Pereiti prie turinio


  • Pranešimai

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aero Pranešimai

  1. Ieskojau nete info apie fake emails, taigi radau. Buvo klausiamaS ar zmogus fake'ines email gaus priza, stai ats:


    As you may know we had a amnsety week. If his PTZ have been altered or reset then he is now clean and is free to redeem. However if his PTZ have not been changed then he may not have been caught but before prizes are sent there is two - three checks.

  2. Thank you for your email! Over the next few weeks, we will be

    processing all legitimate orders. We request that you do not send

    duplicate or additional emails to this address, as it will only delay

    our process of sending your prize to you.


    Once we process all of these orders, we will message to you accordingly.


    Thank you very much for your patience and understanding!


    Va ka gavau nusiuntes savo receipt orderi :lol:

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