Pereiti prie turinio


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Visas vaipi turinys

  1. EN suprantu, padariau copy & paste, kad nereiktu barskinti klaviatura, ir tik norejau patikslinti. Taip iseina, kad pirmiausia reikia pirkti, uzdirbti feedback, o paskui pardavinet. Aciu uz vertima. :)
  2. Sveiki, noriu daryti listinga, bet ismeta tokia info. Attention Seller Thank you for choosing to sell on eBay. To help protect both buyers and sellers, we may place limits on the sale of certain items. 1. You can only list this item if you meet these requirements: 2. You must be registered on eBay for longer than 30 days and have at a Feedback score of at least 10. 3. The listing must run for longer than 5 days. 4. You must verify your identity through PayPal and link your PayPal account to your eBay account. Esu naujas pardavejas ir tai butu pirma preke, kuria pardavinesiu, todel netur
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...