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Paskutiniai lankytojai

Paskutinių lankytojų blokas yra išjungtas ir nėra rodomas kitiems nariams.

  1. Laba diena. Gal galetumete patikrinti sio pasakojimo klaidas. Labai padetumet. aciu. Environmental problems can be found in all areas of the world. The problems I most care about is air pollution, deforestation, global warming, because I think it is one of biggest ecological problems world is facing today. Firstly one of the biggest problem is air pollution. The main sources of air pollution are the industries and traffic. During combustion processes and other production processes air pollutants are emitted. We can use public transport, walk or use the bike – this help reduce air pollution
  2. Laba diena, gal galetumete patikrinti sio pasakojimo klaidas. Labai buciau dekinga, nes manau cia yra klaidu. Aciu Sport is good for you physically and mentally. It makes the little heart muscle big and strong. It makes you feel relaxed and is good for anxiety. Firtly, my favourite sport is tennis.I like it because it is a very interesting sport. This is because playing tennis is really cool, and it needs many high-toned skills. Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). I dont like football because this game is boring and n
  3. Education is compulsory in our country. Education in Lithuania is compulsory between the age of 7 and 16 for Lithuanian citizens and for children with permanent or temporary residence permits. Therefore, a child has to start attending Primary School the year when turning 7 years old during the same calendar year. The marking system in Lithuania starts with smiley faces, suns and stars up to grade 4. From grade 5, marking in form of numbers starts to take place. The marks range from 1 to 10 where 10 is the best mark. Lithuanian educational structure consists of: Primary School( from first
  4. sveiki. Gal galėtumėte parašyti kokios vertybės buvo Antanos škėmos ,,Balta Drobulė''. Ir būtų gerai jei įvardintą vertybę apibūdintumėte plačiau, pakomentuotumėte ją plačiau. Nors kelias jei galit. Ačiū.
  5. POETAI ROMANTIKAI Autorius: Henrikas Radauskas Melsvą rožių bukietą ant stalo Vakaras pastatė ir pripylė Rausvo vyno klevui į bokalą Ir rasom aptaškė žolę tylią. Ir ištirpo sodai tartum sniegas, Ir poetai soduose ištirpo. Jiems užliejo širdį šiltas miegas, Kur eilėraščiai kaip vaisiai sirpo. Noko kriaušės, obuoliai ir vyšnios, Rožių kvapas ant šakelių supos, Svaigo spalvos vakaro neryškios, Migo vyno paragavę lūpos. O poetai plunksnas pasidažė Į upelį, kurs per dangų bėgo, Ir sidabro rašalu parašė Šnerančią poemą apie miegą. [Žiemos daina, 1955] Sveiki!Man reikėtų jūsų pagalbos.G
  6. sveiki! Norejau paklausti ar tai yra salygos sakiniai, jei taip tai gal galit pasakyt koks tipas ir isverst i lietuviu kalba. Man tai atrodo kad pirmas sakinys yra 0 tipas,o antras tai net nezinau 1.If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear to you that we can make this last 2.If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
  7. Sveiki! gal galetu kas nors pagelbeti ir istaisyti sio pasakojimo klaidas. Aciu. These two things may be a great pleasure. Of course, we have to eat neither too much nor too little. Although geographic location and family traditions play major part in forming dietary habits, food choices vary from person to person. I don’t pay more attention to what eat, but I eat chips rarely, because it is not healthy. Energy and aerated drinks don’t drink from all over, because I don’t like it, instead, I prefer juice. I usually eat 3 meals a day .Breakfast I eat sandwich with tea. Lunch I often
  8. aciu. O gal dar su kraujo grupem galite padeti? Vienos seimos tevo kraujo grupe yra AB, o motinos- 0. Seimoje auga 4 vaikai, kuriu kraujo grupes yra AB,0,A ir B. Du vaikai gime sioje santuokoje, vienas- ivaikintas ir vienas yra is motinos ankstesnes santuokos. 1. Kurie seimos nariai yra heterozigotos pagal kraujo grupe? a)Tevas(AB) b)Motina(0) C)Vaikas(AB) d)Vaikas(0) e)Vaikas(A) f)Vaikas(B) 2.1. Koks ivaikinto vaiko fenotipas ir genotipas pagal kraujo grupe? Fenotipas......... Genotipas......... 2.2. Koks vaiko is ankstesnes motinos santuokos fenotipas ir genotipas paga
  9. gal galetumete padeti isspresti si genetikos uzdavini Dobilu lapai paprastai sudaryti is triju lapeliu. Taciau kartais pasitaiko dobilu lapu, turinciu keturis lapus. 1.Sukryzminus trilapi dobila su keturlapiu, visi pirmos kartos (F1) hibridai buvo keturlapiai. Kuris pozymis yra dominuojantis? 2.Sukryzminus tarpusavyje F1 kartos hibridus, tarp F2 kartos palikuoniu buvo trilapiu ir keturlapiu augalu.Nurodykite F1 kartos dobilu genotipa(alelius zymekite raidemis A ir a) 3. Nurodykite F2 kartos dobilu genotipus(3 reikia) ir ju susidarymo tikimybę(procentais) 4.Kokių dobilu (trilapių ar keturlapi
  10. The weather is an important part of every human’s life. Millions of people watch the weather forecast each day. Most of them are eager to know the up to the minute information about weather conditions. The weather in Lithuania changes a lot. Winters are often cold and usually there is a lot of snow. Springs are sunny and its rarely raining. Summers are usually warm, full of sunshine and breeze. In autumn it's usually rainy with some cold winds blowing. The weather in Lithuania is suitable for tourism, but not always. Most favorable travel seasons are Summer and Spring, because its warm and s
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