. Reikia isskirti tada botageli, dzojekaus kepure ir arklio galva. Kepure tai imanoma nes dazniausiai skirtingos spalvos lengvai per koki image processing varikliuka atpazista. Bet viskas kita turetu buti vienas bendras vaizdas arba noise. Plius buna lietus, rukas skirtingi kameru nustatymai, skirtingi kampai ir tt. Plius kiek atsimenu pirmas antras favoritas buna kofai priklausomai, bet sakykim 2 ir 4 trecias jau koks 7-8 ir tt. Tai antra favorita layindamas vistiek laikas nuo laiko pasigausi beda.

    Kas kita yra amerikieciu kur kiek atsimenu rodo perskirta vaizda. Viena ir toliau ir kita is arciau tik. Apatiniam arkli ir padeti, virsutiniam tik dzokejaus galva. As asmeniskai nesu tiek pazenges, kad is galvos kraipymo nustatyciau kas laimes, bet girdejau kad tokiu techniku yra o kiek jos tiesa irgi neaisq.


    gal kazka tokio turejai omeny? Bet cia kaip suprantu su video niekaip nesusije.

  9. man tai del Jovanovski Bojana klausimas pasistojo is kur ji tokia atsirado? Pernai kazkaip nepastebejau o ir siemet nebuvo galimybiu paziuret kaip zaidzia. Paskutiniai 3 dogai su ja suejo. Vis pabijodavau nes nezinojau jos, nors varzoves nespindejo. Dabar pries Li Na los irgi sakyciau value, bet SF tai vel, kad nebuciau pavelaves.

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