Pereiti prie turinio


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robertas123 Pranešimai

  1. Isparduodamos vyriskos kojines

    Sudetis: 95% medvilne, 5% polisteris

    Dydziai: 39-42, 43-46.

    Poros kaina 2 litai (perkant daugiau imanoma paderinti kaina truputi), siuntimas 5 litai.


    Taip pat galiu pigiai gauti apatinio trikotazo ir kojiniu ivairiu.



  2. va ka man parase :D


    What do you think about 10,000 USD for your domain name?


    Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.


    To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:


    Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?


    Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

    If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.


    After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.


    What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?


    Hope we can come to an agreement fast.


    Looking forward to your reply.

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