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no`one Pranešimai



    Live Support Chat script'a. Gal kas gali patart koki nemokamu kokiu?


    kaip lotosus . com ant header tik chatas :)


    Kad butu paprasta forma (kuria galima paredaguot).

    Ir kad atsirastu paprastas chatas... be jokiu tiketu ir kitu nesamoniu...

    Ir ar galima ji instalint ant paprasto hompo? Reik dar kazkokia programa instalint i kompa kad per ja chatint taip?

    Gal kas koki naudoja ir gali pasidalint patirtim ... reik tokio dalyko...

  2. Reikalingas programeris patobulint skripta



    Dear Tom.


    I need to explain my project exactly.




    delete sections on the top of ticket


    So , as you see I deleted some section because I don't need that one .


    You Formulation is : Total odds X Your bet = possible winning (Client Win)


    But My project is different , For example We have Game as Below :


    Then User for example choose 1 and click on that , when in Ticket section user click on submit your bet button then the system must be mines 3$ from his balance. For example 500 peoples betting on this match then the budget for this match is : 1500$ from this budget 20% (I need one place in admin panel for inputting this percent manually not for one match for all matches ) for my company and 80% for winning . then when I add result , system must be automatically dive this 80% to winning client account. and also user same as now see in account history as well. This Rule must be use in all matches and league then you can deleted all your betting roll.


    Then in my project we don't need something (I was deleted) in Ticket section.


    About user control section in admin panel , So of client charge his account from bank section , Then I need one place to add money to their account manually , because I can not find in your script.


    I need to database and website accept Persian and Arabic language. because now in your website when I add some Arabic language I see this "??????".


    And If it is possible I need some place to add website news . because all website has some place for showing daily news but I can not see in your website.








    manau cia dienos darbas...


    skype: noone2oo6

  3. paeditinau paveikliuka idedu i hosta o man rodo sena... spaudziu control + f5 tas pats. darau view image rodo aju kaip atnaujinta bet paciam puslapyje toks pats stovi.. laukiu galvoju cia gal koks "servas" persikraus ir nieko... kame cia gali buti problema...?

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