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Aur3 Pranešimai

  1. to Cru3LL: o sitos knygos kur davei tikrai naudingos? Viskas paaiskinta suprantamai? Anglu kalba lyg normaliai moku, bet visgi tai ne lietuviu :huh:

    Perskaiscius sitas knygas visai kita mastysena apie zaidima paliko :) Tikrai viskas suprantama, priedo yra daug pavyzdziu kaip daryti tam tikroje situacijoje.

  2. Nuo vakar niekada nebezaisiu World3dPoker :huh: Nes ten zaidejai tai isvis asilai atrodo pirma karta gyvenime zaidzia pokeri, bet turi UNREAL lucky.TAi va vakar buvo tokia situacija: gaunu AA ir dedu raise 4BB , visi fold tik vienas call su Q4 :) .Flopas ateina 4TA (os) as bet pot size, o jis all-in.Na tokioje situacijoje apie foldinima nera net kalbu, todel call'inu.Turn ir riveris atnesa dar du 4.Ir as pralosiu su Full house pries 4 of a kind.

  3. reikejo GBP valiuta pasirinkt. as tai eurus pasirinkau, gavau 10euru

    Bl nereikejo jusu klausyt :lol: Dabar kai surinkes turiu 50$ nera kaip isimt juos ;)


    Hello Aurimas,


    Below is the complete transcript of your chat session:


    Company: Player Support

    Department: Player-Support

    Operator: Roger <[email protected]>

    Visitor: Aurimas <[email protected]>

    Chat Info: Wed 08/01/07 06:45 pm




    Aurimas: hi!Can you change my currency from GBP to USD?

    You are now speaking with Roger of Player-Support.

    Roger: Hello Aurimas. You have reached Player Support. How may I assist you?

    Roger: May I have your username please?

    Aurimas: Cru3LT

    Roger: One moment please...

    Roger: Thank you for waiting.

    Roger: I am afraid that is not possible.

    Roger: But you have the USD and GBP account in your file anyway

    Roger: So you can use both

    Aurimas: A problem is that now I can deposit minimum 25GBP but I have only 26$

    Aurimas: in my moneybookers

    Roger: It cannot be changed once it has been selected when you create the account I am afraid.

    Aurimas: Ok, thanks for information.Bye.

    Roger: Thank you for chatting. Please contact us at any time.

    - Your party has left this session. -



    Thank you

  4. As ir gavau toki laiska, pries tai pamates kad suspendino rasyma, rasiau supportui, uz ka mane suspendino :D

    Sake issiaiskins 24h begyje ;), bet speju paliks 1men bana chatui. Bet idomiai, nedaug as ten chatinau, anam stale isvis lietuviu nebuvo tai nekalbejua beveik :lol:

    Bet vistiek man pasiseke :D tikriausiai pamirso man deti chat ban, nes galiu rasyti vistiek B)

  5. Labai jau durnai kortos krenta :mellow: zaisdamas turiu visalaika blefuoti[ :)

    O bl geras :D neseniai gavau is ju laiska

    ==== Enter your reply ABOVE this line ====

    Dear [email protected],


    The following ticket has been created by a member of our staff for you


    Your question's details:


    ============== Title: ==============

    Foreign Language in Chat



    ============== Message: ==============



    We have received complainst that you and two others were chatting in foreign

    language in the chat and this is not permitted. If you were to continue doing

    so then your chat priviledge will be removed for a month. Only English is



    Thank you.





    Player Support

    [email protected]

    fax: 1-416-352-0191




    You can view your question's progress online at:




    You can also reply to this email to add to your question.


    Cia tipo, kad kalbejau lietuviskai su Flipis ir anon :angry:

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