Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

  • Užsiregistravo

  • Lankėsi

  • Laimėta dienų

  • Atsiliepimai


XaMeleONz Pranešimai

  1. Sakykim yra du ar keli <input type="radio"> ir virs ju paveiksliukas. As noriu kad paspaudus ant pirmo inputo pasikeistu nuotrauku, paspaudus ant kito inputo vel kitokia nuotrauka atsirastu... Arba jei su inputu neiseina padaryt kad jis butu aktyvus tai bent jau su hyperlinku (paprasta nuoroda). Manau cia javaskriptas. Jei kas zino padekit. thanks in advance :)

  2. Your Life Path Number is 8



    Your purpose in life is to help others succeed


    You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.

    You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.

    A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.


    In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.


    You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.

    Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.

    You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance.


    What Is Your Life Path Number?


  3. Dawai nepradedam cube cart pardavinėt jei ką, jis nemokamas šiaip.


    Siaip pilna versija mokama


    o siaip normaliai valdymas ten jo?nera sudetinga ir prikimsta visko ten nereikalingo?


    Viskas proto ribose, reikia iprast, kaip ir prie visko.. Galiu atsiust pilna versija, bet turbut ne naujausia

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...