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OutCOME Pranešimai

  1. -------------------------------------------------




    Pradine kaina: 5 LT.


    Minimalus kelimas: 1 LT.


    Pirk dabar: 80 LT.


    Aukciono pabaiga: Siandien, 23:30.




    Kortele, ne kodas. Uz atsiuntima papildomai moket nereikes!


    Sekmes! :)





  2. Be patirties i pokeri geriau nelyst. Nes bus kaip man - prisirinksi poto skolu, kuriu negalesi atiduot ir panasiai.


    Mano patarimas:


    Nelysk niekada i skolas.


    Laikykis Bankroll Management. (Leisk tik tuos Buy-In, kurie yra ne aukstesni, nei 10% tavo bendro pokerio balanso.)


    Neblefuok. Dazniausiai blefas buna nesekmingas, o jei blefuoji tai ismok tai daryti protingai.


    Pavargai zaist? Nezaisk - pralaimesi.


    O del knygu tai, jei esi linkomanijoj tai irasyk ten i search Poker Ebooks ir ras ten pack'a su 60 knygu. :)



    EDIT: Sorry, naktis visai neiisiskaiciau is pradziu i post'a kazkaip :) Tai Sitie E-book'ai, kuriuos as turiu omeny man atrodo ir normaliu knygu formatu yra. :)


    Ace On The River (Barry Greenstein).pdf

    Body Language (Allan Pease).pdf

    Caro's Book of Poker Tells (Mike Caro).pdf

    Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold'em (T.J. Cloutier & Tom McEvoy).pdf

    Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson).pdf

    Doyle Brunson's Super System 2 - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson).pdf

    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 1; Strategic Play) (Dan Harrington).pdf

    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 2; The Endgame) (Dan Harrington).pdf

    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 3; The Workbook) (Dan Harrington).pdf

    Hold'em Brain (King Yao)

    Hold'em Poker For Advanced Players (David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth).pdf

    Idiot's Guide to Verbal Self-Defense.pdf

    Insider Secrets To Playing Texas Hold'em Poker Online (Theo Cage).pdf

    Internet Texas Hold'em Winning Strategies From An Internet Pro (Matthew Hilger).pdf

    Introduction To Probability (Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell)

    Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated 3rd ed - K. Lindsay, et al WW.pdf

    No Limit Hold 'em Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller).pdf

    No Limit Hold'em Secrets (Roy Rounder).pdf

    Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker For Beginners (August O' Meara).pdf

    Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Phil Gordon).pdf

    Play Poker Like the Pros (Phil Hellmuth).pdf

    Playing Texas Hold'em Online - The Professional's Guide (A.J. Mills).pdf

    Poker Brain.pdf

    Poker For Dummies (Richard D. Harroch & Lou Krieger).pdf

    Poker; A Guaranteed Income for Life (Frank R. Wallace).pdf

    Scientific American MIND June-July 2006 WW.pdf

    Self defense nerve centers and pressure points.pdf

    Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth).pdf

    Texas Hold'em Secrets (Rory Monahan a.k.a. Roy Rounder).pdf

    The Definite Online Poker Strategy Book (Poker Rewards).pdf

    The Education Of A Poker Player (Herbert Osborne Yardley).pdf

    The Intellligent Guide To Texas Hold'em Poker (Sam Braids).pdf

    The Mathematics Of Gambling (Edward O. Thorpe).pdf

    The Theory of Poker (Seventh printing, Complete) (David Sklansky).pdf

    Tournament Tactics (Roy Rounder).pdf

    Winning Low Limit Hold'em (Lee Jones).pdf

    Winning Secrets Of Online Poker (Douglas W. Frye & Curtis D. Frye).pdf


    Hold'em Brain (King Yao):

    01.01 Introduction.pdf

    01.02 Players.pdf

    01.03 Expected Value.pdf

    01.04 Outs.pdf

    01.05 Odds.pdf

    01.06 Position.pdf

    02.01 Free Cards.pdf

    02.02 Bluffing.pdf

    02.03 Semi-Bluffing.pdf

    02.04 Slowplaying checkraising.pdf

    02.05 Reading Hands.pdf

    03.01 Starting Hands.pdf

    03.02 Flop.pdf

    03.03 Turn.pdf

    03.04 River.pdf

    04.01 Shorthanded.pdf

    04.02 Shorthanded Common Mistake.pdf

    04.03 Online Poker.pdf

    04.04 Extra Topics.pdf

    A.01 Rules.pdf

    A.02 Hold'em Brain Bluffing Spreadsheet.xls

    A.03 Hold'em Brain Semi-Bluffing Spreadsheet.xls




    Introduction To Probability (Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell):

    Introduction To Probability.pdf

    Solutions to the Odd Numbered Exercises.pdf

  3. Colio> Na peržiūrėjau 2 puslapius, tai nieko gero nepamačiau, į uzpakali tokius domenus susigrust nebent :) :) ;) :)


    Mano sąraše esantys domenai na kokiu 10 kartų tai manau tikrai geresni ;)


    kestoris > Buvo duota ir Ramūnui, paslink biški aukščiau tiktai. :)


    TRUMPA APŽVALGA: Taigi, iš viso domenų virš šimto. Domenų yra įvairių ir tikrai puikių, pradedant nuo lengvai įsimintinų, baigiant operacinės sistemos pavadinimu ir taip toliau. ;) Yra 5 domenai, kurie tikrai tinka liūdnoms akimirkoms skirtiems puslapiams. Taip pat rasit porą juokingų laisvų .LT domenų. :D


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








    AUKCIONO PABAIGA: SAUSIO 25 d. 23:30. (Būčiau dėkingas, jei nereikėtų vėliau aiškintis kas paskutinis pastatė)


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Sekmės! :D

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