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  1. Patinka
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Maratonas Psichiatras D. Diržys: „Pasauliui teks pakeisti požiūrį į kanapes“   
    Prisiskaites kai kuriu juokingu komentaru, paziurejes is velniai zino kur trauktu statistiku ir neaisku kieno sudarytu nusprendziau ir as issakyti savo nuomone... kazkas maciau ikele statistika kurioje kanapes del mirtingumo konkuruoja su ivairiais narkotikais. bet ar teko tam zmogui bent kiek dometis moksliniais tyrimais pries ikelent ta statistika? ar tiesiog tai googlej pirmas pasitaikes paveiksliukas? nuo zemes riesutu yra mire daugiau zmoniu nei nuo kanapiu. Ju neimanoma perdozuoti. tu tiesiog uzmiksi. Nera nei vienos mirties kuri butu 100% vien tik kanapiu kalte.
    kazkas rase kad zmogus prissivalges macdonalde nesielgia kvailai ir nelaksto gatvemis. Bet ar tikrai? patarciau pasidometi kokia zala organizmui daro buten tie visi E ir kaip jie zaidzia su tavo smegenimis, nervais ir panasiai taip kad pats laikas butu keisti mastyma.
    kas stabdo kanapiu legalizavima? Pirma tai aisku kad alkoholis bei tabako korpuracijos kurioms tiesiog nenaudinga legalizuoti zole nes apsirukius alkoholis tampa tiesiog slykstus ir galiu pasakyt is patirties kad nesinori nei tabako nei alkoholio. toliau eitu naftos bei tekstiles pramones nes jei ne kanapiu draudimas turbut visi vazinetumem automobiliais kurie butu varomi is kanapiu pagamintu kuru, bei rengtumemes kanapiu pluosto drabuziais, nes pagaminimo kastai, tarsa ir kokybe yra kanapiu pusei.
    kanapiu draudimas yra dar tik vienas irodymas kaip lengva manipuliuoti zmonemis ir juos itikinti kad nuo seno naudojamas augalas yra absoliutus blogis o stai chemija kuri vercia zmones degraduoti, juos naikina, dusina, zudo ir vercia juos elgtis taip kaip kazkam yra naudinga nieko tokio ;)
    Ir dar diskusijai uzduodu klausima kodel daugumoje saliu yra draudziama pluostine kanape kuri neturi narkotiniu savybiu (to pacio kuro,tekstiles gamybai) yra draudziama?
  2. Patinka
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Maratonas Psichiatras D. Diržys: „Pasauliui teks pakeisti požiūrį į kanapes“   
    Prisiskaites kai kuriu juokingu komentaru, paziurejes is velniai zino kur trauktu statistiku ir neaisku kieno sudarytu nusprendziau ir as issakyti savo nuomone... kazkas maciau ikele statistika kurioje kanapes del mirtingumo konkuruoja su ivairiais narkotikais. bet ar teko tam zmogui bent kiek dometis moksliniais tyrimais pries ikelent ta statistika? ar tiesiog tai googlej pirmas pasitaikes paveiksliukas? nuo zemes riesutu yra mire daugiau zmoniu nei nuo kanapiu. Ju neimanoma perdozuoti. tu tiesiog uzmiksi. Nera nei vienos mirties kuri butu 100% vien tik kanapiu kalte.
    kazkas rase kad zmogus prissivalges macdonalde nesielgia kvailai ir nelaksto gatvemis. Bet ar tikrai? patarciau pasidometi kokia zala organizmui daro buten tie visi E ir kaip jie zaidzia su tavo smegenimis, nervais ir panasiai taip kad pats laikas butu keisti mastyma.
    kas stabdo kanapiu legalizavima? Pirma tai aisku kad alkoholis bei tabako korpuracijos kurioms tiesiog nenaudinga legalizuoti zole nes apsirukius alkoholis tampa tiesiog slykstus ir galiu pasakyt is patirties kad nesinori nei tabako nei alkoholio. toliau eitu naftos bei tekstiles pramones nes jei ne kanapiu draudimas turbut visi vazinetumem automobiliais kurie butu varomi is kanapiu pagamintu kuru, bei rengtumemes kanapiu pluosto drabuziais, nes pagaminimo kastai, tarsa ir kokybe yra kanapiu pusei.
    kanapiu draudimas yra dar tik vienas irodymas kaip lengva manipuliuoti zmonemis ir juos itikinti kad nuo seno naudojamas augalas yra absoliutus blogis o stai chemija kuri vercia zmones degraduoti, juos naikina, dusina, zudo ir vercia juos elgtis taip kaip kazkam yra naudinga nieko tokio ;)
    Ir dar diskusijai uzduodu klausima kodel daugumoje saliu yra draudziama pluostine kanape kuri neturi narkotiniu savybiu (to pacio kuro,tekstiles gamybai) yra draudziama?
  3. Patinka
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Maratonas Psichiatras D. Diržys: „Pasauliui teks pakeisti požiūrį į kanapes“   
    Prisiskaites kai kuriu juokingu komentaru, paziurejes is velniai zino kur trauktu statistiku ir neaisku kieno sudarytu nusprendziau ir as issakyti savo nuomone... kazkas maciau ikele statistika kurioje kanapes del mirtingumo konkuruoja su ivairiais narkotikais. bet ar teko tam zmogui bent kiek dometis moksliniais tyrimais pries ikelent ta statistika? ar tiesiog tai googlej pirmas pasitaikes paveiksliukas? nuo zemes riesutu yra mire daugiau zmoniu nei nuo kanapiu. Ju neimanoma perdozuoti. tu tiesiog uzmiksi. Nera nei vienos mirties kuri butu 100% vien tik kanapiu kalte.
    kazkas rase kad zmogus prissivalges macdonalde nesielgia kvailai ir nelaksto gatvemis. Bet ar tikrai? patarciau pasidometi kokia zala organizmui daro buten tie visi E ir kaip jie zaidzia su tavo smegenimis, nervais ir panasiai taip kad pats laikas butu keisti mastyma.
    kas stabdo kanapiu legalizavima? Pirma tai aisku kad alkoholis bei tabako korpuracijos kurioms tiesiog nenaudinga legalizuoti zole nes apsirukius alkoholis tampa tiesiog slykstus ir galiu pasakyt is patirties kad nesinori nei tabako nei alkoholio. toliau eitu naftos bei tekstiles pramones nes jei ne kanapiu draudimas turbut visi vazinetumem automobiliais kurie butu varomi is kanapiu pagamintu kuru, bei rengtumemes kanapiu pluosto drabuziais, nes pagaminimo kastai, tarsa ir kokybe yra kanapiu pusei.
    kanapiu draudimas yra dar tik vienas irodymas kaip lengva manipuliuoti zmonemis ir juos itikinti kad nuo seno naudojamas augalas yra absoliutus blogis o stai chemija kuri vercia zmones degraduoti, juos naikina, dusina, zudo ir vercia juos elgtis taip kaip kazkam yra naudinga nieko tokio ;)
    Ir dar diskusijai uzduodu klausima kodel daugumoje saliu yra draudziama pluostine kanape kuri neturi narkotiniu savybiu (to pacio kuro,tekstiles gamybai) yra draudziama?
  4. Patinka
    agadyz sureagavo į Gugiss Vietos kuriose dirbau   
    Praeita vasara kaimynui nudaziau tvora. Dirbau 2 dienas, gavau 80Lt. Darbo salygos nezmoniskos, buvo karsta ir net nedave vandens atsigert.
  5. Pagarba
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Tornaddo Pokerio knygu kolekcija   
    Labai lengvai galima susirast :) knygos pavadinimas download PDF ir googlei sociai primes :lol:
  6. Pagarba
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Tornaddo Pokerio knygu kolekcija   
    Jei tu matai tiek teksto ir 0 naudos tai gali ir nebeziuret :lol: dariau ne tokiem kaip tu o tiem kurie nuolat iesko kazkokiu knygu. Aprasymai pades orientuotis apie ka mazdaug ta knyga.
  7. Pagarba
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo Tornaddo Pokerio knygu kolekcija   
    Jei tu matai tiek teksto ir 0 naudos tai gali ir nebeziuret :lol: dariau ne tokiem kaip tu o tiem kurie nuolat iesko kazkokiu knygu. Aprasymai pades orientuotis apie ka mazdaug ta knyga.
  8. Patinka
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo dealeris Pokerio knygu kolekcija   
    Sit 'n Go Strategy
    Expert Advice for Beating One-Table Poker Tournaments
    by Collin Moshman
    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Sit 'n go poker tournaments are one table events starting with nine or ten players that usually pay the top three places. They have become very popular on the Internet and are now being spread in brick and mortar cardrooms as well. But they are not standard no-limit poker tournaments since the required strategy to be successful is different, and those who understand the proper approach have found these events to be highly profitable.
    This text, written by sit 'n go expert Collin Moshman, is the first poker strategy book devoted exclusively to these tournaments. Through extensive hand examples and accompanying theory you will learn to:
    1. Master expected value, tournament equity, and fundamental poker concepts,
    2. Distinguish between earning chips and earning money,
    3. Develop an ultra-aggressive late game strategy to steal all the chips when the blinds are high and your opponents are tightening their play,
    4. Play multiple tables, incorporate tracking software, and seize online-only edges,
    5. Exploit recreational players in your table selection and game-play strategy, and
    6. Maximize your sit 'n go profits by treating each game as a business investment.
    Whether you want extra income or a full-time sit 'n go career, Sit 'N Go Strategy provides you with all the tools you need for ultimate success at the tables.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 34 MB
    Full Tilt Poker - Tips From The Pros *NEW Version*

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Welcome to Full Tilt Poker's Pro Tips Archive. Here, you'll find a collection of past tips conducted by your favorite Full Tilt Poker pros, including Team Full Tilt members, Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer, John Juanda, Phil Ivey and more.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 12 MB
    Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap: A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Very great player knows that success in poker is part luck, part math, and part subterfuge. While the math of poker has been refined over the past 20 years, the ability to read other players and keep your own "tells" in check has mostly been learned by trial and error.
    But now, Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer specializing in nonverbal communication and behavior analysis - or, to put it simply, a man who can tell when someone's lying - offers foolproof techniques, illustrated with amazing examples from poker pro Phil Hellmuth, that will help you decode and interpret your opponents' body language and other silent tip-offs while concealing your own. You'll become a human lie detector, ready to call every bluff - and the most feared player in the room.
    About the Author:
    For twenty-five years, Joe Navarro was an FBI counterintelligence special agent and supervisor specializing in nonverbal communications. A frequent lecturer, he serves on the adjunct faculty at Saint Leo University and the FBI.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 18 MB
    Practical Poker Math:
    Basic Odds & Probabilities for Hold'em & Omaha

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Practical Poker Math: Basic Odds & Probabilities for Hold'em & Omaha
    A study in probability, strategy, and game theory, this handy companion explores all the mathematical methods of mastering the game of poker. Using an original concept called "Total Odds," the book presents a complete odds work-up for both Texas Hold'Em and the high and low hands of Omaha. These principles are accessible to any poker player at any skill level, and the calculations are color-coded, making them easy to follow. Serving as a convenient primer for the beginner and a reference text for more experienced players, this guide is a safe bet for anyone looking to win.
    "Dittmar answers many questions and fills in a lot of gaps about poker mathematics ...
    His book is for the thinking player who wants to incorporate some mathematics and an understanding of odds into his or her mode of play." - Poker Player Magazine
    Parsisiusti galima: - 6MB
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - The Pot-Limit Omaha Book:
    Transitioning From NLHE to PLO

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - The Pot-Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning From NLHE to PLO
    The Pot-Limit Omaha Book by Tri Nguyen discusses strategies and concepts applicable to short-handed PLO games.
    This book introduces you to the fundamentals of PLO and how it is different from No-Limit Holdem.
    Other chapters discuss the value of bluffing, value-betting, bet-folding, and most important of all, how to analyze PLO hands to improve your thought processes and decision making. Many poker professionals consider this book is the Bible of PLO books. It is a very valuable tool for anyone who has experience in No-Limit Holdem and want to transition to PLO. Those who study this book will likely have edges over their opponents.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 9MB
    Susie Isaacs - 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Susie Isaacs - 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets
    Poker is currently the hottest card game in America--from novice players involved in poker night to professionals earning millions in nationally televised poker tournaments. 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets is the book readers need to give them the competitive edge over other their competition and help them walk away winners. Packed full of poker secrets, strategies and step-by-step instruction from professional poker champion Susie Isaacs on how to play and win.
    Including: -- No-limit Texas hold'em -- Limit Texas hold'em -- Seven-card stud -- Seven-card stud high-low split eight-or-better -- Omaha -- Omaha high-low split eight-or-better -- Online poker Featuring a glossary of standard poker terms and poker jargon, as well as the ins and outs of poker protocol and casino etiquette, 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets is a must-have reference for players at all levels.
    Parsisiusti galima: Parsisiusti
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - No-Limit Workbook: Exploiting Regulars

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - No-Limit Workbook: Exploiting Regulars
    DailyVariance publishing a new ebook, written by Tri “SlowHabit” Nguyen - “The No-Limit Holdem Workbook: Exploiting Regulars”, and here’s what the author says about it:
    The Workbook goes into details of the important theorical concept “top of my range” and shows you why those who truly understand the concept is a big winner at their stakes. It will also teach you how to incorporate this concept into your thinking process through an extensive question and answer section.
    The first half consists of essays on concepts such as balancing, bluffing, playing small pocket pairs, ect. and contains hand examples illustrating hisadvice. The second half consists of a 35 hand history, Q/A style quiz designed to test your knowledge of the concepts covered in the first half.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Charley Swayne - Swayne's Advanced Degree in Hold'em

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Charley Swayne - Swayne's Advanced Degree in Hold'em
    Featuring new mathematical strategies and an in-depth analysis of the psychological aspects of Texas Hold'em, this poker textbook focuses on advanced skills for experienced and professional-level players. The result of years of study, this new method of step-by-step poker techniques and strategies helps players consistently beat the odds and play winning games. Every aspect of the game is analyzed and reported on in never-before-published approaches that are designed for all forms of Hold'em - online, electronic, and conventional table games.
    About the Author:
    Charley Swayne is a professional poker instructor and the author of "Life, Etc.: Advice for the Real World". He lives in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Winning Poker Tournaments - One Hand at a Time - Volume I

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Winning Poker Tournaments - One Hand at a Time - Volume I
    by Eric 'Rizen' Lynch, Jon 'Pearljammer' Turner & Jon 'Apestyles' Van Fleet
    This book typifies the precise insight most players have sought for years. I have recommended Harrington in the past and will continue, however I have found a "new favorite poker book" and gladly will promote its purchase to members at PokerSchoolOnline (the largest online poker school). -- Al Spath - Dean, PokerSchoolOnline
    Want to win poker tournaments ?
    Now you can learn exactly how consistent winners REALLY do it !
    Meet PearlJammer, Rizen, and Apestyles. These top guns of tournament poker are frequent winners in today's highly competitive online scene, as well as in live tourneys. Their collective experience and track record is staggering: more than 35,000 tournaments played, more than 1,000 final tables made, over 200 major wins, and more than $6,000,000 in cashes. They regularly outplay fields consisting of other top professionals victories that are documented by detailed online hand histories.
    Are you ready to learn winning ways from today's true tournament experts ?
    The authors are not only consistent winners, but powerful teachers as well. Step-by-step, they reveal their decision-making processes, using hands drawn from actual play not examples contrived to fit a particular poker theory.
    Reading this book is like attending a master class in tournament poker.
    You'll see the way cutting-edge pros use their wisdom and incredibly extensive experience to analyze almost every poker situation imaginable. Deep-stacked or short-stacked, against single or multiple opponents, you'll learn the skills that will make you a winner, including:
    - When and how to play aggressively or tightly
    - When to make moves
    - When to make continuation bets and when to hold back
    - How to induce and pick off bluffs
    - How to accumulate chips without constantly risking your tournament life.
    Poker is a fun game, but it's even more fun when you win.
    If you want to become a great tournament player, shouldn't you be learning from the best ? NOW You can !
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE - Volume I + II

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE - Volume I + II
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE is the complete guide to all elements of No-Limit Hold ‘Em. Featuring full coverage of every element of the game, Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman outlines the game in a way that’s both easy to understand and that doesn’t leave out the details. Instead of telling you that “it depends”, Baluga tells you exactly what it depends on. Instead of offering difficult mathematic equations and overwhelming statistics, Baluga uses common sense to solve problems. It’s a conversational guide - you’ll learn so much more about poker than you ever thought was possible, and you won’t feel like you’re reading a dense, dull textbook.
    Just like his coaching and his classes, Baluga’s book is all about terminology and structure. Each chapter is a stepping stone to the next, clearly explained and building towards an overall mastery of the game. Baluga also wanted to make sure the book was well-edited and easy to read. So, he hired Tommy Angelo’s editor, Anna Paradox, who edited Tommy’s Elements of Poker.
    Easy Game is divided into two volumes:
    Volume I:
    This volume includes the foundational poker concepts that are necessary for all poker players to master. While you will beat SSNL after reading this section, it’s hardly just for SSNL players—it covers the simple mistakes that are made by players at all limits and theory that paves the way for advanced poker thinking.
    Volume II:
    You’ve nailed the basics. Now, you want to understand how to take your game to the next level—beating competent opponents, handling aggression, and winning money in the most difficult games. This is your ticket to crushing small stakes, beating mid-stakes, and taking your game to the highest levels.
    Check out the tentative Table of Contents below. Easy Game has been edited by Anna Paradox, editor of Tommy Angelo’s Elements of Poker.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em
    by Ed Miller, Sunny Mehta, and Matt Flynn

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em
    by Ed Miller, Sunny Mehta, and Matt Flynn
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em is, simply put, the best. It’s the best book out there to supercharge your no-limit hold’em game. It offers the best poker training value for money available anywhere. It is absolute 100% must reading for all serious no-limit hold’em players. If you want to play no-limit hold’em at a professional level, this affordable e-book could easily be all that you’ll need.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Let there be Range !
    by Tri "SlowHabit" Nguyen & Cole "CTS" South

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    SlowHabit’ Nguyen & Cole ‘CTS’ South
    The poker book "Let there be Range !" costs $1850 a piece. Expensive ? Hey, it's the price of two big blinds.
    The latest craze in poker literature is a book by two of extremely successful young online poker players, Tri "SlowHabit" Nguyen and Cole "CTS" South. The book is called "Let there be range", which obviously says something about its genre - putting opponents on a range of hands.
    The price of $1850 definitely makes it the most expensive poker book ever. Many could've-been-readers will ask "How the h-ll could a book be worth that much money ?"
    Of course, they've got a point. But on the other hand, if you're playing with high stakes, why shouldn't you publish with high stakes as well ?
    Some very attractive secrets
    Players on lower stakes would probably pay a lot of money to learn one or two important secrets from successful players on higher stakes.
    The table of contents of "Let there be Range !" contains some really intriguing topics, like:
    * Combinatorics
    * Common Low / Mid Stakes Leaks
    * Exploitability
    * Line variations
    * Naked range
    * Polarization in practice
    Parsisiusti galima:
    How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games
    + Preflop Hand Charts
    by Bill “billyjex” Vosti

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games
    + Preflop Hand Charts
    by Bill “billyjex” Vosti
    The game of no-limit Texas hold ‘em has exploded onto the poker scene in the last few years. A game full of big action, big bluffs and big money, it was once relegated to the 10-handed tables of the casinos of Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
    Since the introduction of online poker, a new form of no-limit hold ‘em has taken the throne as the most played game: 6-max cash games. These online tables only allow up to six players to sit at a table at a time, which leads to more aggression and more bluffing then you could ever find in a casino.
    Since it is such a new form of poker, many of the no-limit hold ‘em books out today don’t cover this aggressive online game. The game of NLHE 6-max is very different than what many of today’s authors have played, as they have learned the game in the casino and not online. Bill Vosti, author of “How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games,” has been playing professional poker online for the past three years and knows the online games like the back of his hand.
    “I saw the lack of literature on shorthanded games and decided to fill the void. I had gained so much knowledge from studying the game for the past three years, which included playing hundreds of thousands of hands, spending hours upon hours on poker message boards discussing concepts, and coaching dozens of students,” Bill said.
    This ebook will teach players of all skill levels from beginners, to intermediates and advanced how to improve their online poker games.
    For beginners, there’s everything to learn: where to play, who to play and how to play.
    For intermediates, this book goes beyond basics and teaches you the techniques that will make you a feared player at the table.
    For advanced players, it’s about learning metagame and higher level strategies of the game that
    will allow you to CRUSH and DESTROY every no-limit hold ‘em 6-max game that you play.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Chris Moneymaker: How an Amateur Poker Player Turned
    $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Chris Moneymaker: How an Amateur Poker Player Turned
    $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker
    Moneymaker's improbable 2003 victory at the World Series of Poker (where he was an untested amateur player) has been seen on ESPN's WSOP series as many times as a Seinfeld rerun. Here, with veteran coauthor Paisner, Moneymaker (the publisher insists this is his real name) presents a blow-by-blow, hand-by-hand account of the experience. Unlike James McManus in Positively Fifth Street, Moneymaker eschews analyzing the psychology and milieu of the poker world in favor of his real interest: gambling. The result is a sophisticated deconstruction of the important hands Moneymaker played as the tournament progressed, many already famous among fans of the WSOP. For connoisseurs, this offers an entertaining and insightful insider analysis that will allow them to decide for themselves whether Moneymaker was fabulously lucky or played a skillful game and thus deserved his success. For the uninitiated, the excitement of Moneymaker's progression toward the big prize will be enough to thoroughly engage. Readers also get some surprisingly candid glimpses into a gambler's consciousness--one that reflects the myth of American exceptionalism, the idea that each of us is entitled to make and to break our own rules, and to make our own luck.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Collin Moshman - Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Collin Moshman - Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em
    Heads-up confrontations can occur in any game, even when every seat is occupied. Yet, most hold em players who transition to the heads-up form, especially if they are from full ring no-limit games, do not succeed. Adjusting to the amount of aggression can be difficult since heads-up battles require you to bet and raise with many more hands than what would be considered standard at a full table.
    Despite this, no-limit heads-up hold em is growing rapidly, especially on the Internet. So mastering this form of poker can be invaluable for those seeking to add a winning loose-aggressive component to their game. In addition, with the increasing number of heads-up matches now available, becoming proficient in them can be highly profitable.
    This text, written by expert heads-up player Collin Moshman, is the first poker strategy book devoted exclusively to no-limit heads-up play. Through extensive hand examples and accompanying theory, you will learn to:
    1. Master expected value, equity, value betting, and the fundamental mathematics of heads-up strategy,
    2. Play and exploit each of the most common playing styles,
    3. Manipulate the pot size based on your hand and your opponent,
    4. Attack button limps, bluff multiple streets, and aggress in the most profitable manner,
    5. Distinguish between optimal cash and tournament strategies,
    6. Exploit your opponents tendencies and perceptions through metagame mastery, and
    7. Maximize your heads-up profits through game theory and fundamental business concepts.
    So whether you are an aspiring heads-up professional, or want to be ready for the next time you re challenged to a one-on-one battle, Heads Up No-Limit Hold em provides you with the tools you need to succeed.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Richard A. Epstein - The Theory of Gambling
    and Statistical Logic (Second Edition)

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Richard A. Epstein - The Theory of Gambling
    and Statistical Logic (Second Edition)
    "Richard Epstein's marvelous book is now a classic account of gambling games and their underlying laws of probability. Its range of topics exceeds that of any comparable work. Clearly written, accurate, it should be on the book shelf of anyone seriously interested in probability theory, especially in its application to recreational games." - Martin Gardner (Former Columnist - Scientific American)
    "This classic book should be part of the library of everyone who wants to better understand games and gambling. The treatment is unique, original, and intriguing." - Edward O. Thorpe (Author of "Beat the dealer")
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Dusty Schmidt - Treat Your Poker Like A Busines

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Dusty Schmidt - Treat Your Poker Like A Busines
    Just as 'Moneyball' did for baseball, 'Treat Your Poker Like A Business' has had a seismic impact on how poker is played, viewed and analyzed. Writes Sports Illustrated: 'Dusty Schmidt (is) a model of entrepreneurial drive.' Dusty 'Leatherass' Schmidt is known as the definitive poker grinder, with a legendary ability to focus during marathon online sessions. But this isn't the ability to which he attributes his success. Instead, Schmidt says his multimillion dollar achievements are due to his applying old-fashioned business concepts to the game of poker. Five years into his career, Schmidt's resume is legendary: Nearly 7 million hands and 10,000 hours played. Mind-blowing win rates spanning massive sample sizes. $3 million won in cash games exclusively. Never had a losing month.
    With 'Treat Your Poker Like A Business,' Schmidt teaches other online players to monetize their abilities as he has. Schmidt writes that while training websites and instructional books have made poker players' games better, they haven't necessarily taught them how to make money. Schmidt schools readers on how to manage bankroll, rationalize variance, play more tables, move up in stakes, avoid tilt, create new sources of revenue, and - most importantly - become more profitable.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Oliver "Improva" Marx - The Poker Puzzle

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Oliver "Improva" Marx - The Poker Puzzle
    The theme of the book is the poker thought process, so don’t expect the book to tell you what to do.
    Expect the book to help you understand how to think.
    The Poker Puzzle will help you build a framework for analyzing poker problems, and teach you how
    you can exploit and adjust to your opponents.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Jeff Hwang - Pot-Limit Omaha Poker

    Jeff Hwang - Pot-Limit Omaha Poker
    Are You Ready for the Next Wave of Poker ?
    If you've never tried Pot-Limit Omaha, you're missing out on the most exciting, most lucrative cash game around. Omaha has long been one of the most popular forms of poker in Europe, as well as the Midwest and Southern United States. PLO is also the highest-stakes game in every cardroom in which the game is spread. And now it's spreading like wildfire throughout North America. The reason is simple: Omaha offers more action and bigger pots than Texas Hold'em. Isn't it time you got in on it ?
    Whether you're a cash-game professional or a recreational player - and whether you play live or online - this book will arm you with a winning big-play strategy that's easy to master even if you've never played Omaha before.
    Key topics include:
    - The Big Play Objectives
    - The Power of the Big Draw
    - Straight Draws and Starting Hand Construction
    - Limit Omaha Hi/Lo and Pot-Limit Omaha Hi/Lo
    Complete with practice situations and hand quizzes, this is the most comprehensive Omaha book available - and the only one you'll ever need.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Dr. Mahmood N. Mahmood - Science of Poker

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Dr. Mahmood N. Mahmood - Science of Poker
    A comprehensive analysis of Limit and Pot-Limit Omaha, Texas Hold 'em, and Seven-Card Stud as well as No-Limit Hold 'em, this revolutionary gambling book offers a general discussion of the three primary skills of poker - "people, probabilities, and money" - as well as a detailed overview of starting-hand selection and simple methods for working out probabilities relevant to these games.
    With analyses of a hundred examples of the most common situations in "after the flop play" for Omaha and Hold 'em and "beyond the fourth street" play for Seven-Card Stud, this book has it all. Dr. M. Mahmood has advanced degrees in both Chemistry and Physics; in 1992, he retired to become a semi-professional poker player.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Harrington on Cash Games - Volume I + II
    How to Win at No-Limit Hold'em Money Games

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Harrington on Cash Games - Volume I + II
    How to Win at No-Limit Hold'em Money Games
    The first years of the poker boom were fueled by the interest in no-limit hold em tournaments. Recently, however, players have been gravitating to another, even more complex form of hold em no-limit cash games.
    In Harrington on Cash Games: Volume I, Dan Harrington teaches you the key concepts that drive deep-stack cash game play. You ll learn how to tailor your selection of starting hands to your stack size, how to recognize the increasing deception value of supposedly weaker hands as the stack sizes increase, and how to use the concept of pot commitment to your advantage as the size of the pot grows. After laying out the general concepts behind deep-stack cash game play, Harrington shows you a complete strategy for post-flop play, and then teaches you the difference between post-flop play against a single opponent and post-flop play against multiple opponents. If you play no-limit hold em cash games, you need to read this book.
    Dan Harrington won the gold bracelet and the World Champion title at the $10,000 buy-in No-Limit Hold em Championship at the 1995 World Series of Poker. And he was the only player to make the final table in 2003 (field of 839) and 2004 (field of 2,576) considered by cognoscenti to be the greatest accomplishment in WSOP history. In Harrington on Cash Games, Harrington and two-time World Backgammon Champion Bill Robertie have written the definitive books on no-limit cash games. These books will teach you what you need to know to be a winner in the cash game world.
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    Mokykites zaisti is geriausiu ...
    Kalbos: English
    Formatas: .pdf
    Ace On The River (Barry Greenstein)
    An Investigation Of An Adaptive Poker Player (Graham Kendall & Mark Willdig)
    Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies For Full-Scale Poker (D. Billings)
    Bluffing Beyond Poker (Johannes Horner, Nicolas Sahuguet)
    Body Language & Poker (Allan Pease)
    Caro's Book of Poker Tells (Mike Caro)
    Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold'em (T.J. Cloutier & Tom McEvoy)
    Collection Of Shorthanded Limit Hold'em Poker Articles
    Doyle Brunson's Super System 2 - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson)
    Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson)
    Effective Short Term Opponent Exploitation In Simplified Poker (B Hoehn, F. Southey & R.C. Holte)
    First Step Poker (William T. Love)
    Full Tilt Poker - Tips from the Pros #01-#80
    Game Theory And AI - A Unified Approach To Poker Games (Thesis) (Frans Oliehoek)
    Golden Rules of Poker
    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 1; Strategic Play) (Dan Harrington)
    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 2; The Endgame) (Dan Harrington)
    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 3; The Workbook) (Dan Harrington - Poker ebook)
    Holdem Hawk Strategy Guide
    Insider Secrets To Playing Texas Hold'em Poker Online (Theo Cage)
    Internet Texas Hold'em Winning Strategies From An Internet Pro (Matthew Hilger)
    Introduction To Probability of Poker (Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell)
    Learning To Play Strong Poker (Jonathan Schaeffer)
    No Limit Hold 'em Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller)
    No Limit Hold'em Secrets (Roy Rounder)
    Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker For Beginners (August O' Meara)
    Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Phil Gordon)
    Play Poker Like the Pros (Phil Hellmuth)
    Poker Brain - Texas Holdem Poker Strategy Guide
    Poker For Dummies (Richard D. Harroch & Lou Krieger)
    Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth)
    Texas Hold'em Poker Odds Handbook
    Texas Hold'em Secrets (Rory Monahan a.k.a. Roy Rounder)
    The Education Of A Poker Player (Herbert Osborne Yardley)
    The Mathematics Of Gambling (Edward O. Thorpe)
    The Theory of Poker (Seventh printing, Complete) (David Sklansky)
    Winning Low Limit Hold'em (Lee Jones)
    Winning Secrets Of Online Poker (Douglas W. Frye & Curtis D. Frye)
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  9. Patinka
    agadyz gavo reakciją nuo dealeris Pokerio knygu kolekcija   
    Sit 'n Go Strategy
    Expert Advice for Beating One-Table Poker Tournaments
    by Collin Moshman
    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Sit 'n go poker tournaments are one table events starting with nine or ten players that usually pay the top three places. They have become very popular on the Internet and are now being spread in brick and mortar cardrooms as well. But they are not standard no-limit poker tournaments since the required strategy to be successful is different, and those who understand the proper approach have found these events to be highly profitable.
    This text, written by sit 'n go expert Collin Moshman, is the first poker strategy book devoted exclusively to these tournaments. Through extensive hand examples and accompanying theory you will learn to:
    1. Master expected value, tournament equity, and fundamental poker concepts,
    2. Distinguish between earning chips and earning money,
    3. Develop an ultra-aggressive late game strategy to steal all the chips when the blinds are high and your opponents are tightening their play,
    4. Play multiple tables, incorporate tracking software, and seize online-only edges,
    5. Exploit recreational players in your table selection and game-play strategy, and
    6. Maximize your sit 'n go profits by treating each game as a business investment.
    Whether you want extra income or a full-time sit 'n go career, Sit 'N Go Strategy provides you with all the tools you need for ultimate success at the tables.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 34 MB
    Full Tilt Poker - Tips From The Pros *NEW Version*

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Welcome to Full Tilt Poker's Pro Tips Archive. Here, you'll find a collection of past tips conducted by your favorite Full Tilt Poker pros, including Team Full Tilt members, Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer, John Juanda, Phil Ivey and more.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 12 MB
    Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap: A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Very great player knows that success in poker is part luck, part math, and part subterfuge. While the math of poker has been refined over the past 20 years, the ability to read other players and keep your own "tells" in check has mostly been learned by trial and error.
    But now, Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer specializing in nonverbal communication and behavior analysis - or, to put it simply, a man who can tell when someone's lying - offers foolproof techniques, illustrated with amazing examples from poker pro Phil Hellmuth, that will help you decode and interpret your opponents' body language and other silent tip-offs while concealing your own. You'll become a human lie detector, ready to call every bluff - and the most feared player in the room.
    About the Author:
    For twenty-five years, Joe Navarro was an FBI counterintelligence special agent and supervisor specializing in nonverbal communications. A frequent lecturer, he serves on the adjunct faculty at Saint Leo University and the FBI.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 18 MB
    Practical Poker Math:
    Basic Odds & Probabilities for Hold'em & Omaha

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Practical Poker Math: Basic Odds & Probabilities for Hold'em & Omaha
    A study in probability, strategy, and game theory, this handy companion explores all the mathematical methods of mastering the game of poker. Using an original concept called "Total Odds," the book presents a complete odds work-up for both Texas Hold'Em and the high and low hands of Omaha. These principles are accessible to any poker player at any skill level, and the calculations are color-coded, making them easy to follow. Serving as a convenient primer for the beginner and a reference text for more experienced players, this guide is a safe bet for anyone looking to win.
    "Dittmar answers many questions and fills in a lot of gaps about poker mathematics ...
    His book is for the thinking player who wants to incorporate some mathematics and an understanding of odds into his or her mode of play." - Poker Player Magazine
    Parsisiusti galima: - 6MB
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - The Pot-Limit Omaha Book:
    Transitioning From NLHE to PLO

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - The Pot-Limit Omaha Book: Transitioning From NLHE to PLO
    The Pot-Limit Omaha Book by Tri Nguyen discusses strategies and concepts applicable to short-handed PLO games.
    This book introduces you to the fundamentals of PLO and how it is different from No-Limit Holdem.
    Other chapters discuss the value of bluffing, value-betting, bet-folding, and most important of all, how to analyze PLO hands to improve your thought processes and decision making. Many poker professionals consider this book is the Bible of PLO books. It is a very valuable tool for anyone who has experience in No-Limit Holdem and want to transition to PLO. Those who study this book will likely have edges over their opponents.
    Parsisiusti galima: - 9MB
    Susie Isaacs - 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Susie Isaacs - 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets
    Poker is currently the hottest card game in America--from novice players involved in poker night to professionals earning millions in nationally televised poker tournaments. 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets is the book readers need to give them the competitive edge over other their competition and help them walk away winners. Packed full of poker secrets, strategies and step-by-step instruction from professional poker champion Susie Isaacs on how to play and win.
    Including: -- No-limit Texas hold'em -- Limit Texas hold'em -- Seven-card stud -- Seven-card stud high-low split eight-or-better -- Omaha -- Omaha high-low split eight-or-better -- Online poker Featuring a glossary of standard poker terms and poker jargon, as well as the ins and outs of poker protocol and casino etiquette, 1000 Best Poker Strategies and Secrets is a must-have reference for players at all levels.
    Parsisiusti galima: Parsisiusti
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - No-Limit Workbook: Exploiting Regulars

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen - No-Limit Workbook: Exploiting Regulars
    DailyVariance publishing a new ebook, written by Tri “SlowHabit” Nguyen - “The No-Limit Holdem Workbook: Exploiting Regulars”, and here’s what the author says about it:
    The Workbook goes into details of the important theorical concept “top of my range” and shows you why those who truly understand the concept is a big winner at their stakes. It will also teach you how to incorporate this concept into your thinking process through an extensive question and answer section.
    The first half consists of essays on concepts such as balancing, bluffing, playing small pocket pairs, ect. and contains hand examples illustrating hisadvice. The second half consists of a 35 hand history, Q/A style quiz designed to test your knowledge of the concepts covered in the first half.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Charley Swayne - Swayne's Advanced Degree in Hold'em

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Charley Swayne - Swayne's Advanced Degree in Hold'em
    Featuring new mathematical strategies and an in-depth analysis of the psychological aspects of Texas Hold'em, this poker textbook focuses on advanced skills for experienced and professional-level players. The result of years of study, this new method of step-by-step poker techniques and strategies helps players consistently beat the odds and play winning games. Every aspect of the game is analyzed and reported on in never-before-published approaches that are designed for all forms of Hold'em - online, electronic, and conventional table games.
    About the Author:
    Charley Swayne is a professional poker instructor and the author of "Life, Etc.: Advice for the Real World". He lives in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Winning Poker Tournaments - One Hand at a Time - Volume I

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Winning Poker Tournaments - One Hand at a Time - Volume I
    by Eric 'Rizen' Lynch, Jon 'Pearljammer' Turner & Jon 'Apestyles' Van Fleet
    This book typifies the precise insight most players have sought for years. I have recommended Harrington in the past and will continue, however I have found a "new favorite poker book" and gladly will promote its purchase to members at PokerSchoolOnline (the largest online poker school). -- Al Spath - Dean, PokerSchoolOnline
    Want to win poker tournaments ?
    Now you can learn exactly how consistent winners REALLY do it !
    Meet PearlJammer, Rizen, and Apestyles. These top guns of tournament poker are frequent winners in today's highly competitive online scene, as well as in live tourneys. Their collective experience and track record is staggering: more than 35,000 tournaments played, more than 1,000 final tables made, over 200 major wins, and more than $6,000,000 in cashes. They regularly outplay fields consisting of other top professionals victories that are documented by detailed online hand histories.
    Are you ready to learn winning ways from today's true tournament experts ?
    The authors are not only consistent winners, but powerful teachers as well. Step-by-step, they reveal their decision-making processes, using hands drawn from actual play not examples contrived to fit a particular poker theory.
    Reading this book is like attending a master class in tournament poker.
    You'll see the way cutting-edge pros use their wisdom and incredibly extensive experience to analyze almost every poker situation imaginable. Deep-stacked or short-stacked, against single or multiple opponents, you'll learn the skills that will make you a winner, including:
    - When and how to play aggressively or tightly
    - When to make moves
    - When to make continuation bets and when to hold back
    - How to induce and pick off bluffs
    - How to accumulate chips without constantly risking your tournament life.
    Poker is a fun game, but it's even more fun when you win.
    If you want to become a great tournament player, shouldn't you be learning from the best ? NOW You can !
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE - Volume I + II

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE - Volume I + II
    Easy Game: Making Sense of NLHE is the complete guide to all elements of No-Limit Hold ‘Em. Featuring full coverage of every element of the game, Andrew “BalugaWhale” Seidman outlines the game in a way that’s both easy to understand and that doesn’t leave out the details. Instead of telling you that “it depends”, Baluga tells you exactly what it depends on. Instead of offering difficult mathematic equations and overwhelming statistics, Baluga uses common sense to solve problems. It’s a conversational guide - you’ll learn so much more about poker than you ever thought was possible, and you won’t feel like you’re reading a dense, dull textbook.
    Just like his coaching and his classes, Baluga’s book is all about terminology and structure. Each chapter is a stepping stone to the next, clearly explained and building towards an overall mastery of the game. Baluga also wanted to make sure the book was well-edited and easy to read. So, he hired Tommy Angelo’s editor, Anna Paradox, who edited Tommy’s Elements of Poker.
    Easy Game is divided into two volumes:
    Volume I:
    This volume includes the foundational poker concepts that are necessary for all poker players to master. While you will beat SSNL after reading this section, it’s hardly just for SSNL players—it covers the simple mistakes that are made by players at all limits and theory that paves the way for advanced poker thinking.
    Volume II:
    You’ve nailed the basics. Now, you want to understand how to take your game to the next level—beating competent opponents, handling aggression, and winning money in the most difficult games. This is your ticket to crushing small stakes, beating mid-stakes, and taking your game to the highest levels.
    Check out the tentative Table of Contents below. Easy Game has been edited by Anna Paradox, editor of Tommy Angelo’s Elements of Poker.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em
    by Ed Miller, Sunny Mehta, and Matt Flynn

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em
    by Ed Miller, Sunny Mehta, and Matt Flynn
    Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em is, simply put, the best. It’s the best book out there to supercharge your no-limit hold’em game. It offers the best poker training value for money available anywhere. It is absolute 100% must reading for all serious no-limit hold’em players. If you want to play no-limit hold’em at a professional level, this affordable e-book could easily be all that you’ll need.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Let there be Range !
    by Tri "SlowHabit" Nguyen & Cole "CTS" South

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    SlowHabit’ Nguyen & Cole ‘CTS’ South
    The poker book "Let there be Range !" costs $1850 a piece. Expensive ? Hey, it's the price of two big blinds.
    The latest craze in poker literature is a book by two of extremely successful young online poker players, Tri "SlowHabit" Nguyen and Cole "CTS" South. The book is called "Let there be range", which obviously says something about its genre - putting opponents on a range of hands.
    The price of $1850 definitely makes it the most expensive poker book ever. Many could've-been-readers will ask "How the h-ll could a book be worth that much money ?"
    Of course, they've got a point. But on the other hand, if you're playing with high stakes, why shouldn't you publish with high stakes as well ?
    Some very attractive secrets
    Players on lower stakes would probably pay a lot of money to learn one or two important secrets from successful players on higher stakes.
    The table of contents of "Let there be Range !" contains some really intriguing topics, like:
    * Combinatorics
    * Common Low / Mid Stakes Leaks
    * Exploitability
    * Line variations
    * Naked range
    * Polarization in practice
    Parsisiusti galima:
    How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games
    + Preflop Hand Charts
    by Bill “billyjex” Vosti

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games
    + Preflop Hand Charts
    by Bill “billyjex” Vosti
    The game of no-limit Texas hold ‘em has exploded onto the poker scene in the last few years. A game full of big action, big bluffs and big money, it was once relegated to the 10-handed tables of the casinos of Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
    Since the introduction of online poker, a new form of no-limit hold ‘em has taken the throne as the most played game: 6-max cash games. These online tables only allow up to six players to sit at a table at a time, which leads to more aggression and more bluffing then you could ever find in a casino.
    Since it is such a new form of poker, many of the no-limit hold ‘em books out today don’t cover this aggressive online game. The game of NLHE 6-max is very different than what many of today’s authors have played, as they have learned the game in the casino and not online. Bill Vosti, author of “How to Beat No-Limit Hold ‘Em 6-max Cash Games,” has been playing professional poker online for the past three years and knows the online games like the back of his hand.
    “I saw the lack of literature on shorthanded games and decided to fill the void. I had gained so much knowledge from studying the game for the past three years, which included playing hundreds of thousands of hands, spending hours upon hours on poker message boards discussing concepts, and coaching dozens of students,” Bill said.
    This ebook will teach players of all skill levels from beginners, to intermediates and advanced how to improve their online poker games.
    For beginners, there’s everything to learn: where to play, who to play and how to play.
    For intermediates, this book goes beyond basics and teaches you the techniques that will make you a feared player at the table.
    For advanced players, it’s about learning metagame and higher level strategies of the game that
    will allow you to CRUSH and DESTROY every no-limit hold ‘em 6-max game that you play.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Chris Moneymaker: How an Amateur Poker Player Turned
    $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Chris Moneymaker: How an Amateur Poker Player Turned
    $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker
    Moneymaker's improbable 2003 victory at the World Series of Poker (where he was an untested amateur player) has been seen on ESPN's WSOP series as many times as a Seinfeld rerun. Here, with veteran coauthor Paisner, Moneymaker (the publisher insists this is his real name) presents a blow-by-blow, hand-by-hand account of the experience. Unlike James McManus in Positively Fifth Street, Moneymaker eschews analyzing the psychology and milieu of the poker world in favor of his real interest: gambling. The result is a sophisticated deconstruction of the important hands Moneymaker played as the tournament progressed, many already famous among fans of the WSOP. For connoisseurs, this offers an entertaining and insightful insider analysis that will allow them to decide for themselves whether Moneymaker was fabulously lucky or played a skillful game and thus deserved his success. For the uninitiated, the excitement of Moneymaker's progression toward the big prize will be enough to thoroughly engage. Readers also get some surprisingly candid glimpses into a gambler's consciousness--one that reflects the myth of American exceptionalism, the idea that each of us is entitled to make and to break our own rules, and to make our own luck.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Collin Moshman - Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Collin Moshman - Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em
    Heads-up confrontations can occur in any game, even when every seat is occupied. Yet, most hold em players who transition to the heads-up form, especially if they are from full ring no-limit games, do not succeed. Adjusting to the amount of aggression can be difficult since heads-up battles require you to bet and raise with many more hands than what would be considered standard at a full table.
    Despite this, no-limit heads-up hold em is growing rapidly, especially on the Internet. So mastering this form of poker can be invaluable for those seeking to add a winning loose-aggressive component to their game. In addition, with the increasing number of heads-up matches now available, becoming proficient in them can be highly profitable.
    This text, written by expert heads-up player Collin Moshman, is the first poker strategy book devoted exclusively to no-limit heads-up play. Through extensive hand examples and accompanying theory, you will learn to:
    1. Master expected value, equity, value betting, and the fundamental mathematics of heads-up strategy,
    2. Play and exploit each of the most common playing styles,
    3. Manipulate the pot size based on your hand and your opponent,
    4. Attack button limps, bluff multiple streets, and aggress in the most profitable manner,
    5. Distinguish between optimal cash and tournament strategies,
    6. Exploit your opponents tendencies and perceptions through metagame mastery, and
    7. Maximize your heads-up profits through game theory and fundamental business concepts.
    So whether you are an aspiring heads-up professional, or want to be ready for the next time you re challenged to a one-on-one battle, Heads Up No-Limit Hold em provides you with the tools you need to succeed.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Richard A. Epstein - The Theory of Gambling
    and Statistical Logic (Second Edition)

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Richard A. Epstein - The Theory of Gambling
    and Statistical Logic (Second Edition)
    "Richard Epstein's marvelous book is now a classic account of gambling games and their underlying laws of probability. Its range of topics exceeds that of any comparable work. Clearly written, accurate, it should be on the book shelf of anyone seriously interested in probability theory, especially in its application to recreational games." - Martin Gardner (Former Columnist - Scientific American)
    "This classic book should be part of the library of everyone who wants to better understand games and gambling. The treatment is unique, original, and intriguing." - Edward O. Thorpe (Author of "Beat the dealer")
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Dusty Schmidt - Treat Your Poker Like A Busines

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Dusty Schmidt - Treat Your Poker Like A Busines
    Just as 'Moneyball' did for baseball, 'Treat Your Poker Like A Business' has had a seismic impact on how poker is played, viewed and analyzed. Writes Sports Illustrated: 'Dusty Schmidt (is) a model of entrepreneurial drive.' Dusty 'Leatherass' Schmidt is known as the definitive poker grinder, with a legendary ability to focus during marathon online sessions. But this isn't the ability to which he attributes his success. Instead, Schmidt says his multimillion dollar achievements are due to his applying old-fashioned business concepts to the game of poker. Five years into his career, Schmidt's resume is legendary: Nearly 7 million hands and 10,000 hours played. Mind-blowing win rates spanning massive sample sizes. $3 million won in cash games exclusively. Never had a losing month.
    With 'Treat Your Poker Like A Business,' Schmidt teaches other online players to monetize their abilities as he has. Schmidt writes that while training websites and instructional books have made poker players' games better, they haven't necessarily taught them how to make money. Schmidt schools readers on how to manage bankroll, rationalize variance, play more tables, move up in stakes, avoid tilt, create new sources of revenue, and - most importantly - become more profitable.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Oliver "Improva" Marx - The Poker Puzzle

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Oliver "Improva" Marx - The Poker Puzzle
    The theme of the book is the poker thought process, so don’t expect the book to tell you what to do.
    Expect the book to help you understand how to think.
    The Poker Puzzle will help you build a framework for analyzing poker problems, and teach you how
    you can exploit and adjust to your opponents.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Jeff Hwang - Pot-Limit Omaha Poker

    Jeff Hwang - Pot-Limit Omaha Poker
    Are You Ready for the Next Wave of Poker ?
    If you've never tried Pot-Limit Omaha, you're missing out on the most exciting, most lucrative cash game around. Omaha has long been one of the most popular forms of poker in Europe, as well as the Midwest and Southern United States. PLO is also the highest-stakes game in every cardroom in which the game is spread. And now it's spreading like wildfire throughout North America. The reason is simple: Omaha offers more action and bigger pots than Texas Hold'em. Isn't it time you got in on it ?
    Whether you're a cash-game professional or a recreational player - and whether you play live or online - this book will arm you with a winning big-play strategy that's easy to master even if you've never played Omaha before.
    Key topics include:
    - The Big Play Objectives
    - The Power of the Big Draw
    - Straight Draws and Starting Hand Construction
    - Limit Omaha Hi/Lo and Pot-Limit Omaha Hi/Lo
    Complete with practice situations and hand quizzes, this is the most comprehensive Omaha book available - and the only one you'll ever need.
    Parsisiusti galima:
    Dr. Mahmood N. Mahmood - Science of Poker

    Kalba: Anglu
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    Dr. Mahmood N. Mahmood - Science of Poker
    A comprehensive analysis of Limit and Pot-Limit Omaha, Texas Hold 'em, and Seven-Card Stud as well as No-Limit Hold 'em, this revolutionary gambling book offers a general discussion of the three primary skills of poker - "people, probabilities, and money" - as well as a detailed overview of starting-hand selection and simple methods for working out probabilities relevant to these games.
    With analyses of a hundred examples of the most common situations in "after the flop play" for Omaha and Hold 'em and "beyond the fourth street" play for Seven-Card Stud, this book has it all. Dr. M. Mahmood has advanced degrees in both Chemistry and Physics; in 1992, he retired to become a semi-professional poker player.
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    Harrington on Cash Games - Volume I + II
    How to Win at No-Limit Hold'em Money Games

    Kalba: Anglu
    Formatas: PDF
    Harrington on Cash Games - Volume I + II
    How to Win at No-Limit Hold'em Money Games
    The first years of the poker boom were fueled by the interest in no-limit hold em tournaments. Recently, however, players have been gravitating to another, even more complex form of hold em no-limit cash games.
    In Harrington on Cash Games: Volume I, Dan Harrington teaches you the key concepts that drive deep-stack cash game play. You ll learn how to tailor your selection of starting hands to your stack size, how to recognize the increasing deception value of supposedly weaker hands as the stack sizes increase, and how to use the concept of pot commitment to your advantage as the size of the pot grows. After laying out the general concepts behind deep-stack cash game play, Harrington shows you a complete strategy for post-flop play, and then teaches you the difference between post-flop play against a single opponent and post-flop play against multiple opponents. If you play no-limit hold em cash games, you need to read this book.
    Dan Harrington won the gold bracelet and the World Champion title at the $10,000 buy-in No-Limit Hold em Championship at the 1995 World Series of Poker. And he was the only player to make the final table in 2003 (field of 839) and 2004 (field of 2,576) considered by cognoscenti to be the greatest accomplishment in WSOP history. In Harrington on Cash Games, Harrington and two-time World Backgammon Champion Bill Robertie have written the definitive books on no-limit cash games. These books will teach you what you need to know to be a winner in the cash game world.
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    Pridedu dar nemaza knygu sarasa, taciau nebesivarginsiu deti aprasymus ir paveiksliukus :lol:
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    Kalbos: English
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    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 2; The Endgame) (Dan Harrington)
    Harrington On Hold'em (Volume 3; The Workbook) (Dan Harrington - Poker ebook)
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    Introduction To Probability of Poker (Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell)
    Learning To Play Strong Poker (Jonathan Schaeffer)
    No Limit Hold 'em Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller)
    No Limit Hold'em Secrets (Roy Rounder)
    Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker For Beginners (August O' Meara)
    Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Phil Gordon)
    Play Poker Like the Pros (Phil Hellmuth)
    Poker Brain - Texas Holdem Poker Strategy Guide
    Poker For Dummies (Richard D. Harroch & Lou Krieger)
    Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth)
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    Texas Hold'em Secrets (Rory Monahan a.k.a. Roy Rounder)
    The Education Of A Poker Player (Herbert Osborne Yardley)
    The Mathematics Of Gambling (Edward O. Thorpe)
    The Theory of Poker (Seventh printing, Complete) (David Sklansky)
    Winning Low Limit Hold'em (Lee Jones)
    Winning Secrets Of Online Poker (Douglas W. Frye & Curtis D. Frye)
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