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    Hello again,


    We are pleased to announce that the situation continues to improve. The sign-on problems have been resolved. Skype presence and chat may still take a few more hours to be fully operational. We know what our faithful users have been going through and we thank you for your patience and kind support.


    If you are one of the minority who may still be experiencing problems, please be patient. You do not need to adjust or restart your computer. Skype will start working for you very soon.


    We will issue a further update when we know that Skype is functioning normally, or if there is further material news.


    We’ve commandeered extra supplies of pizza and coffee, and we can promise that the Skype people aren’t going anywhere until they’re happy that everything is back to normal.


    Please see our Heartbeat blog for any further updates.


    UPDATED 18 August, 2007 00:30 GMT

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