Pereiti prie turinio


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Visas moxas turinys

  1. 3/17 Philadelphia [A] LA Lakers 3/17 Washington [A] Utah Note: 114 (!!) of the last 117 series have been won at either the [A] or bets!
  2. praitas tipo sezonas praejo be pralaimejimu ir be C betu, bent jau taip raso, bet kiek stebejau as ta sistema ir kai su Bosxs snekejau tai buvo ir tu C betu ir net pralaimejimu, moka jis meluoti kaip ir dabar juk visi puikiai zinom kad cia yra melas!
  3. 3/15 Sacramento [A] Washington Note: 113 (!!) of the last 116 series have been won at either the [A] or bets!
  4. Ieškau žmogaus/žmonių kurie apsiimtu pašyti kursinį kurio tema yra " Financavimo šaltinių panauduojimas Lietuvos ūkyje" ir verslo planą kurio tema yra "Gyvulinkystė". Kursinio apimtis 30-35 lapai be priedų, darba reiketu rašyti dalimis ir man vis siųsti. Kaina sutartinė.
  5. ziuriu ko toliau to sunkiau darosi, bet tikekimes praeis ir tie ;)
  6. 3/10 Cleveland [A] LA Clippers 3/11 New Orleans (that's 1 day away!) Washington 3/11 New Jersey [A] (that's 1 day away!) Golden State
  7. moxas


    reike programos kad galetum orginalu dvd perasyti arba failus y kompa susikelti, dekui is anksto.
  8. nu gal kam nors jau ismokejo?
  9. 3/7 Golden State [C] Milwaukee Note: we have won 64 (!!) out of 66 series so far this NBA season without ever needing to place a [C] wager, and as you know by now, the [C] bet is by far the most sure-fire bet of them all!
  10. nu idomiai cia sumastei Dotyfree, seksiu toliau kaip cia tau sekasi :)
  11. 3/6 Golden State (that's 1 day away!) Detroit
  12. geriausias budas yra sedeti one ir nieko neveikti, ir tiketis kad nukris pinigai is dangaus :)
  13. 3/3 Toronto [C] (that's 1 day away!) Houston 3/3 Indiana [A] (that's 1 day away!) Sacramento
  14. Tonight was a display of reason why buying the 3 points is important for the system. The spread for the game changed rapidly throughout the day. Charlotte had a spread of anywhere between the 6's up to +7.5 depending on the time when you made your wager. After the 3 point buy, you could have resulted in a spread of +10.5, +10, or even below +10 if you had made your wager at a bad time. The game ended with Charlotte losing by exactly 10 points. As a result, there are a few scenarios that you might have found yourself in tonight, so let me go through them all. Many of us won the bet with
  15. 2/24 Charlotte Phoenix Note: Out of the last 29 bets we've made, we have won 28 (!!) of them!
  16. 2/22 Boston [A] Phoenix 2/22 Charlotte [A] Houston Note: We're 61-0 for the season, and 60 out of those 61 have been won on either the [A] or bets!
  17. neko naujo, neko neraso Johnas reiske nera statymu.
  18. Mes su grupiokais buvome sumaste tapati per rinkodaros paskaita, bet kaip dareme verlso plana paasikejo kad paslaugos turetu buti brangios ir iperkamos tik turtingems zmonems.
  19. Si sistema yra pagrysta 3 varžybomis su kitos konferencijos komandomis. Tai tos kitos 2 varzybos nekur nedings jai tau praeis A betas o Mindfreak nepraeis :|
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