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  1. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  2. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  3. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  4. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  5. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  6. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo Domus Išverskime Stop IE6 į lietuvių kalbą drauge ir šįkart greičiau už latvius, estus?
    Žodžiu ten viskas parašyta.... parsisiunčiat failą, išverčiame kartu jį (ar atskirai), nusiunčiat/nusiunčiame toje formoje prikabinę. Parašome čia forume kieno vertimą priėmė. Ir einame gerti alaus už IT Lietuvą?
    Išversti reikia -> nupastinu viską iš to failiuko, galit čia parašyti vertimą, aš nusiųsčiau ten, ir turėsim lietuvių kalbą greičiau už latvius ir estus, kurie IT mus pastoviai lenkia, bet ten kol kas jų nėra, yra nemažai jau šalių šiaip.
    Išversti reikia:
    $HHEAD_TITLE= "STOP IE6 campaign - A campaign devoted to wiping IE6 off the web";
    $HHEAD_DESC= "A campaign to stop Internet Explorer 6 (and prior versions too).";
    $HHEAD_KEYW= "StopIE, Stop IE 6, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, internet explorer, ie, Web Browser, Safe Browsing, firefox, opera, safari, camino, detect, ie6 detection, javascript, browser detection";
    $HMENU_INDEX= "Home";
    $HMENU_INDEX_TTL= "Stop ie6 campaign homepage";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT= "The script";
    $HMENU_SCRIPT_TTL= "IE javascript detection";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN= "Top 10 reasons";
    $HMENU_TOPTEN_TTL= "The top reasons to stop IE6";
    $HMENU_SPREAD= "Spread the word";
    $HMENU_SPREAD_TTL= "Tell the world about stopping IE6";
    $HMENU_ABOUT= "About";
    $HMENU_ABOUT_TTL= "Who's behind this";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS= "Supporters";
    $HMENU_SUPPORTERS_TTL= "Who's supporting this campaign";
    $HMENU_CONTACT= "Contact us";
    $HMENU_CONTACT_TTL= "Get in touch with us!";
    $HLANG= "Language";
    $HLANG_SBMT= "change";
    $ERROR= "Page not found";
    $ERROR_MSG= "The page you were looking for is either not available or has been moved.<br />Please check your spelling or click the logo or the menu on the left to navigate.<br />If you followed a link, please inform the author it's broken.";
    $HCOMMENT= " comments posted.";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD= "Add yours";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_TITLE= "Post a comment:";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MAIL= "Email address (will not be published)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_MESSAGE= "Comment (you may use HTML for style)";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SPAM= "Spam protection: sum of";
    $HCOMMENT_ADD_SEND= "Post your comment";
    $IE6_WARN= "WARNING: we detected you are using IE6 (or previous) and that's probably why you are -or been redirected- here.<br/>This site will look screwed up to you, and this is intentional, as we didn't put any effort into making it work properly with your browser. We strongly suggest you to keep reading to find out why.";
    $I_H2= "What is it all about?";
    $I_H2_P1= "Well, let's first say what it is <em>not</em> about. This is not an anti-Microsoft or an anti-IE-all versions campaign, nor an endorsement of some specific non-MS browser. This site is aimed at convincing people to dismiss their old, obsolete, buggy browser (the actual list of defects goes on and on). Which browser you're wondering. Internet Explorer 6! Who else? Right, its prior versions too. So, if you or somebody you know are using any version of Internet Explorer prior to 7, this site is just for you.";
    $I_WHAT= "what";
    $I_WHAT_P1= "<q>I have a dream</q> somebody once said. We have a dream too, maybe it's naļve or too ambitious but as long as we're allowed to dream, we'll never give up.";
    $I_WHAT_P2= "All of us can fight together to get a better online world, a better web, where the standards are there to be respected, where surfing online is a pleasant experience, where web professionals develop rich online applications that users enjoy just exactly as they were conceived, with no need for hacks, tricks or workarounds. Finally, we dream of an online world where people know <strong>they have the power to choose.</strong>";
    $I_WHAT_P3= "For this dream to become true, what is needed is that everybody understands the urgency of switching to a real modern browser, because still using IE6 or previous damages you as a user and all the people who work to create online contents.";
    $I_WHY= "why";
    $I_WHY_P1= "IE6 should be put in a museum, along with all of its previous versions, because it's way too old. Its release date is August 27, 2001. Yeah, you got it right. 7 years ago!";
    $I_WHY_P2= "For technology, this is a whole geological era. <br />Would you ever date a mummy? I bet you wouldn't, as long as you're sane. Nevertheless, there are people out there still using it, or even worse IE5.5 or 5. <span id=\"msg1\" class=\"hide\">Sad to notice that you're one of those!</span>Don't want to sound offensive, but this is seriously raising some doubts about their <span id=\"msg2\" class=\"hide\"> and your </span>sanity.<br />There is not a single reason today to keep using one of the old versions of IE, really. <br />They're prone to severe security vulnerabilities, they're not standard compliant, they're buggy, they don't have all the features that all modern browsers have (one for all, native tab browsing). Moreover, they compromise your web experience as a user, and make a hell of a web-developer life.That's why it's time to say goodbye to IE 6 or less, and go and get a new, real modern browser.";
    $I_WHY_P3= "There are many out there to choose among. I'm not going to suggest you one or another, though, because they're more or less equally good alternatives. You will never read anywhere in this site that IE is evil just because it's IE or it's M$, because this is not the truth. There are too many sites that just urge you to switch to another browser, none of them though reminds you that using another browser is not enough to keep you safe from online threats. So, whichever browser you're using, <strong>keep it updated to the last available version!</strong>";
    $I_WHO= "who";
    $I_WHO_USER= "First of all, <em>you as a user</em>.";
    $I_WHO_NIX= "If you're a Linux guy, ";
    $I_WHO_NIX_TEXT= "I know you're with me, because trying to stop IE6 can be misinterpreted as trying to damage Microsoft. You don't have IE under Linux anyway, so you're a natural supporter of this campaign.";
    $I_WHO_MAC= "If you're a Mac user, ";
    $I_WHO_MAC_TEXT= "chances are that you're surfing the web with either Safari, Camino or Firefox. I really hope you're not one of those guys using IE for Mac –if there are still some-, cos in this case, really, and I'm saying it from the heart, you don't deserve a Mac.";
    $I_WHO_WIN= "If you're a Windows guy";
    $I_WHO_WIN_TEXT= " and have Windows XP, ok, it's a fact that IE6 came with it pre-installed. But with IE7 having been released, there are really no more excuses left to justify you. If you still haven't upgraded to IE7, we both know why you didn't, besides laziness. <br /><strong>UPDATE (October 5, 2007): </strong><a href=\",138125-page,1-c,internetexplorer/article.html\">Microsoft now offers IE7 as a free download to all</a><br />If you just can't install IE7 then, as I already said before, go and choose among the many browsers out there.<br/>The same suggestion applies if you're using an older Windows O.S., like e.g. Windows2000, which has, by the way, been officially discontinued. <br />Sorry, but <strong>technology is something you have to keep up with.</strong>";
    $I_WHO_DEV= "Then, <em>you as a web developer</em>. ";
    $I_WHO_DEV_INDENT= "How many hours";
    $I_WHO_DEV_TEXT= " have you been spending trying to fix that line of code which worked perfectly in all browsers except IE6 ? How many weird hacks did you have to learn? How much hair you tore and how many headaches you suffered from for IE not following the rules, despite all of your efforts? </p><p>Gone are the dark days, where the only MS browser available was IE6. <br />IE7 is here finally and although it's reported to still suffer from some bugs, it's way better than its predecessor. Don't you think it's time to say stop to IE6? Would you ever care about compatibility issues with Firefox 1.5 at this time? I believe you don't, and you do just right, because the old version is known to be buggy and is not supported anymore. <br />Did you ever buy a PC software? Ever had any trouble? I bet if you asked the tech support, their first answer would be <q>go and get all the O.S. available updates, then try again</q>.</p><p>There is no point in supporting old, discontinued browsers versions. <br />Do spend your time better, and educate your customers to upgrade their browsers to the last available version. This is the best thing you can do as a professional, apart from developing the last 2.0 killer application.";
    $I_HOW= "how";
    $I_HOW_P1= "Here it comes the crucial part.";
    $I_HOW_P2= "<em>If you're a user</em>, it's quite easy. <br />Go and get a new browser. Upgrade to IE7 or just get another one. These are the main ones you can choose among:";
    $I_HOW_IE7_ALT= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_IE7_TTL= "get Internet Explorer 7";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_ALT= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_SAFARI_TTL= "get Safari";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_ALT= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_FIREFOX_TTL= "get Firefox";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_ALT= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_OPERA_TTL= "get Opera";
    $I_HOW_P3= "<em>If you're a developer</em>, before the release of IE7, not supporting IE-at least 6 wasn't just practicable. You had to write code that worked seamlessly with IE6 and all the other more standard-aware browsers. But today, IE7 is available.";
    $I_HOW_P4= "<em>If developers and designers stop to support the old IE versions</em>, it will force people to take the two minutes process to update to IE7 or get an alternative browser.<br />But you can do more: <strong>actively force your users to upgrade</strong>. How? <br />By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites homepage, users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome.<br />If you think this means limiting someone else's freedom, try to see it this way: we don't want to limit them, <strong>we want them to get their freedom back</strong>. And this is just all this site is about.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO= "How to use the script:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P1= "Depending on how incisive you want to be, you can choose between two modes:";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P2= "<strong>no mercy</strong>: IE<7 users will be prevented from visiting your site. A warning in-page message will be shown explaining them why they are not welcome, with a link to this site where they can fully understand what's behind.";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P3= "<strong>tolerant</strong>: IE<7 users will be warned, but they still will be able to visit your site. ";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P4= "Now, grab the following files and put them in your js directory (or any other, just remember to change the path in the <script> tag):";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_NOMERCY= "no mercy";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TOLERANT= "tolerant";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC1= "browser detection";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_DESC2= "automatically injected by detect.js, only if IE<7 is found";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_P5= "Then, add the following code to the <head></head> section of all your site pages (or at least your homepage)";
    $I_HOW_HOWTO_TEST= "test this code (as seen by IE6 users)";
    $I_HOW_PARTOFTHEMOVE= "That's it. You're part of the movement!";
    $I_HOW_UPDATE= "<strong>**Update** Method 2</strong> (thanks to Alan Hogan for pointing this out):";
    $I_HOW_INSTEAD= "Instead of using the Detect.js script to detect IE6 or previous, you can use conditional comments:";
    $I_HOW_SO= "So, in this case you only need one js file: StopIE6.js (you can still choose between";
    $SCRIPT_H2= "How to use the script";
    $SCRIPT_P1= "(This is taken from the main page \"HOW\" section, just for the impatients).";
    $SCRIPT_P2= "By injecting the following javascript in all of your sites pages (at least, in the homepage), users still using IE<7 will be informed that they are not welcome and why.";
    $TOPTEN_H2= "Vote an existing reason or <a href=\"#divAdd\">add yours!</a>";
    $TOPTEN_P1= "These are the top 10 reasons to Stop IE 6.<br />This is a dynamic poll system, in that you can vote an existing reason or submit your owns (up to 3).<br/> The more votes an entry gets, the more upwards it'll get.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_P1= "Add your reasons!";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_S1= "Please be polite and constructive. offensive entries will be deleted.";
    $TOPTEN_ADD_CHARLEFT= "chars left";
    $TOPTEN_VOTED= "You already voted today, thank you.";
    $SPREAD_H2= "Play your part in making the web a better place!";
    $SPREAD_P1= "If more and more sites adhere to this campaign and inject our script in their homepages, it will not pass unnoticed.";
    $SPREAD_P2= "Here are some promotional buttons we'd be glad you put on your site:";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2= "A list of sites proudly supporting this campaign";
    $SUPPORTERS_H2_ADD= "add yours!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P1= "Upload your logo and let everybody know you're proud to fight against IE6!";
    $SUPPORTERS_P2= "We will review your URL and logo before publishing it";
    $SUPPORTERS_P3= "Your site URL:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P4= "Your logo:";
    $SUPPORTERS_P5= "accepted images format: jpeg, png, gif; size: any (will be resized to 120 x 60)";
    $ABOUT_H2= "The guys behind this";
    $ABOUT_PERS1N= "A lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS1T= "27 yrs old guy from <strike>Italy</strike> a secret location.<br /> He's a web enthusiast, which means he doesn't do that for a living... for now. Although he loves coding (in a handful of different programming languages), he hates debugging, especially against IE6.<br/> The idea of the campaign arose one day when he was developping a super-secret application and got stuck because of IE6 not behaving as he'd expected. Then he decided he had to do something for saving his spare time for better things, like xbox360 (how could I hate MS when I love this little white box so much?)";
    $ABOUT_PERS2N= "A lazier guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS2T= "From <strike>Italy</strike> the same secret location, he's so lazy he couldn't put together two lines of self description.<br/> You need only knowing since he started working with css, he can't sleep anymore, because every night an orrific big blue E appears in his dreams. Would you help him to get to sleep again?";
    $ABOUT_PERS3N= "A slightly less lazy guy";
    $ABOUT_PERS3T= "From a non-secret location (not written here because of secrecy; he has translated this site to Swedish and wants to change the world. Or at least thinks he wants to. He anyway wants the world to become better because of him. Well, he has managed to make a <a href=\"\">somewhat interesting website</a>, which for given reasons only partly supports IE6.";
    $ABOUT_PERS4N= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS4T= "";
    $ABOUT_PERS5N= "A lazy woman";
    $ABOUT_PERS5T= "A 18-years-old forever woman , who lives in <strike>Taiwan</strike> a secret island. She's also a volunteer of MozTW to spread Firefox, because she is too lazy, and don't wanna deal with IE6-compatible when designing CSS. She thought that everybody who upgrades their browser would be very helpful for the internet, so did the translation for anyone who is interested in this site.";
    $ABOUT_PERS6N= "A guy with <em>no mercy</em>";
    $ABOUT_PERS6T= "He began his journey to the Internet in <strike>Austria</strike> a basement. A long time ago he was a nice guy who spent too much time in destroying already perfect designs of websites just to make them IE6 compatible. But that time is over now! Now he's getting revenge for all the spare time he lost by using <a href='/script'>the Script</a> also in Websites that would actually be IE6 compatible. He did the German translation for this site so that even more people will understand why they should update their browser.";
    $ABOUT_CONTRIB_H2= "Contributors";
    $LOGO_UPLOADED= "logo successfully uploaded, thank you!";
    Kaip suprantate visi kuriame svetaines pagal valid W3C standartus, o IE6 ir žemesni to nepalaiko. IE6 turi mirti, tą skelbia ši akcija. IE6 yra 2001 metų, ir prie jos derintis mes koduotojai neturime. Ieškau kas prisidėtų prie akcijos ir už Lietuvą pasistengtų nemokamai, o jau tą kuris prisidės prie tokio darbo tikrai pagarba ir +.
    Pats naudosiu visuose projektuose tą javascript'ą, jo esmė, IE6 naudotojus nukreipia į būtent tą svetainę pasiskaityti. Yra dvi versijos, viena išvis nerodo svetainės, o tik nuorodą į tą svetainę, kita mažiau brutali viską rodo, ir kartu duoda tą nuorodą, o taa rodymas IE6 tai toks baisus, tiems valid W3C standartams... Todėl nemažai užsilikusių, kurie tebenaudoja table'us layoutui.
    Ne mes turime derintis prie IE6, o naudojantys IE6 turi derintis prie mūsų.
    Ar kas rastumėte laiko išversti?
    Aš nelabai geras vertėjas.
  7. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo neonaz PHP Programuotojas (26m.). Specializuojuosi: PHP/ MySQL / AJAX/Javascript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS   
    Sveiki esu 26 metų ( vardo nenoriu viešinti ),
    Laukiu darbo pasiūlymų susijusių su PHP / MySQL / AJAX/JavaScript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS / Pagalbos!.
    PHP Programuotojas.
    Programavau kita kalba ( C++ ), todėl darbų turiu ne itin daug, tačiau su Web 2.0 technologijom jau gan senokai draugauju.
    Šiuo metu specializuojuosi web technologijose.
    Dirbu su: PHP, MySQL, (x)HTML/CSS, AJAX/Javascript, XML. // Galiu pritaikyti atsiskaitymą.
    Atlikti darbai:
    * Šiuo metu kuriu 3 projektus, tačiau dėl privatumo nenorėčiau jų kol kas viešinti, užbaigęs būtinai patalpinsiu.
    * Seni darbai: ( šiuo metu pradėjau atnaujinti. launched: 2009-06-22d. )
    Ieškau tokio pobūdžio darbo:
    * Dizaino karpymas -> (x)HTML/CSS, pagal W3C standartus ( švarus, gražus kodas ).
    * Tinklalapių kūrimas ( programavimas ) -> nuo balto lapo iki pilnos svetainės.
    * Unikalios TVS -> kuriu įvairaus sudėtingumo taip pat daug darbo ir nebūtinai reikalaujančias 'Turinio Valdymo Sistemas'.
    * AJAX darbai t.y pasiūlymai "pagyvinti" tinklalapį pvz.: nuotraukų "slideshow" ir pan.
    * SEO patarimai, vidaus optimizavimas ir visa kita.
    * Dizaino karpymas į (x)HTML/CSS ~50 - 100 LTL
    * TVS/Administravimo panelių programavimas ir pan. ( pilnas turinio valdymas / nuotraukos ir visa kita ) ~200lt ir daugiau...
    Dėl kainų rasim kompromisą, viskas tikrai yra proto ribose ir pigiai !.
    Šiuo metu norėčiau apsiimti ne itin didelius/kosminius projektus, kurie reikalautų labai daug darbo. Ne dėl to, kad nepadaryčiau, tiesiog tiek daug laiko dar šiuo metu negaliu skirti.
    ... Nenaudoju jokių šablonų "templates", mėgstu programuoti nuo 0, nemėgstu naudotis "frameworkais", stengiuosi įvykdyti visus kliento lūkesčius ...
    Kol kas tiek, dirbam ir tobulėjam visi.
    Sėkmės!. ^_^ :D
  8. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo neonaz PHP Programuotojas (26m.). Specializuojuosi: PHP/ MySQL / AJAX/Javascript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS   
    Sveiki esu 26 metų ( vardo nenoriu viešinti ),
    Laukiu darbo pasiūlymų susijusių su PHP / MySQL / AJAX/JavaScript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS / Pagalbos!.
    PHP Programuotojas.
    Programavau kita kalba ( C++ ), todėl darbų turiu ne itin daug, tačiau su Web 2.0 technologijom jau gan senokai draugauju.
    Šiuo metu specializuojuosi web technologijose.
    Dirbu su: PHP, MySQL, (x)HTML/CSS, AJAX/Javascript, XML. // Galiu pritaikyti atsiskaitymą.
    Atlikti darbai:
    * Šiuo metu kuriu 3 projektus, tačiau dėl privatumo nenorėčiau jų kol kas viešinti, užbaigęs būtinai patalpinsiu.
    * Seni darbai: ( šiuo metu pradėjau atnaujinti. launched: 2009-06-22d. )
    Ieškau tokio pobūdžio darbo:
    * Dizaino karpymas -> (x)HTML/CSS, pagal W3C standartus ( švarus, gražus kodas ).
    * Tinklalapių kūrimas ( programavimas ) -> nuo balto lapo iki pilnos svetainės.
    * Unikalios TVS -> kuriu įvairaus sudėtingumo taip pat daug darbo ir nebūtinai reikalaujančias 'Turinio Valdymo Sistemas'.
    * AJAX darbai t.y pasiūlymai "pagyvinti" tinklalapį pvz.: nuotraukų "slideshow" ir pan.
    * SEO patarimai, vidaus optimizavimas ir visa kita.
    * Dizaino karpymas į (x)HTML/CSS ~50 - 100 LTL
    * TVS/Administravimo panelių programavimas ir pan. ( pilnas turinio valdymas / nuotraukos ir visa kita ) ~200lt ir daugiau...
    Dėl kainų rasim kompromisą, viskas tikrai yra proto ribose ir pigiai !.
    Šiuo metu norėčiau apsiimti ne itin didelius/kosminius projektus, kurie reikalautų labai daug darbo. Ne dėl to, kad nepadaryčiau, tiesiog tiek daug laiko dar šiuo metu negaliu skirti.
    ... Nenaudoju jokių šablonų "templates", mėgstu programuoti nuo 0, nemėgstu naudotis "frameworkais", stengiuosi įvykdyti visus kliento lūkesčius ...
    Kol kas tiek, dirbam ir tobulėjam visi.
    Sėkmės!. ^_^ :D
  9. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo neonaz PHP Programuotojas (26m.). Specializuojuosi: PHP/ MySQL / AJAX/Javascript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS   
    Sveiki esu 26 metų ( vardo nenoriu viešinti ),
    Laukiu darbo pasiūlymų susijusių su PHP / MySQL / AJAX/JavaScript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS / Pagalbos!.
    PHP Programuotojas.
    Programavau kita kalba ( C++ ), todėl darbų turiu ne itin daug, tačiau su Web 2.0 technologijom jau gan senokai draugauju.
    Šiuo metu specializuojuosi web technologijose.
    Dirbu su: PHP, MySQL, (x)HTML/CSS, AJAX/Javascript, XML. // Galiu pritaikyti atsiskaitymą.
    Atlikti darbai:
    * Šiuo metu kuriu 3 projektus, tačiau dėl privatumo nenorėčiau jų kol kas viešinti, užbaigęs būtinai patalpinsiu.
    * Seni darbai: ( šiuo metu pradėjau atnaujinti. launched: 2009-06-22d. )
    Ieškau tokio pobūdžio darbo:
    * Dizaino karpymas -> (x)HTML/CSS, pagal W3C standartus ( švarus, gražus kodas ).
    * Tinklalapių kūrimas ( programavimas ) -> nuo balto lapo iki pilnos svetainės.
    * Unikalios TVS -> kuriu įvairaus sudėtingumo taip pat daug darbo ir nebūtinai reikalaujančias 'Turinio Valdymo Sistemas'.
    * AJAX darbai t.y pasiūlymai "pagyvinti" tinklalapį pvz.: nuotraukų "slideshow" ir pan.
    * SEO patarimai, vidaus optimizavimas ir visa kita.
    * Dizaino karpymas į (x)HTML/CSS ~50 - 100 LTL
    * TVS/Administravimo panelių programavimas ir pan. ( pilnas turinio valdymas / nuotraukos ir visa kita ) ~200lt ir daugiau...
    Dėl kainų rasim kompromisą, viskas tikrai yra proto ribose ir pigiai !.
    Šiuo metu norėčiau apsiimti ne itin didelius/kosminius projektus, kurie reikalautų labai daug darbo. Ne dėl to, kad nepadaryčiau, tiesiog tiek daug laiko dar šiuo metu negaliu skirti.
    ... Nenaudoju jokių šablonų "templates", mėgstu programuoti nuo 0, nemėgstu naudotis "frameworkais", stengiuosi įvykdyti visus kliento lūkesčius ...
    Kol kas tiek, dirbam ir tobulėjam visi.
    Sėkmės!. ^_^ :D
  10. Patinka
    Ajaxas gavo reakciją nuo neonaz PHP Programuotojas (26m.). Specializuojuosi: PHP/ MySQL / AJAX/Javascript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS   
    Sveiki esu 26 metų ( vardo nenoriu viešinti ),
    Laukiu darbo pasiūlymų susijusių su PHP / MySQL / AJAX/JavaScript / XML / (x)HTML/CSS / Pagalbos!.
    PHP Programuotojas.
    Programavau kita kalba ( C++ ), todėl darbų turiu ne itin daug, tačiau su Web 2.0 technologijom jau gan senokai draugauju.
    Šiuo metu specializuojuosi web technologijose.
    Dirbu su: PHP, MySQL, (x)HTML/CSS, AJAX/Javascript, XML. // Galiu pritaikyti atsiskaitymą.
    Atlikti darbai:
    * Šiuo metu kuriu 3 projektus, tačiau dėl privatumo nenorėčiau jų kol kas viešinti, užbaigęs būtinai patalpinsiu.
    * Seni darbai: ( šiuo metu pradėjau atnaujinti. launched: 2009-06-22d. )
    Ieškau tokio pobūdžio darbo:
    * Dizaino karpymas -> (x)HTML/CSS, pagal W3C standartus ( švarus, gražus kodas ).
    * Tinklalapių kūrimas ( programavimas ) -> nuo balto lapo iki pilnos svetainės.
    * Unikalios TVS -> kuriu įvairaus sudėtingumo taip pat daug darbo ir nebūtinai reikalaujančias 'Turinio Valdymo Sistemas'.
    * AJAX darbai t.y pasiūlymai "pagyvinti" tinklalapį pvz.: nuotraukų "slideshow" ir pan.
    * SEO patarimai, vidaus optimizavimas ir visa kita.
    * Dizaino karpymas į (x)HTML/CSS ~50 - 100 LTL
    * TVS/Administravimo panelių programavimas ir pan. ( pilnas turinio valdymas / nuotraukos ir visa kita ) ~200lt ir daugiau...
    Dėl kainų rasim kompromisą, viskas tikrai yra proto ribose ir pigiai !.
    Šiuo metu norėčiau apsiimti ne itin didelius/kosminius projektus, kurie reikalautų labai daug darbo. Ne dėl to, kad nepadaryčiau, tiesiog tiek daug laiko dar šiuo metu negaliu skirti.
    ... Nenaudoju jokių šablonų "templates", mėgstu programuoti nuo 0, nemėgstu naudotis "frameworkais", stengiuosi įvykdyti visus kliento lūkesčius ...
    Kol kas tiek, dirbam ir tobulėjam visi.
    Sėkmės!. ^_^ :D
  11. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Deivydas H.Daktaras. "Išlikti žmogumi"   
    dekui. :unsure:
  12. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Aidas H.Daktaras. "Išlikti žmogumi"   
    Prisegu tą pačią knygą, tik mažiau sveriančią, nes čia ne nuskanuoti knygos puslapiai, o parašyta kompiuteriu, viskas tas pats, tos pačios nutoraukos sudėtos ir t.t.
    Į sveikatą, gera knyga :)
  13. Pagarba
    Ajaxas sureagavo į SNGPoker H.Daktaras. "Išlikti žmogumi"   
    kuo gali būti įpatinga bandito parašyta knyga? :/ Siunčiat nes bijot jo pavardės ar kaip? Kokios info toj knygoj jis gali pateikt?
  14. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į auris555 PHP mokymasis   
    Aš taip pat naudoju Notepad++. Geresnio dar nesu radęs.
  15. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Crackerbit PHP mokymasis   
    Pradejau mokytis nuo wap :D radau kazkada daug scriptu atsisiunciau testavau zejau kas ka daro ir t.t.
    Naudoju: Notepad++
  16. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Soldier Patarimai galvojantiems apie uzdarbi Anglijoje   
    Sakiau, kad cia juodrastis :-) Tiesiog bandau sukristalizuoti mintis siek tiek :-) Dziaukis, kad isvis mirc`o zargonu nerasau :-) Siaip as kompiuterastas, tai man ir taip gan "stilingai" rasyti skubant - sunku :-) Ir siaip - prasiau nepertraukineti ;-) Ačiū.
  17. Pagarba
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Original'as Patarimai galvojantiems apie uzdarbi Anglijoje   
    na tai jei jau kažką pradedi rašyti, tai kodėl be LT raidžiu, klaidų pridaryti ok, pataisyti visada galima, o be raidžių, viską iš naujo perrašyti teks :roll: ar čia šveplai rašyti normal ir poto šveplas svetaines daryti :)
  18. Patinka
    Ajaxas sureagavo į Soldier Patarimai galvojantiems apie uzdarbi Anglijoje   
    Matau, kad ir сia zmonems tai aktualu, kai kas jau buvo isvaziaves, kai kas tik galvoja apie tai. Vieni giria, kiti veikia :-)
    O mane pagavo ikvepimas, tai parasysiu, kiek imanoma objektyviai subjektyvu straipsni ir pabandysiu isamiai patarti veinoje vietoje visiems dabar besidomintiems ir tiem, kas ateityje uzsuks ;-)
    Kalbesiu apie Anglija, nes: 1. i ja lengviausia nuvaziuoti (nepalyginsi su JAV). 2. vieni geriausiu atlyginimu Europoje (geriau uz Ispanija ir pan). 3. Turiu patirties pakankamai, todel kalbesiu faktais :-)
    Kalbeti nei kategoriskai uz nei pries tikrai negalima. Kaip pasiseks ar nepasiseks priklauso nuo konkretaus zmogaus, jo proto, gabumu, ambiciju ir t.t.
    Mano manymu blogiausia kaip gali susiklostyti - dirbsit nemiela darba, uzdirbsit minimuma ir gyvensit nepatogiai :-) Nekalbu apie variantus, kad nuvaziuoja totalus nevykeliai - nesugeba NIEKO dirbti, nemoka ir nesimoko kalbos, pesimistai visokie... tai ir prasiskolina ir apsivogia ar isvsi i kalejima pakliuna... na bet as skaitau, kad sio forumo publika nera jau tokia tataliai nevykusi, tad sito scenarijaus jums netaikau ;-)
    Normalu butu manau, kad jei ne super duper specialistas ar aferistas nuvaziuoja padirbti paprasta darba, tai nomaliausia butu ieskoti statybose pagalbinio, pardavejo kokioj parduotuveje, degalines operatoriaus ar sandelio darbuotojo darbo ;-)
    Tokiu darbu PILNA, bet tik jei kalba eina, kad pats zmogus stengiasi :-) nekalbu apie tautiecius su totalai ida, laukti kol kiti uz juos viska padarys, ant lekstutes atnes :twisted:
    Optimalu butu, kad bent basic anglu kalba (mokykliniu lygiu) zinotumet ir suderintumet su kazkuo, kad Jus pasitiks ir bent kelioms dienom priglaus :-) Tuomet beliks per savaite susirasti kur nuomuotis gyv. plota, skaityti laikrascius, skambineti, tartis ir gauti darba. Savaites normaliam zmogui pakanka.
    Didziausia klaida, kuria daro naujai vaziuojantys - galvoti "aj va, atvaziavau pas petra, pasitiko, priglaude, maisto, pinigu dar turiu is LT, taj ###### cia man stenktis... pasedesiu savaite, dvi "ant sprando", apsiziuresiu svetimoej aplinkoje, va tada BUTINAI ieskosiu..." :D Ne... bad idea... tokie ir dvi ir tris sav pasedi, tada baigaisi pinigai, tada issigasta, soka i panika ir nesamoniu prisidaro... :evil: Arba pasiryztat ir nuvaziave nuo pirmso dienso AKTYVIAI stengiates PATYS susirasti darba arba geria usedekit namie... darbo ieskoma internete, laikrasciuose, skelbimuose parduotuviu languose ir pan.
    Niekam nepatariu susideti su JOKIOMIS agenturomis :twisted: Jos skirtos mulkinti tik TOTALIEMS idiotams... ###### ###### nesuprantu... kisa zmones po 2000-3000 Lietuvoje, na nuveza ten juos, imeta i koki bendrabuti su dar 8 tokiais pat nabagais, geriausiu atveju ikisa dirbti i factory - t.y. vaisiu, mesos, dar kokiu nesamoniu rusiavimo, pakavimo cechai :twisted: Va tai yra juodas darbas UK :) Pachalian ten nabagai tautieciai uz 3 negrus, gauna totalu minimuma (4+ svaro/val) is kurio dar agentura nusuka dali... niekas netvarko jokiu popieriu, nepadeda, uja darbe idiotai supervaizeriai... krc sumoje lenkia zmones kupras 10-12 val ir gauna i savaite 170 svaru :-D is kuriu isledzia 40-50 skylei, vadinamai "namais" ir dar tiek pat sh maistui... Ir atrodo kad nemazai sutaupo :-) Bet po 2-3 men tosk gyvenimas pribaigia ir... prageria viska ;-)
    Jei jau taip norit i factory - vaziuokit patys, islipsit, pagyvensit kazkur kazkaip, pasimaitinsit savaite ir jei stengsites -tikrai patys gausit ta sh darba nesunkiai :-) ir tada jokai fcuk`ing agenturai nebusit sukise 3000 ir veliau nereiks % moket nuo ir taip vargano atlyginimo ;-)
    Na o jei realiai ne sudarankis zmogsu yra, tai eis dirbti i baltesni darba - statybas, apsauga ar pardaveju. Taip taip - statybas UK priskiriu prie baltesniu darbu, nes taip ir yra ;-) Net nelyginkit, jei turit lietuviskos, blogos, statybu patirties! Ten - labiau panasu i Discovery laidas apie statybas - saunsu zmones, gera technika, saugi darbo aplinka, nepersunkus darbas ir t.t. Niekas ten Jusu nevers zudytis tampant ka virs jegu ir t.t. Statybose dirbama tik 6-8 val, is ju dar pora galima "numuilinti" nesunkiai :-) Uzdirbama 250-350 svaru nesunkiai (cia basic darbai - leiboriai, groundworkeriai, hodziai), veliau, tarkim antrais ar treciais metais nuvaziavus jau galit tiketis 300-500 ;-) O jei sedesit factory ar parduotuveje - taj ir po 3 metu gaust ta pati - iki 200 :-D
    Na bet tobulejimui reikai pastangu - turit rasti laiko, noro ir galimybiu tvarkyti ivairius popierius per valdiskas istaigas - kaip minimum per pirmus 3-6 men PRIVALOTE gauti UK socialinio draudimo kortele (NI vadinamas), atsidaryti banko saskaita, deklaruotis gyvenamaja vieta, gauti dar kelias korteles (jei kalab apie statybas ar apsauga)! Kai visa ta jau turi - naturalu, kad "migruoji" i geresni darba ;-) O toliau - su lyg menesiais ir metais toje pacioje profesijoje kyla patirtis = kyla atlyginimas. 3-4 metai ir geras statybininkas uzdirba 2000-4000 ir daugiau svaru per men!
    Toliau apie islaidas. Gyvenamasis plotas jums kainuso priklausomai nuo dvieju faktoriu - kur ir kokios kokybes :-) Jei kur londono ar kito miesto centre taj uz belekokia skyle mokesit 30-50 svaru per savaite ir dar gyvensit po 2-3 kambary / 4-8 bute(name). Jei toliau nuo centro ar isvsi kaimo vietovese - ir gyvenimo salygso geresnes ir pigiau, tik kad vazineti reikia, bet tai daznai neproblema - susisiekimas UK patogsu ir nebrangus. Na o jei norite gyventi GERAI - tai su statybininko alga irgi "ikandama" :-) Mes pvz nuomuojam vila - 6 kambariai, didziulis salonas, virtuve, 2 vonios ir... baseinas kieme :-) Na bet ir mokam... 10000 lt per men 8)
    Toliau - maistas. Tas nebrangus Anglijoje, tik kad ne stebuklas ryskiai :-) Is pradziu bus sunku priprasti prei kai kuriu skoniu, veliau pabos tie "sintetiniai" pusfabrikaciai ir pan :-) Na bet bent jau Londone ir kituose stambesniuose taskuose jau neproblema gauti lietuvisku koldunu ir svyturio alaus bent kartais pasilepinimui ;-) O siaip zmones girdejau su 30-50 svaru per sav badu nenumirsta :-) Bet kalbant apie pilnavert raciona ir geresni maista - reikia ~50-70 svaru ;-)
    Keliones, kaip minejau nera brangios - nusipirksit wekkly ticket dazniausiai uz 10-20 svaru ir vazinesit kur reikai ir kiek reikia ;-)
    Telefonui, nepliurpiant aisku po 3 val kasdien su Lietuva, pakanka 5-10 svaru. Pasiskambinsit ir darbo reikalais, ir su draugais vietoje ir kelis kart per savaite su namiskiais lietuvoje ;-)
    O visa kita - laisvalaikis - turiningesnis ir su ten gaunama alga daznai atrodo kad pigiasnis nei LT. Pvz nusipirkus metini abonimenta galima uz 10 svaru menesi vaikscioti i kina arba uz 5 svarus isinuomuoti savaitei 5 DVD filmus :-) Aus tik kad ten lievas, bet po menesio kokio iprantama :-)
    Kas dar?? Blyn galeciau enciklopedija prirasyti :-) Na bet ir man mintys sokineja ir jums pabos skaityti ;-) Jei ka konkreciai - paklausit. Tik neklauskit "kaip man bus... kaip man gauti darba..." ir pan :-D Uz Jus as nieko negaliu garantuoti, spresti ar patarti!
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...