Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

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Ramuncik Pranešimai

  1. 1. Hamletas - gyvenimo tiesos ieškotojas


    2. Hamletas - naujųjų laikų žmogus


    Čia teminiai sakiniai ir tau reik pastraipą rašyt ar kaip?


    1.Hamletas nori išsiaiškinti kas nužudė jo tėvą (karalius),jis negali gyventi neteisybėje,jis nori ,kad pasaulis būtų be melo ,apgaulės be neteisybės...

    2.Na čia tai nežianu ką ir prigalvoti :( gal požiūris į gyvenimą,žmogų...


    Bent mum tai reikejo parasyti literaturini rasyini, 350-400 zodziu :D

  2. Pirma vieta dideliame turnyre, euforija :) kai supranti, kad tika laimejai turnyra su 500, 1000 ar net dar daugiau zmoniu, nors dar asmeniskai nera teke labai labai didelio laimet, bet labai laukiu ir tikiuosi, kad tai dar atsitiks :D


    Aisku malonu prigaut blefa, arba isgauti visa value is savo hando, kai visiskai readini opp ir pirmesnis zinai ka jis darys nei jis pats suzino :D :D

  3. bandysiu dar pakovot :D


    arghh.. :]]


    PokerStars Game #21708596968: Tournament #116148221, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (200/400) - 2008/11/02 17:46:53 ET

    Table '116148221 580' 9-max Seat #5 is the button

    Seat 1: maroni (32900 in chips)

    Seat 2: mafpro (16075 in chips)

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 (26710 in chips)

    Seat 4: MrGrazy (7540 in chips)

    Seat 5: Donkario (16650 in chips)

    Seat 6: baddabng (22525 in chips)

    Seat 7: Ramuncik (8350 in chips)

    Seat 8: headnick (6475 in chips)

    Seat 9: tigerwoo784 (11475 in chips)

    baddabng: posts small blind 200

    Ramuncik: posts big blind 400

    *** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Ramuncik [Kh Kd]

    headnick: folds

    tigerwoo784: folds

    maroni: folds

    mafpro: calls 400

    Kennycan32: calls 400

    MrGrazy: folds

    Donkario: folds

    baddabng: calls 200

    Ramuncik: raises 7950 to 8350 and is all-in

    mafpro: folds

    Kennycan32: folds

    baddabng: folds

    Uncalled bet (7950) returned to Ramuncik

    Ramuncik collected 1600 from pot

    Ramuncik: doesn't show hand

    *** SUMMARY ***

    Total pot 1600 | Rake 0

    Seat 1: maroni folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 2: mafpro folded before Flop

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 folded before Flop

    Seat 4: MrGrazy folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 5: Donkario (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 6: baddabng (small blind) folded before Flop

    Seat 7: Ramuncik (big blind) collected (1600)

    Seat 8: headnick folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 9: tigerwoo784 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  4. PokerStars Game #21707507959: Tournament #116148221, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (100/200) - 2008/11/02 17:10:10 ET

    Table '116148221 580' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

    Seat 1: maroni (16900 in chips)

    Seat 2: mafpro (15750 in chips)

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 (14450 in chips)

    Seat 4: MrGrazy (15825 in chips)

    Seat 5: Donkario (9835 in chips)

    Seat 6: empl (2640 in chips) is sitting out

    Seat 7: Ramuncik (13550 in chips)

    Seat 8: karasoulis (17325 in chips)

    Seat 9: chaplining (6475 in chips)

    maroni: posts small blind 100

    mafpro: posts big blind 200

    *** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Ramuncik [Kh Kd]

    Kennycan32: raises 600 to 800

    MrGrazy: folds

    Donkario: folds

    empl: folds

    Ramuncik: calls 800

    empl has returned

    karasoulis: folds

    chaplining: folds

    maroni: folds

    mafpro: folds

    *** FLOP *** [9s Th Jc]

    Kennycan32: bets 1000

    Ramuncik: calls 1000

    *** TURN *** [9s Th Jc] [2c]

    Kennycan32: bets 1200

    Ramuncik: raises 1800 to 3000

    Kennycan32: calls 1800

    *** RIVER *** [9s Th Jc 2c] [7d]

    Kennycan32: bets 5400

    Ramuncik: calls 5400

    *** SHOW DOWN ***

    Kennycan32: shows [8h 8d] (a straight, Seven to Jack)

    Ramuncik: mucks hand

    Kennycan32 collected 20700 from pot

    *** SUMMARY ***

    Total pot 20700 | Rake 0

    Board [9s Th Jc 2c 7d]

    Seat 1: maroni (small blind) folded before Flop

    Seat 2: mafpro (big blind) folded before Flop

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 showed [8h 8d] and won (20700) with a straight, Seven to Jack

    Seat 4: MrGrazy folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 5: Donkario folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 6: empl folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 7: Ramuncik mucked [Kh Kd]

    Seat 8: karasoulis folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 9: chaplining (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)


    ech.. reikejo reraisint flopa, o ant turn reraise all in, bet lengva sakyt kai zinai ka turejo :D


    doublinausi pries ta pati..


    PokerStars Game #21707955054: Tournament #116148221, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (150/300) - 2008/11/02 17:25:01 ET

    Table '116148221 580' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

    Seat 1: maroni (35850 in chips)

    Seat 2: mafpro (15100 in chips)

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 (21800 in chips)

    Seat 4: MrGrazy (15950 in chips)

    Seat 5: Donkario (17180 in chips)

    Seat 6: empl (2240 in chips)

    Seat 7: Ramuncik (4200 in chips)

    Seat 8: recercl (4525 in chips)

    Seat 9: chaplining (880 in chips)

    maroni: posts small blind 150

    mafpro: posts big blind 300

    *** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Ramuncik [Tc Th]

    Kennycan32: raises 600 to 900

    MrGrazy: folds

    Donkario: folds

    empl: folds

    Ramuncik: raises 3300 to 4200 and is all-in

    recercl: folds

    chaplining: folds

    maroni: folds

    mafpro: folds

    Kennycan32: calls 3300

    *** FLOP *** [Ad 2s Kh]

    *** TURN *** [Ad 2s Kh] [Jc]

    *** RIVER *** [Ad 2s Kh Jc] [Qs]

    *** SHOW DOWN ***

    Kennycan32: shows [Jd Jh] (three of a kind, Jacks)

    Ramuncik: shows [Tc Th] (a straight, Ten to Ace)

    Ramuncik collected 8850 from pot

    *** SUMMARY ***

    Total pot 8850 | Rake 0

    Board [Ad 2s Kh Jc Qs]

    Seat 1: maroni (small blind) folded before Flop

    Seat 2: mafpro (big blind) folded before Flop

    Seat 3: Kennycan32 showed [Jd Jh] and lost with three of a kind, Jacks

    Seat 4: MrGrazy folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 5: Donkario folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 6: empl folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 7: Ramuncik showed [Tc Th] and won (8850) with a straight, Ten to Ace

    Seat 8: recercl folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    Seat 9: chaplining (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  5. kodel siu atveju ne? :)


    igrok2007 folds

    sek34 folds

    grebo17 folds

    YOINKOVICH folds

    oldladie folds

    osinercan folds

    morrowindl folds

    luxusas raises 2000

    pkrpeluri calls 1000


    woops :) neisiziurejau gerai i hand :[ bet vistiek as cia nedaryciau mini raise :) jau geriau eini all in su up to ~12-13BB ir imituoji steala

  6. Kaip manot ar pasaulinė finansų krizė paveiks pokerio žaidėjų bendruomenę ? Gal sumažės fishų ? Pasidalinkite mintimis. Man asmeniškai atrodo, kad amerikiečiai netaškys labai lengvai sunkiai uždirbamų pinigų, nors iš kitos pusės pažiūrėjus- labai skurdžiai gyvenantys online pokerio nežaidžia.


    Hmm.. manau, kad cia sunku mum spresti. gal kaip tik atsiras daugiau fishu amerikansku, kurie galvos, kad pokeris = yzi $ to da pockets :]

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