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  • Pranešimai

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uploader Pranešimai

  1. Cia del to viruso noriu perrasyti windowsus , ir vieninteliai kuriuso turiu dikes yra windows'ai 7'tieji. Idedu i cd/rom'a , restartuoju pc. Paspaudziu F12 parenku first boot device CDROM , tada enter. Pakrauna paraso apacioj , kad krauna cd ... Taip kokias 30sekundziu ir isijungia senieji windows'ai , neduoda irasinet 7'tuju.

    blogai irasytas diskas

  2. Oho. Jei taip ir toliau, tai gal ir 1500 ptz surinksiu :D

    kiek turi?



    One year ago today, with six employees and a handful of members, Lockerz began. It's been an amazing year -- we've grown beyond our wildest expectations, thanks to the support of the loyal and large Lockerz community. Today, we have millions of members around the world and the early stage of PLAY is a popular new feature. We're busy preparing to launch two new features: CONNECT and SHOP. On top of all this, we're working on making Z-List status mean even more for those who get on the Z-List.


    Since it's our birthday, we'd like to thank you for helping to make this a great first year.


    Here are a few things we'd like to do for you:


    1. We are going to "grandfather in" our early members by giving you an extra number of months before your PTZ and Z-List status expire. We will be announcing more details in the next few weeks.


    2. Members who make the Z-List after March 19 will be given a new prize (and more perks) instead of a t-shirt. That's right - - if you became a Z-Lister during our first year, your t-shirt is sure to become a collector's item! We will send t-shirts to everyone who makes the Z-list by March 19 at 6 PM Eastern time, so you have a little more than a week to invite your friends if you are not yet a Z-Lister and want the shirt. We think our new Z-List prizes and perks will be loved as much as the shirt, if not more. Much more!


    Stay tuned to the hallway in the next few months to discover exciting news from Lockerz. Thank you for your support! Year Two is going to be even better, and we're looking forward to spending it with you!

  3. Aš bent supratau taip, kad kas laimi, tas gali pasirinkti patogų laiką savo restockui. Taip išeina, kad visi galės dalyvauti, bet vieniems bus patogu, o kitiems ne. Pataisyk, jei klystu :D

    4. The winning team -- and only the winning team -- will participate in March's redemption.

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