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Ramuncik Pranešimai

  1. Kaip suprast Rebuy ir Add-on turnyruose? Ir kas ten per freezout buna?


    Rebuy ir Add-on turnyrai yra kai pralosi savo stack, gali uz startini mokesti nusipirkt vel chipsu ir zaist toliau, o per pirma pertrauka yra add-on laikotarpis per kuri gali viena karta nusipirkt chipsu, nesvarbu koks tavo stack.


    Freezout yra paprasti turnyrai. Jei pralosi chipsus- iskrenti.

  2. 3/6 NL HU. $1,200 stacks. You decided to make a standard raise to $18 and the BB re raises to $54. You both are consistently making continuation bets after raising/re-raising. You call with:



    BB makes a continuation bet of $75 on a flop of:



    You raise to $200 and he flat calls. The bb checks a turn of:



    You bet $200 on the turn and he flat calls. The river is:



    He checks the river and you bet $300 and he ends up instantly pushing over the top of your bet. What is he most likely holding?











    O ka daryt su tuo kur Phil Ivey zaidzia? All-in, kadangi stalas loose-aggresive?





    You're short-stacked in an MTT and have pocket 7h7d. You have been re-raised by an opponent to kill the action and your positive he has a big pair. Which hand would you prefer to be up against if you were to call?




    same odds for both



    Cia vienodi oddsai ar ne? :)





    Pfff. Surinkau tik 40%. Is pirmo karto 60% surinkau :) Na jei kas zinot atsakymus i situos klausimus, parasykit, nes beveik vienodi buvo.

  3. Nu as dabar laikysiu, prasau padet kurie tiksliai zino atsakyma :)


    our deep in a tournament with the blinds 500/1k. It's folded around to the Cut-off who raises to 3k. (Starting Stack 20k). Fortunately you have a few key pieces of information about your opponent in the cut-off. He has an aggressive-passive style and just recently took a few bad beats and often does not like playing against opponents who come over the top. You're dealt Jh9h on the button (Starting Stack 50k) and re-raise to 8k. It folds around to your opponent who moves all-in! What odds do you face on the worst possible scenario?

    You're a 1.91 to 1 underdog

    You're a 4.03 to 1 underdog

    You're a 4.76 to 1 underdog

    You're a 5.53 to 1 underdog

    You're a 6.21 to 1 underdog



    you're in a 10 man sit-n-go with 7 players left and the blinds are 200-400. You have 1600 chips. Everyone at the table has about 3500 chips. You're in middle position and it is folded to you.

    You hold:


    What should you do?






  4. Pvz: tu turi 9s 2s

    flop: 7s As Qh (flush draw)

    tu turi 8 outs, po flopo norint suskaiciuoti tau reikiamus %(procentus) reikia tavo 8 outs dauginti is 4 (8x4=32) reiskia tu turi 32%/100% kitaip sakant 3.2:1


    PS. jei procentus skaiciuoji po turno reikia dauginti is 2.


    O jei skaiciuoju ant flopo. man reik suskaiciuot kiek sansu, kad gausiu seta kai turiu pp. tai 2 outs x 4 = 8. 8%/100%?

    Speju is kito skaiciaus daugint reik?


    Slash: Gal noresi padet ivygdyti? ;)

  5. O jei islaikai 70-90% kazin galima cancelint ta ir dar karta laikyt, bandyt gaut 50$?


    World Series of Poker, Main Event. They're 750 players left and you have 75k in chips (700 Payout). The table has been Loose-Aggressive.The blinds are 2k/4k with a 200 ante. UTG (60k stack) raise to 12k, the player next to him moves in for 100k. Another players in middle position moves all-in for 80k. The player on the button is Phil Ivey sitting with 1 million in chips and says 'Lets Gamble, All-in.'


    Its folded around to the big blind where you hold:


    KC KH


    What should you do?


    All in.




    Sitas geras ;)

  6. Dealt to Ramuncik [8c 8s]

    Ramuncik: raises 40 to 60

    Cucaro: folds

    ppka: raises 100 to 160

    JapanCroatia: raises 1110 to 1270 and is all-in

    33bangbang: folds

    acebuster54: folds

    Admi.: folds

    xxIlonaxx: folds

    TommyRich67: folds

    Ramuncik: raises 600 to 1870 and is all-in

    ppka: calls 1330 and is all-in

    *** FLOP *** [9h Qh 8d]

    Ramuncik said, "lol"

    *** TURN *** [9h Qh 8d] [Js]

    *** RIVER *** [9h Qh 8d Js] [Tc]

    Ramuncik said, "aww"

    *** SHOW DOWN ***

    Ramuncik: shows [8c 8s] (a straight, Eight to Queen)

    ppka: shows [Jh Jd] (a straight, Eight to Queen)

    Ramuncik collected 220 from side pot

    ppka collected 220 from side pot

    JapanCroatia: shows [As Ad] (a straight, Eight to Queen)

    Ramuncik collected 1280 from main pot

    ppka collected 1280 from main pot

    JapanCroatia collected 1280 from main pot



    Panasus handas i tavo :) Tika patyriau ;)

  7. 180 zmniu SnG, buvo like apie 50.. as turejau siek tiek virs average.


    PokerStars Game #16039705034: Tournament #81205283, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/03/17 - 05:27:25 (ET)

    Table '81205283 2' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

    Seat 1: MeanGreens83 (8254 in chips)

    Seat 2: minico2908 (8665 in chips)

    Seat 4: Mindmapping (4639 in chips)

    Seat 5: Redr0m (6400 in chips)

    Seat 6: BABA72 (4665 in chips)

    Seat 7: Ramuncik (5560 in chips)

    Seat 8: Tami Klein (1620 in chips)

    Seat 9: UHU888 (2332 in chips)

    MeanGreens83: posts small blind 75

    minico2908: posts big blind 150

    *** HOLE CARDS ***

    Dealt to Ramuncik [Ac Qh]

    Mindmapping: folds

    Redr0m: folds

    BABA72: folds

    Ramuncik: raises 300 to 450

    Tami Klein: folds

    UHU888: folds

    MeanGreens83: folds

    minico2908: calls 300

    *** FLOP *** [Qs 4h Qc]

    minico2908: checks

    Ramuncik: checks

    *** TURN *** [Qs 4h Qc] [3d]

    minico2908: checks

    Ramuncik: bets 300

    minico2908: calls 300

    *** RIVER *** [Qs 4h Qc 3d] [5c]

    minico2908: checks

    Ramuncik: bets 600

    minico2908: raises 600 to 1200

    Ramuncik: raises 3610 to 4810 and is all-in

    minico2908: calls 3610

    *** SHOW DOWN ***

    Ramuncik: shows [Ac Qh] (three of a kind, Queens)

    minico2908: shows [As 2h] (a straight, Ace to Five)

    minico2908 collected 11195 from pot


    :) :) :)

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